D. Greenhalgh
Joined FYI in 2020
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This person's 12 Official Information requests
Rank Insignia for Rural Brigades
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to D. Greenhalgh on .
Information not held.
Tēnā koe D. Greenhalgh
In our previous correspondence to you of 12 February 2025, we provided a
response in our letter that unfortunately was no...
Whangārei Alarm Level Zones and Requirements
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to D. Greenhalgh on .
Tēnā koe D
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Request...
DOC Fire Crew information
Response by Department of Conservation to D. Greenhalgh on .
Awaiting response.
Kia ora D,
Thank you for your official information request to the Department of
Conservation, received on 17/02/2025.
Your reference number is OIA...
Enforcement Officer information
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to D. Greenhalgh on .
Awaiting response.
Kia ora D. Greenhalgh,
Thank you for your official information request received on 17 February 2025.
Your request below will be considered, and a dec...
Te Hiku Region Organisation Chart
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to D. Greenhalgh on .
Tēnā koe D Greenhalgh
We write to acknowledge receipt of your information request dated 3
January 2025. Our commitment is to provide a response...
NZA, RNZN, & RNZAF Uniform Guidelines
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to D. Greenhalgh on .
Good morning
Apologies for the delay, please find attached the response to your request.
Corporate and Ministerial Services
OCDF, Office o...
Tēnā koe D
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Information Request...
Regions, Districts, and Groups
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to D. Greenhalgh on .
Tēnā koe D Greenhalgh
Please find attached correspondence from Fire and Emergency New Zealand |
Whakaratonga Iwi.
Ngā mihi,
Incident Alarm Levels
Follow up sent to Fire and Emergency New Zealand by D. Greenhalgh on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
I withdraw this duplicate request; please refer to the alternately worded request I have filed
Yours faithfully,
D. Greenhalgh
Kia ora Mr Greenhalgh
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 12 January 2024. If you have any questions about...
Tēnā koe,
Please find attached our response to your below request.
Ngā mihi
Units stationed at Wellington Central Police Station
Response by New Zealand Police to D. Greenhalgh on .
Mr Greenhalgh
“Dear New Zealand Police,
I wish to enquire and hopefully receive a list of the vehicles you hold at
Wellington Central Police st...
This person's annotations
None made.