Inland Revenue Department

A ministry, also called IRD

266 requests

(page 10)

Estimated cannabis tax revenue if legalised.
Request to Inland Revenue Department by David Johnston. Annotated by David Johnston on .
Partially successful.
And here's another one (linked in this OIA)
Good afternoon,   Please find attached a response to your recent Official Information Act request.   Commissioner’s Correspondence   This...
Provide a list of all tax forms
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Andre on .
Good afternoon,   Please find attached a response to your recent Official Information Act request.   Commissioner’s Correspondence This emai...
Student Loan Arrests
Response by Inland Revenue Department to robert mckenzie on .
Good afternoon Mr McKenzie Please find attached Inland Revenue's response to your recent information request. Regards Nancy Nancy Robbie |Senior Mi...
A response to this Official Information request has been sent directly to Mr Andrew Campbell, Satellite Security.   Inland Revenue Commissioner’...
Employment Contracts for IRD Staff
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Julian Little on .
Dear Mr Little   Please find attached our response to your Official Information request of 16 November 2016.   Kind regards Anne Morrow, Com...
Clarification on GST on ride sharing
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Shradha on .
Dear Shrady   Please find attached a response from Tony Donoghue, Manager, Commissioner’s correspondence.   Kind regards   Commissioner’s...
I have made a complaint to the ombudsman on this request.
Student Loan Arrest criteria followup
Request to Inland Revenue Department by Michael Rescue. Annotated by Michael Rescue on .
I have made a complaint to the Ombudsman on this issue.
OIA costs
Response by Inland Revenue Department to K Holdaway on .
Dear K Holdaway,   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request of 1 August 2015.   Thank you. This email and an...
Good morning Mr Rescue, You can either submit your questions by email or by submitting a new request through the FYI website. Your questions will be t...
Dear Mr Little   On behalf of Tony Donoghue, Manager Commissioner’s correspondence, I attach his response to your Official Information Act request...
Dear H Hutchinson,   Thank you for your official information request, which was transferred to us by Land Information New Zealand on 11 July 2016,...
Debt Recovery Processes
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Lisa Marriott on .
Good afternoon Ms Marriott, Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received by Inland Revenue on 15 June 2016....
Good afternoon Mr Crow, Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request which was received on 24 February 2016. Thank y...
Good morning,   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.      Manager Commissioner's Correspondence   Th...
Student loan write off through bankruptcy
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Peter Haven on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Mr Haven, Please find attached, the response to your Official Information Act request, received on 2 February 2016.   Thank you,...
Good afternoon Mr Harris, Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request, received on 5 April 2016. I apologise for the...
Report on collecting GST on services
Response by Inland Revenue Department to M Young on .
Dear M Young, Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 14 May 2015. Thank you for your request. ______________________________________...
Estate administration
Response by Inland Revenue Department to L.K.Barber on .
Waiting clarification.
Dear Ms Barber,   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request of 7 June 2015.   Thank you. This email and any a...
Arrest requests - student loans
Request to Inland Revenue Department by Mr Cannicott. Annotated by Michael Rescue on .
Ridiculous decision as no personal information was requested, please have this reviewed
Wage's Protection Act 1983
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Lance D. Lavery on .
Good afternoon   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request received on 16 November 2015.      Manager Commissio...
Tax Debt Recovery
Request to Inland Revenue Department by Lisa Marriott. Annotated by Lisa Marriott on .
Response was received via telephone message (rather than in writing) due to complexity of issue.
Cost of new computer system
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Andrew Crow on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Crow,   Thank you for your request made under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), received on 1 May 2015.  Please find attached the r...
Good afternoon Mr Jeffries,   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request received on 5 May 2015.   Thank you. Th...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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