Legislative obligation of the HDC regarding complaints
Anon made this Official Information request to Health and Disability Commissioner
Response to this request is long overdue. By law Health and Disability Commissioner should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: Anon
Dear Health and Disability Commissioner,
Dear Health and Disability Commissioner,
Thank you for providing a copy of your Standard Op Procedure in response E23HDC01620; however, I have found this information to be incomplete.
Section 33(1) of the Act specifies that the HDC must decide:
(a) whether to take 1 or more of the following courses of action:
(i) to refer the complaint to an agency or person in accordance with section 34 or section 36:
(ii) to refer the complaint to an advocate:
(iii) to call a conference, under section 61, of the parties concerned:
(iv) to investigate the complaint himself or herself; or
(b) whether to take no action on the complaint.
Please provide me with all copies of process, procedures, rules, templates, instructions, guidelines, notifications, and any other information which specifically addresses the HDC's obligations under sections 33(1)(a)(i), 33(1)(a)(ii), 33(1)(a)(iii), 33(1)(a)(iv), 33(1)(b). 34(1)(a), 34(1)(b), 34(1)(c), 34(1)(d), 34(2), 34(3), 34(4), 36(1), 36(2), 36(3), 36(4), 38(1), 38(2),
and other agencies obligations under 35(a), 35(b), 35(c).
Yours faithfully,
From: HDC Legal
Health and Disability Commissioner
Kia ora,
Please find our response attached x1.
Legal Team
Te Toihau, Hauātanga | Office of the Health and Disability
Telephone: 0800 11 22 33
PO Box 245, Wellington 6140 │ Level 8, SAS House, 89 The Terrace,
Wellington Central, Wellington 6011
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence