Ministry for Primary Industries

A ministry, also called MPI

359 requests

(page 9)

Dear Dr Wiles,   On behalf of Matthew Stone, Director Animal and Animal Products, pleased find attached response and corresponding documents to yo...
Security clearances
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Catherine Batt on .
Hi Catherine,   Please find attached our response to your request under the Official Information Act.   Kind regards   Wendy Long | Adviso...
Good afternoon Charlotte,   On behalf of Aoife Martin, Director Spatial, Forestry & Land Management, please see attached for the response to your...
Dear The Magic Roast   Please find attached a response to your Official Information request of 19 September 2014.   Kind regards   Samanth...
Cost of invesitigation
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Peter Arthur on .
Partially successful.
Dear Peter Arthur,   On behalf of Dean Baigent, Director for Compliance, please find attached response to your Official Information Act request of...
Dear Ms Raue   Please find attached a letter explaining the prosecution action regarding Ewen Macdonald for the bludgeoning of 19 calves on 9 Augu...
Live cattle export voyage report
Request to Ministry for Primary Industries by John Hart. Annotated by Jill Latham on .
Partially successful.
I would also like the information requested by John Hart re the fate of the cattle.
Approved organisations
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Grace Haden on .
Dear Grace Haden Please see attached response. Ministerials
Dear Jonathan Brewer On behalf of David Hayes, Director Preparedness and Partnerships, please see that attached response. Kind regards Ministerial...
Animal Welfare Amendment Bill
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Grace Haden on .
Dear Animal Owners Support Trust   Please find attached the response to your OIA request of 18 September 2013.   Kind regards   Anne Wieth...
    Katrina Stewart | Ministerial Co-Ordinator | Ministerials and Business Support Office of the Director General Ministry for Primary Industrie...
Dear Joanne Please find attached a response to your request. Regards, Ministerials Group Ministry for Primary Industries...
[ Email has no body, please see attachments ]
Crown owned Forests
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Brendon Mills on .
Brendon, Regarding your Official Information Act request of 20 January 2013, please find attached a response from the the Ministry for Primary Indu...
Submission to OIA review
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex Harris Please refer to the attached pdf file for the second part of our response to your request under the Official Information Act. Min...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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