(page 7)
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Number and type of alcohol license compliance checks made or requested by Auckland Council or Police since January 2019 to July 2020 and list of venues checked
Response by Auckland Council to James Bond on .
Partially successful.
Dear James/Joe
Thank you for your request for information regarding Alcohol Licensing
If you have any further queries please con...
Auckland Botanic Gardens Water Usage
Response by Auckland Council to Stacey Morrison on .
Dear Stacey,
Thank you for your request for information. Please see attached our
If you have any further queries please contact Fernanda...
Auckland Botanic Gardens Master Plan
Response by Auckland Council to Stacey Morrison on .
Dear Stacey,
Thank you for your request for information.
Due to the size of the attachments, the information can be accessed by
using the below O...
Progress on response to Local Government Commission recommendations
Response by Auckland Council to William Foster on .
Dear William
Thank you for your request for information regarding the progress on our
response to Local Government Commission recommendations....
Sim Road Bridge, Follow Up Request
Response by Auckland Council to Kyle H. on .
Partially successful.
Hi Kyle,
Writing in regards to your request for information about the Sim Road
Our apologies again for the delay in response to yo...
Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority (ARLA) annual reports OIA request
Response by Auckland Council to john luke on .
Good morning Mr Luke,
Please see attached the response to your Official Information Act request
for appointments of members of the Alcohol Regul...
List and summary of Modelling work done for the Manukau Harbour
Follow up sent to Auckland Council by Nicholas Lee on .
Partially successful.
Thank you for the prompt response.
Can you upload the larger 1993 report to my file dropbox: https://box.plumtree.co.nz/cloud/index.php/s/JS5SQnAz...
All information on Auckland Councils processes and considerations for deciding Manukau Harbour pathway
Response by Auckland Council to Eliana Darroch on .
Dear Eliana
Thank you for your request for information about Bike-path around the
Favona foreshore. Please find our response letter attached.
If y...
Good Afternoon Damien,
I’ve attached the official information you asked for.
On 12/06/2020 you asked for information on a planned bridge...
Dear Josh,
Our apologies for the delayed response and thank you for your patience.
I have been advised by our Civic Events Manager that you wil...
Remuneration structure for resource consents staff
Response by Auckland Council to James Wilder on .
Dear James
Thank you for your request for information regarding Resource consent
staff remuneration. Please find attached our response letter and it...
The AC response is technically correct, since Local Boards provide feedback, but cannot make submissions. AC is avoiding a full response here, but its...
Re Official Information Request No. 8140006023
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Kia ora Tom
A memorandum on the regional kauri dieback programme is being prepared now
and is likely to be presented to an Environment and Climate...
Dear Felix
Thank you for your request for information regarding Auckland Council's
Firearms Audit. Please find attached our response letter and
Aggregated Scooter trip data
Response by Auckland Council to Oliver Bruce on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Oliver,
Can you please confirm if you are requesting a monthly report of e-scooter
deployment counts in conjunction with a monthly re...
Is weed spraying of the streets an "essential service" during COVID-19 lockdown?
Response by Auckland Council to Hana Blackmore on .
Hello Hana,
I have received your question on weed management under the COVID19 levels.
Under Alert Level Four there was no weed management com...
Policy to prevent breaches of the Privacy Act by Auckland Council
Response by Auckland Council to Hana Blackmore on .
Good morning Hana,
We have responded to your below request, in conjunction with a further
request received about the below topic, to your personal...
Kia ora Tom
The attached letter contains further information in response to this
If you have questions, please contact me at
[1][email a...
Te Kawerau a Maki veto over Waitakere Ranges track re-openings
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Tom
We have reviewed our previous responses to your requests about kauri
dieback. We have answered your question set out below in the attac...
Water bottling resource consent.
Response by Auckland Council to Andrew Crow on .
Partially successful.
Hi Andrew,
Please see below information in response to your official information
request. This is the data we have available for consents associ...
Dear Blaize
I hope you are staying well.
Thank you for your request for information regarding ANZAC and War
Memorial Costs. Please find attached o...
Kia ora James,
Thank you for your information request relating to current delegations by
Auckland Council under the Resource Management Act 1991...
Tēnā koe T Austen,
Thank you for your follow-up questions about research access to kauri
dieback areas.
Under specific circumstances nece...
Consultant for commercialisation of building consent school
Response by Auckland Council to Simon Veritas on .
Dear Simon,
Thank you for your request for information on . Please see our attached response.
If you have any further queries please contact me on 09...
Kia ora James
Please find attached a response to your request regarding further
fireworks matters.
If you have any further queries or require clar...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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