Health and Disability Commissioner

A public authority

67 requests
Since 2022, your cultural team has provided ‘hohou te rongo’ (Māori worldview restorative practice) services. For 2023-24 year, please provide:...
Student staff data for complaints assessment
Request sent to Health and Disability Commissioner by Luke Higgins on .
Awaiting response.
(i) Please confirm that your office employs students to process the New Zealand public's health and disability complaints to HDC. (ii) Please conf...
Position Information - Principal Advisor
Request sent to Health and Disability Commissioner by John Smith on .
Awaiting response.
Following the recently published response to AP's OIA on 31 January 2025, I am requesting the following: - The qualifications and experience back...
Salary information
Response by Health and Disability Commissioner to AP on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Anon,   Please find our response attached.   Regards   Dr Craig Goodwillie   OIA Team Leader Office of the Health and Disability C...
HDC Complaints Process
Request sent to Health and Disability Commissioner by Sarah on .
Awaiting response.
As I can't find any email on your website in regards to official information act requests I'm posting in here. I would like to know if the HDC Com...
Cultural Team Policies and Procedures
Request sent to Health and Disability Commissioner by Jo Tawhai on .
Awaiting response.
Tēnā koe Health and Disability Commissioner, Since 2022 HDC has offered a cultural team for healthcare complaint resolution. Please provide a copy...
Personal grievances & data & cost figures
Response by Health and Disability Commissioner to John on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Smith,   Please find our response attached.   Regards   Dr Craig Goodwillie   OIA Team Leader Office of the Health and Disabili...
Salary Information
Request sent to Health and Disability Commissioner by Geoffrey Johnson on .
Under the Official Information Act 1982, I kindly request that you advise me of the minimum, maximum and average salaries for staff holding the foll...
Preconsultation review act and code 2024
Response by Health and Disability Commissioner to Gloria Ashton on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ms Ashton,   Please find our response attached x 8.   Regards   Dr Craig Goodwillie   OIA Team Leader Office of the Health and Dis...
Kia ora,   Please find our response attached x1.   Legal Team Te Toihau, Hauātanga | Office of the Health and Disability Telephone: 0800 11...
Thank you for providing a copy of your Standard Op Procedure in response E23HDC01620; however, I have found this information to be incomplete. Sec...
Dear Mr Smith, Thank you for your email. What information are you requesting. On 29 September 2023 you asked: " What was done to explore the validity...
Deaths in Care - NZ Community Living
Response by Health and Disability Commissioner to Stephen Davies on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Davies,   Please find our response attached.   Regards   Dr Craig Goodwillie   Senior OIA Advisor Te Toihau Hauora, Hauatanga |...
Request to Health and Disability Commissioner by jayson chilvers. Annotated by T Smith on .
Long overdue.
Bit of a worry. You haven't even got an acknowledgment yet
Number and nature of complaints
Follow up sent to Health and Disability Commissioner by jayson chilvers on .
Long overdue.
The response to your request is long overdue. You can say that, by law, under all circumstances, the authority should have responded by now. Yours...
Policy and procedure
Follow up sent to Health and Disability Commissioner by jayson chilvers on .
Long overdue.
The response to your request is long overdue. You can say that, by law, under all circumstances, the authority should have responded by now. Yours...
Dear Ms Van Wey Lovatt Thank you, this has been noted Regards Paul Brown Complaints Administrator From:        Amy S Van Wey Lovatt <[FOI #129...
Below is the latest correspondence from/to Mr Craig Goodwillie (HDC OIA Advisor) By email: Tena koe Ms Copland Re: Your information request of 1...
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
Follow up sent to Health and Disability Commissioner by Karl Bloxham on .
Long overdue.
This request is now exceeding 50 plus days. Iam sure the ombudsman has enough cases on his hands and doesnt need another case to resolve. So p...
Corinda, A response was sent to you directly on 13 July 2018. Please find that email forwarded below. To protect your privacy, I have removed your e...
Seeking information
Request sent to Health and Disability Commissioner by Jan Magee on .
Long overdue.
On the 8th of January 2018 I lodged an official complaint to the Health and Disabilities Commission with regard to the Lakes District Health Board an...
Human rights complaints New Zealand
Follow up sent to Health and Disability Commissioner by Paul Riddler on .
Handled by post.
Human rights complaints New Zealand. I have made OIA, official information act requests of the following New Zealand government entities. New Zealand...
please could you provide me with the following information. 1. How many complaints have been lodged nationwide, against the following health providers...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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