(page 7)
- all requests
- successful requests
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- unresolved requests
Kia ora John
Thank you for your request for information about Auckland Unlimited
Please find attached our customer response letter. If...
Kia ora Oscar,
Thank you for your request for information.
Archives are regularly asked about the Albert Park Tunnels. I've attached a list of what o...
How often is the Mayor contacted by Ateed about a booking
Response by Auckland Council to Hemant on .
Dear Hemant,
Please find attached a response to your request for information regarding
how often the Mayor is contacted by ATEED about a booking....
Emily Place - Management of Reserve and Heritage
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Parkinson on .
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify
your account to access 8140009330 - Adam Parkinson...
City Centre Targeted Rate project Britomart Galway (Commerce to Gore) cost breakdown
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Parkinson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Adam,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find our response
letter attached.
If you have any further queries please c...
Kia ora Matthew
Our procurement team confirm that Research New Zealand Ltd are also not
one of our suppliers.
Ngā mihi
Joanne Ke...
Kia ora Prashant
Thank you for your email.
Please note : we are currently working on applications submitted in early
August 2020.
Kia ora Daniel,
I have just become aware that some correspondence from the Department was
not posted against this FYI.org.nz request thread. As...
Cost of Securing Subsurface Rights for City Rail Link
Response by Auckland Council to Matthew Hooton on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Matthew
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 11/06/2021 you asked for information.
I’ve attached a respon...
Information about Auckland Council's cattle
Response by Auckland Council to Harrison on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Harrison,
Thank you for your request for information and again we apologise for the
delay in getting this to you. Please see attached our r...
Regional parks and farming business
Response by Auckland Council to Harrison on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Harrison,
At the outset, we sincerely apologise that we were unable to fulfil your
request in a timely manner.
Please find attache...
Great. It is a live database so data is updated daily when valuers change it.
The values are based on market conditions as at 1 July 2017 - they will...
Hiring practices and direct selection
Response by Auckland Council to Simon Veritas on .
Partially successful.
Dear Simon
Thank you for your request for information relating to hiring practices
and direct selection at Auckland Council. Please find attached ou...
Tēnā koe Scott,
Thank you for your request for information. Please see attached our
If you have any further queries please contact Elain...
Phil Goff's consideration of other options for Avondale Macrocarpa
Response by Auckland Council to Matthew Hooton on .
Partially successful.
For security purposes, you must enter the code below to verify
your account to access 8140008697 - Great North Ro...
Central library remediation information
Response by Auckland Council to ben o'callaghan on .
Dear Ben,
Thank you for your request for information. Please see attached our
If you have any further queries please contact Fernanda Ma...
Gaurantee of employment with AKLCouncil
Response by Auckland Council to Simon Veritas on .
Partially successful.
Dear Simon
Thank you for your request for information regarding employment with
Auckland Council.
If you have any further queries please c...
Kia ora Sophie
Thank you for your email, requesting to withdraw your request about
This email is to confirm we have closed your r...
Carparks permitted Development over Aotea CRL Station
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Parkinson on .
Hi again Adam,
If on-site parking was now proposed the consent holder would need to apply to vary the conditions of the existing consent or apply for...
Kia ora Adam,
Please find attached, the second and final part of our response for
information requested under the Local Government Official Info...
Tēnā koe Harrison,
Thank you for your request for information. Please see attached our
If you have any further queries please contact El...
Auckland Council Inspection Code of Practice
Response by Auckland Council to Steve Haresnape on .
Dear Steve,
Thank you for your request for information. We understand that Brendon
Leckey in our Building Consents department has contacted you...
Dear Prashant,
Thank you for your request for information.
We believe that your request is answered on our website at the link below.
Infrastructure and Subdivision development for housing
Response by Auckland Council to Adam Irish on .
Dear Adam
Thank you for your request for information regarding information relating
to housing development. Please find our response letter attached...
Road Resurfacing History - Glenfield
Response by Auckland Council to Allen Reynolds on .
Good Afternoon Allen,
I’ve attached the official information you asked for.
On 22/03/2021 you asked for information on road resealing in...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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