Fire and Emergency New Zealand
A public authority, also called FENZ
Replaced the New Zealand Fire Service Commission from 1 July 2017.
594 requests
(page 4)
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Remaining MAN Type 3 Builds
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Mike Hunua on .
Tēnā koe Mike
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requ...
Wildfire Fighting Qualifications
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requ...
Additional allowance data
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Rex Tillington on .
Good morning,
Please see attached, a response to your request for information.
Kind regards,
Tangoio Fore Operational Report (2)
Follow up sent to Fire and Emergency New Zealand by Alan Thompson on .
Can you please advise when I can expect a response to my request for the Tangoio Fire Operational Report. This response was due by the 4th of April...
Updated Appliance Cascade & Incident Report
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to G R Hilliar on .
Kia ora
Attached is the response to your request for information.
Nāku noa, nā,
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters...
Tēnā koe Stuart
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Re...
Tēnā koe D
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Request...
Regions, Districts, and Groups
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to D. Greenhalgh on .
Tēnā koe D Greenhalgh
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Request for Information on Trailers, Caravans, and Similar Vehicles
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Cody Neill-Churchill on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Cody,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards,
Information Requests Tea...
PWC audit of UFBA
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Mark MacDonald on .
Partially successful.
Do you need email marketing services or databases?
I would like to know if I can send a proposal regarding these services,
and to which email...
Hi Hayden
Please find attached copy of report you requested.
Ngā mihi
The Official Information Act Team
Te Hiku (Region 1) Headquarters, 2 Poynton...
Refurbishment Trentham Station
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Tēnā koe Alan
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requ...
Fleet - Chatham Island
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Harwood Wilson on .
Kia ora Harwood,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requests Team
CRM Secondment, Canterbury District & 'Pink Shirt' day expense
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to A Whittle on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora
The documents provided in our response capture all documents in scope of your original request, noting some documents were withheld to protect...
Tēnā koe Sam Alsop
Please find attached a response to your official information request.
Nāku noa, nā
Official Information Team
Incident Report Request F3899631
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Johnathen William on .
Good afternoon Johnathen
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
We hope this is helpful for you.
Kind r...
Vehicle livery standards and consistency
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Mike Hunua on .
Kia ora Mike,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi,
Information Requests Team
Fire an...
Please provide the statistics being used to claim that 1 in 4 house fires starts from kitchen and 50% of all house fires involves drugs or alcohol.
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Nigel Gray on .
Kia ora
Please find attached our response to your request.
Ngā Mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters, Level 12,...
Tēnā koe John,
Please find attached a response to your official information request.
Nāku noa, nā
Official Information Team
Incident Report reuqest F3875751
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Johnathen William on .
Tēnā koe Johnathen William
Please find attached a response to your official information request.
Nāku noa, nā
Official Information Team ...
Medical call-outs to Fire and Emergency
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to K Thompson on .
Partially successful.
Good morning
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards,
Information Requests Team
Cycleway delays
Cody C, the response times as detailed are the total time from the time FENZ answers the call until the Appliance arrives at the incident. The 'travel...
Incident Report
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Chris Walker on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Chris,
Further to our previous response, please see the information attached.
Kind regards,
Incident Report F3856014
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Harwood Wilson on .
Good morning
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards,
Information Requests Team
Good afternoon Hayden,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards,
Information Requests T...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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