Ministry for the Environment

A ministry, also called MFE

131 requests

(page 5)

Clarity on NZ Warming
Request sent to Ministry for the Environment by Steven Cranston on .
Long overdue.
1. Does MfE have any documents, correspondence, computer models or other information that shows what New Zealand's total Carbon Sequestration from f...
Calculating Methane
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Steven Cranston on .
Partially successful.
Dear Steve Thank you for your request. I wish to confirm that our response to your request below, was included in our email to you on 1 August 2018. Re...
Thompson & Clark
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Alex Harris on .
Kia ora Alex, I refer to your request under the Official Information Act (the Act) dated 13 August for: “all information relating to, or provided by...
Ocean radiation monitoring
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Jason McIntosh on .
Dear Mr McIntosh Please find attached a letter regarding your requests for official information. Kind regards, Maima Koro Ministerial/OIA Adviso...
Environment Canterbury Act 2016
Response by Ministry for the Environment to H Goertzen on .
Dear H Goertzen Please find attached our letter of response to your request below. Regards Mary Mary Carrington, Senior Advisor Executive Relations...
Dear Louis Please find attached our letter of response to your request below. Our apologies for not getting this sent out to you yesterday. Yours sin...
Joint Management Agreements
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Taylor Mitchell on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Taylor, Please find attached, our response, to your below OIA request. Ngā mihi, Erin Erin Cairns – Advisor, Executive Relations Ministry fo...
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Tim on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Tim Official Information request relating to irrigation and water storage in New Zealand I refer to your official information request dated 1...
Reporting to the Rotterdam Convention
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Ursula Edgington on .
Information not held.
Dear Ursula In regards to your request for clarification about "fluoroacetamide not being listed in Annex III" and it being similar to Sodium fluoroac...
Fines and penalties written off
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Lisa Marriott on .
Dear Ms Marriott Please find attached our letter of response to your request below.   Regards   Executive Relations Team Ministry for the Environ...
I have set up a Github repository for the water quality data.
Hello   Please find attached our response to your request of 18 April.   Kind regards   Executive Relations Ministry for the Environment –...
Auckland Grammar Environmental commitee
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Jun on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear Jun Thank you for your email. Can you please contact us at [email address] to clarify your request. Regards Executive Relations Team Ministry for...
Cabinet paper: Paris Climate Change Agreement April 2016
Request to Ministry for the Environment by Simon Johnson. Annotated by Simon Johnson on .
Partially successful.
On 16/01/17, the Office of the Ombudsman notified the complaint to the Minister and asked for a report on her decision.
Dear Sperry Please find attached our response to your request below. Regards   Executive Relations Team Ministry for the Environment – Manatū...
Kia ora Laura Please find attached our response to your request for information. Ngā mihi mahana Claire McClintock Senior Adviser Executive Relati...
Cost of climate change consultation
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Chris Blythe on .
Long overdue.
Dear Chris, Your request remains an Official Information request and the Ministry can use the existing thread when making their response (I included t...
These documents are either Ministry for the Environment briefing papers or Cabinet minutes which show that New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Limited has a...
Dear Nigel. Thanks for your email. As noted in my previous email, there are a number of reasons that you see jet trails in the sky. These are set ou...
Dear Mr Johnson   Please find attached a copy of a spreadsheet that shows working calculations.   Please be aware that:   1)      This ana...
Ministry for the Environment Thank you very much! Yours sincerely, Simon Johnson
Dear Mr Harris,   On behalf of the Hon Dr Nick Smith, please find attached a response to your OIA request of 15 February 2016.   Kind regards,...
Cost of climate change consultation
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Chris Blythe on .
Awaiting classification.
[UNCLASSIFIED]     Dear Mr Blythe   I attach a letter of response from Michael Webster, Clerk of the Executive Council, in response for your...
Sea level rise statistics Information not held.
Anyone can post a response to a request if they know its unique email address (from which the site emailed the authority). When an authority transfers...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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