Inland Revenue Department

A ministry, also called IRD

266 requests

(page 2)

[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Tçnâ koe Timothy Goddard,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to...
Paying High Tax
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Brendon on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Brendon   Please find attached the response to your request for information.   Ngâ mihi   Bradley Martin| Senior Ministerial Advisor |...
Bickford, I noted that. A cynical person would wonder if this PIA was done after the fact,
Student loans
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Sarah Allison on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora Sarah, Please see attached Inland Revenue’s response to your Official I...
Taxation Principles Reporting Act
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Rohan Lloyd on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Tçnâ koe Rohan Lloyd,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to you...
GST paid as proportion of income
Response by Inland Revenue Department to David Farrar on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Dear David,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to your OIA requ...
KiwiSaver identity theft protections
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Cody C on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora Cody C,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to your Offi...
As usual an excellent response from IRD.
Is it compulsory to have a tax file number
Request to Inland Revenue Department by John Armstrong. Annotated by Deane Landreth on .
Partially successful.
It's interesting the the response does not directly address the request. What is stated is: "For this purpose, a person is required by the Inland Rev...
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora David Please see attached Inland Revenue’s response to your Official In...
Response by Inland Revenue Department to tina marie kahurangi on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Dear Tina Marie Kahurangi   Thank you for your questions, in response to our...
You may find the confusion here arises from the difference between the order in council being secondary legislation and the ITA itself, being primary l...
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Dear TLO Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act reque...
Mentions of “killdozer” in internal correspondence
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Andrew Slater on .
Reported for administrator attention.
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora Andrew Slater, Thank you for your request for information under the Off...
Draft Commissioner
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Greg Presland on .
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Dear Greg Presland   Please see attached Inland Revenue’s response to your OI...
I am writing to ask for any advice provided or sought regarding the annual administration fee for student loan balances. The scope of this reques...
Breakdown of FDR tax paid
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Rick R on .
Awaiting classification.
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora Rick R,   Thank you for your request for information under the Offici...
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora Paul Zhao   Thank you for your request for information under the Offi...
tax paid under the FDR method by KiwiSaver schemes
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Marcus W on .
Awaiting classification.
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora Marcus   Thank you for your request for information under the Officia...
FIF tax reform submissions and letters
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Marcus W on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Marcus   Please find attached a response from the Minister of Revenue, Hon Simon Watts.   Yours sincerely     Office of Hon Simon W...
I am writing to you again after your lack of response to: [email address] On the 26th March 2024 I responded to your reply and requested the fol...
Legally define personal income
Response by Inland Revenue Department to John Armstrong on .
Partially successful.
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Dear John Armstrong Please find attached a response to your first Official Info...
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Tçnâ koe Matthew,   Please find attached Inland Revenue’s response to your 2...
HomeStart Grants
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Tait Dench on .
Dear Tait Dench   Please find attached a response from Alex Travis, Acting Manager, Government Relations, to your email dated 4 December 2019....
Cost of PG
Response by Inland Revenue Department to Jean Roberts on .
Partially successful.
[IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] [IN CONFIDENCE RELEASE EXTERNAL] Kia ora Jean   Please find attached a response to your OIA request received o...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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