Health New Zealand
A public authority
Also known as Te Whatu Ora.
Health New Zealand (Te Whatu Ora) replaced all former District Health Boards (DHBs) from 1 July 2022,. Information previously held by a DHB should be requested here. Requests from before that date are listed under each former District Health Board.
316 requests
(page 9)
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Kia ora Gaye
Thank you for your request for information on 25 January 2024 regarding
the vaccination status of public figures. Please find attached...
My request did not ask whether the Te Whatu Ora had specifically and directly been instructed "to "have their primary name in English, and communica...
Gihwan Song role title
Response by Health New Zealand to Jamie on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Kia ora Phillip
Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
M[1]inistry of Health inf...
Te Whatu Ora Waikato Mental Health and Addictions service Policies/procedures/protocols
Response by Health New Zealand to T Barnett on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora koutou T Barnett,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any quest...
Kia ora Anatoly
Unfortunately one document was missed from the response we sent you on 31
January. Please find it attached now from Waikato distr...
Names and details of health NGOs funded by Te Whatu Ora
Response by Health New Zealand to Shaun on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Shaun
Thank you for your request for information regarding non-governmental
organisations on 28 November 2024. Please find attached our re...
Healthline hold music playlist
Awaiting classification.
Information held by a contractor to an OIA organisation is deemed held by that organisation, if it is in the contractor's capacity as contractor.
Policy on emergency admissions to Te Kuiti hospural
Response by Health New Zealand to Simon O'Neill on .
Kia ora Simon,
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act
If you have any questions, please get in touch at...
Reconciliation of Covid 19 Vaccine Batch Nos
Response by Health New Zealand to Catherine Jamieson on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Catherine,
Thank you for your request for information on 20 October 2023. Please find
attached our response to your request.
If you ha...
RMO Understaffing Data
Response by Health New Zealand to Chrystal Hill on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Chrystal,
Thank you for your request for information regarding RMO understaffing on
29 November 2023. Please find attached our response to...
Inquiry About healthAlliance's Financial Aspects
Response by Health New Zealand to Liam Murphy on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Liam,
Thank you for your email 20 November 2023. Please find attached our
response to your email and we apologies for the delay in getting...
Kia ora Anatoly
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions, plea...
Kia ora,
Unfortunately the dashboard is an interactive tool which requires
individual licences and as such only Te Whatu Ora staff have access.
How the Lived Experience and consumers voice is involved in contact discussions
Response by Health New Zealand to Anatoly on .
Kia ora Anatoly,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions, pl...
Kia ora,
Thank you for your email. Please find attached our response.
If you have any questions, please get in touch at
[1][Health New Zealan...
Epidemiologist Response to Steve Kisch Excess Death Analysis.
Response by Health New Zealand to M Bell on .
Information not held.
Kia ora M Bell
Thank you for your request for information regarding Epidemiologist
response to excess death analysis on 11 December. Please find...
Covid advisory group minutes from 2022 to present
Response by Health New Zealand to Al on .
Kia ora Al,
Please find attached a response to the remaining parts of your request.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
Manatū Hauora | Ministry of...
Sponsorship list for personal health worker
Response by Health New Zealand to Rebecca on .
Kia ora Rebecca,
Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act 1982, the
“List for approved companies with vis...
Hospitalisations for Pulmonary Embolism following Covid Vaccine in 2021
Response by Health New Zealand to P McKenna on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Paul
Thank you for your request for information regarding pulmonary embolism
admission and COVID-19 vaccination status on 16 November. Ple...
Protocol Waikato DHB re neurosurgeries
Response by Health New Zealand to Jan Magee on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Jan,
Thank you for your request for information on 5 May 2023. We are sorry for
the delay in providing you this information. Please find a...
MoH criteria for Special Authority application of stimulant medication
Response by Health New Zealand to Cody C on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Cody,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions, please...
Kia ora John
We apologize, a response was sent from us on the 29th June 2023, however it has failed to reach you.
Have attached a copy of the respons...
Tēnā koe John
Please find attached our response to your request.
Ngā mihi,
Senior Ministerial Advisor
Government Services
Office of...
Ability to test for Spike Protein and Necleocapsid in NZ Pathology Labs for SARS-COV2
Response by Health New Zealand to Chris Johnston on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Chris,
Thank you for your request for information on 14 April 2023. Please find
attached our response to your request.
If you have any...
Teams messages between Pfizer and the National Immunisation Programme
Response by Health New Zealand to Al on .
Kia ora Al,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions, please g...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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