(page 6)
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Development , Introduction and planned implementation of the definition and standard for Manuka honey as announced by the Minister of MPI on Tuesday 12 December -Information required
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to John Hill on .
Partially successful.
Dear John Hill
Please find attached response to your requests for information under the
Official Information Act 1982.
Andrew Barrowclough...
Number of calls received through 0800 4 POACHER and MPI response
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Loren on .
Partially successful.
Dear Loren Theobald
On behalf of Samuel Leske Director Intelligence, Planning & Coordination
Services please find a response to your official in...
Total expenditure on Overseer.
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Rachel Coburn on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Rachel,
On behalf of David Wansbrough, Director Resource Policy, please find a
response to your recent OIA request(attached).
Dear Tara,
On behalf of Stephanie Rowe, Director, Compliance Services of the Ministry
for Primary Industries (MPI), please find attached MPI’s r...
Copies of Animal Health Certificate and evidence to support completion of cartificate
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Dave Hewitt on .
Please find attached response and corresponding documents to your official
information request.
Niki Wright | Senio...
What Legal opinion has MPI had relating to the animal cruelty aspect of 1080 poison
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to T. Benseman on .
Partially successful.
Dear T Benseman,
Please find attached response to your two Official Information Act
requests relating to 1080.
Niki Wrigh...
MPI's recruitment process- Not fit for purpose
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to D Dahya on .
Partially successful.
Dear David,
On behalf of Erina Clayton, Director Human Resources of the Ministry for
Primary Industries (MPI), please find attached MPI’s respon...
Food Act Implementation - verification and enforcement online system
Follow up sent to Ministry for Primary Industries by Herve Thevenon on .
To my knowledge the response provided is inaccurate for point 4.
However evidence is difficult to establish because no response has been provided...
OIA response time statistics
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Mark Hanna on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora Mark,
On behalf of Andrew MacGregor, Manager Ministerials and Business Support, please find attached a response to your OIA.
If there is an...
Testing protocols for RHDV deaths
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Gary Stephenson on .
Dear Gary
Please find attached a response to your request under the LGOIMA (1987).
Kind regards
Anna Paris
Executive Officer Oper...
Cost of CE and senior managers at MPI
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Cindy Black on .
Dear Cindy Black,
On behalf of Erina Clayton, Director, Human Resources, I enclose our
response to your Official Information Act request.
Total number of prosecutions that have resulted from observers on inshore fishing boats in the last five years
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to JG Hatherly on .
Partially successful.
Dear J G Hatherly
On behalf of Steve Halley, Acting Director - Fisheries Management, Marine
Branch, Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) please...
Information request for 1080 poison tests undertaken on animals
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Clyde Graf on .
Partially successful.
Dear Clyde Graf,
On behalf of Paul Dansted, Director, Animal and Animal Products, I enclose
our response to your Official Information Act reques...
Immigration / Transit passenger counts
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Cody C on .
Dear Cody C,
The attached letter provides the Ministry’s response to your request under
the Official Information Act 1982 (the OIA) as per your...
Good afternoon Graham
Please find attached the Ministry for Primary Industries’ (MPI) response
to your Official Information Act (OIA) request da...
Decisions on excluding chemcal markers from MPI Manuka Science Program
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to John Hill on .
Dear John Hill
Please see attached response to your Official Information Act request from 30 May 2017.
Brodifacoum Pestoff Rodent bait 20R cautionary advisory label and Code of Practice - clarification.
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Helen Black on .
Partially successful.
Dear Helen Black,
On behalf of Allan Kinsella, Director, Systems Audit, Assurance and
Monitoring, I enclose our response to your Official Inform...
Fisheries offences prosecuted by MPI
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Graham
On behalf of Peter McCarthy, Chief Legal Adviser, please find attached a
response to your OIA request.
Kind regards...
Tax intake from different primary industry sectors.
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Adam Ujdur on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Mr Ujdur,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Leisa Coley
Manager, Gove...
Cylap Vaccine adverse Effects
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Gary Stephenson on .
Dear Gary Stephenson,
On behalf of Allan Kinsella Director Systems Audit, Assurance &
Monitoring, please find a response to your official inform...
Fines, penalties and levies written off
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Lisa Marriott on .
Dear Lisa Marriott - Care of FYI website
On behalf of Tina Cornelius, Chief Financial Officer, Ministry for Primary
Industries (MPI), please fin...
request for memorandum of understanding between MPI and RNZSPCA
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Anusha Wijewickrama on .
Myrtle species imprtation and myrtle rust connection
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to John Hill on .
Dear John Hill,
On behalf of Peter Thomson Director Plants, Food, and Environment please
find a response to your official information request at...
Dear Ryan S
On behalf of Stephanie Rowe Director Compliance Services please find a
response to your official information request attached.
MPI report into Salmon deaths
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Graham Carter on .
Dear Graham
The Ministry for Primary Industries has responded to this request on 7
July 2017.
Andrew Barrowclough | Adviser, Official Informat...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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