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Good afternoon John
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Liam McCabe – Senior...
Trusted Regulator approach - Consultation August 2019
Response by Ministry for the Environment to J Bruning on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora J. Bruning,
The team advise me they are still on schedule to have the submissions
published by the end of the month.
Please conta...
Employment equity for Maori women in public sector
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Tania Te Whenua on .
Hi Tania
Please find attached the response to your request of 22 April 2020 under the Official Information Act 1982.
Kind regards
Kim Rupp-Greg...
Climate Change Policy
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Tania Te Whenua on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koe Tania,
Please find attached a follow up letter, sent on behalf of Hon. James
Shaw, in relation to your below OIA request.
Since w...
Dear Tim
Our email below was unable to be delivered to you last week due to one of the attached documents being 'undeliverable'. It has now been amende...
Streamlined Planning Process - Proposed District Plan Change - Plimmerton Farm, Porirua
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Brian Warburton on .
Kia ora Brian,
Please find attached a response to your 21 February 2020 request for
official information. We apologise for the delay.
Streamlined Planning Process - Proposed District Plan Change - Plimmerton Farm, Porirua
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Brian Warburton on .
Partially successful.
Dear Brian Warburton
Please find attached our response to your request below.
Mary Carrington, Senior Advisor
Any records mentioning scientists Ned Nikolov and/or Kari Zeller
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Chris Johnston on .
Kia ora Chris,
Thank you for your email.
Your feedback has been passed on to the team.
Ngā mihi,
From: Chris Johnston <[FOI #11318 email]>
A specific set of criteria for distinguishing "junk science" as quoted by Minister Smith
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Phil Wheeler on .
Dear Phil
Please find attached our response to your request below.
Executive Relations Team
Ministry for the Environment...
Records mentioning scientists Dr Ronan Connolly and/or Michael Connolly and/or Christopher Monckton
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Chris Johnston on .
Kia ora Chris,
Thanks for your email. We have passed this onto the Climate team for future consideration.
Kind regards,
Charlotte Hoffman – Minister...
Records mentioning scientist Patrick Frank
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Chris Johnston on .
Hi Chris,
Thank you for your below email. I have passed your feedback to the team.
Kind regards,
Chemical agents used in Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI)
Response by Ministry for the Environment to B. James on .
Dear B James
Please find attached our letter of response to your request below.
Executive Relations Team
Regulation of peat extraction
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Amelia Geary on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Amelia,
Please find attached a response to your 20 October 2019 request for
official information.
Please note the Ministry for the...
Records mentioning climate activist Greta Thunberg or either of her parents, (Malena Ernman, Svante Thunberg)
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Chris Johnston on .
Kia ora Chris,
Please find attached the signed letter and material in response to your Official information Act requests dated 29 and 30 September 20...
New Zealand's financial commitment to the Paris Agreement
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Virginia Crawford on .
Hi Virginia,
Sorry about the links not working. I have pasted the document schedule for
you below. You should be able to access them now.
Carbon offsets for MFE staff air travel
Follow up sent to Ministry for the Environment by Michael Brown on .
Thanks for this information and I look forward to reading the 2018-19 Enviro-Mark report which you indicate is due soon.
As air travel made up 82%...
Auckland International Airport's classification as a 'designating authority'
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Mr Brailsford on .
Kia ora Mr Brailsford,
Please find attached the Ministry for the Environment’s response to your
Official Information Act request dated 16 June 2...
Clarity required on Zero Carbon Bill
Request to Ministry for the Environment by Steven Cranston. Annotated by Rich Seager (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
Just would add that methane concentrations have increased worldwide from about 750 ppb in the pre-industrial period to roughly about 1865 ppb now. They...
Regulations governing ecotoxic logo
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Wendy Pond on .
Dear Wendy Pond
Please find attached our letter of response to your request below.
Executive Relations Team
Ministry for the Environmen...
All documents mentioning Climate Scientists Nikolov and/or Zeller
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Chris Johnston on .
Dear Chris
Please find attached the response to your request of 18 January 2019.
Ngâ mihi
Executive Relations Team
Ministry for...
Request with regards to recycled waste
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Dylan De Rungs on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Dylan
Attached is the response to your request for information.
Robin O’Connor | Senior Correspondence and Review Advi...
Dear Ross Francis
Please find attached our response to your request below.
Mary Carrington, Senior Advisor
National Policy Statement on greenhouse gas emissions
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Nathan de Lautour on .
Partially successful.
Dear Nathan
Please find attached our letter of response to your request below.
Mary Carrington, Senior Advisor
Executive Relations Team...
Advice/research on public awareness, concerns regarding climate change
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Dr Terrence Loomis on .
Kia ora
Please find attached, our response to your below request.
Ngā mihi nui
Executive Relations team
Ministry for the Environmen...
Kia ora Alanah,
Thank you for request of 26 September 2018 under the Official Information
Act 1982.
As previously noted, your request was...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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