Exotic Caulerpa Science
Dan Moskovitz made this Official Information request to Northland Regional Council
Currently waiting for a response from Northland Regional Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).
From: Dan Moskovitz
Dear Northland Regional Council,
In an OIA last year to Shane Jones, I received the report NRC wrote titled "Caulerpa i Pewhairangi | Caulerpa in the Bay of Islands The cost of inaction."
I was curious if NRC had done any other Eoxtic Caulerpa based science. If so, may I kindly request them under the LGOIMA.
Yours faithfully,
Dan Moskovitz
From: mailroom
Northland Regional Council
Kia ora Dan
Official information request for Exotic Caulerpa Science Research or
Report Request
This is to advise that your Official Information Act request dated
20250307 has been received by the Northland Regional Council.
Your request is being processed by the marine biodiversity department.
They will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 20 working days after your request was received.
The reference number for this Official Information Request is REQ.624735,
please quote this reference if you wish to withdraw your request or have
further queries.
Ngā mihi
Stephanie Calder
Customer Services/Mailroom Officer
Northland Regional Council » Te Kaunihera ā rohe o Te Taitokerau
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From: Dan Moskovitz <[FOI #30325 email]>
Sent: Friday, 7 March 2025 8:02 am
To: mailroom <[email address]>
Subject: LGOIMA REQ Moskovitz D Exotic Caulerpa Science Research or Report
Request 20250307
Dear Northland Regional Council,
In an OIA last year to Shane Jones, I received the report NRC wrote titled
"Caulerpa i Pewhairangi | Caulerpa in the Bay of Islands The cost of
I was curious if NRC had done any other Eoxtic Caulerpa based science. If
so, may I kindly request them under the LGOIMA.
Yours faithfully,
Dan Moskovitz
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