Auckland Council

A top 10 most requested agency

659 requests

(page 9)

The AC response is technically correct, since Local Boards provide feedback, but cannot make submissions. AC is avoiding a full response here, but its...
Re Official Information Request No. 8140006023
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Kia ora Tom   A memorandum on the regional kauri dieback programme is being prepared now and is likely to be presented to an Environment and Climate...
Firearms audit
Response by Auckland Council to Felix Lee on .
Partially successful.
Dear Felix Thank you for your request for information regarding Auckland Council's Firearms Audit. Please find attached our response letter and its...
Aggregated Scooter trip data
Response by Auckland Council to Oliver Bruce on .
Partially successful.
Good morning Oliver,   Can you please confirm if you are requesting a monthly report of e-scooter deployment counts in conjunction with a monthly re...
Hello Hana,    I have received your question on weed management under the COVID19 levels.  Under Alert Level Four there was no weed management com...
Good morning Hana,   We have responded to your below request, in conjunction with a further request received about the below topic, to your personal...
Regional Park track upgrades
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Kia ora Tom The attached letter contains further information in response to this request. If you have questions, please contact me at [1][email a...
Te Kawerau a Maki veto over Waitakere Ranges track re-openings
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Tom We have reviewed our previous responses to your requests about kauri dieback.  We have answered your question set out below in the attac...
Water bottling resource consent.
Response by Auckland Council to Andrew Crow on .
Partially successful.
Hi Andrew,   Please see below information in response to your official information request. This is the data we have available for consents associ...
ANZAC and War Memorial Costs
Response by Auckland Council to Blaize McCabe on .
Dear Blaize I hope you are staying well. Thank you for your request for information regarding ANZAC and War Memorial Costs. Please find attached o...
Delegation Register - RMA 1991
Response by Auckland Council to James Wilder on .
Kia ora James,   Thank you for your information request relating to current delegations by Auckland Council under the Resource Management Act 1991...
Research access to kauri dieback areas
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Tēnā koe T Austen,   Thank you for your follow-up questions about research access to kauri dieback areas.    Under specific circumstances nece...
Dear Simon, Thank you for your request for information on . Please see our attached response. If you have any further queries please contact me on 09...
Response by Auckland Council to James Lochead on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora James Please find attached a response to your request regarding further fireworks matters. If you have any further queries or require clar...
General manager licencing
Response by Auckland Council to Edwin Hollier on .
Partially successful.
Dear Edwin Thank you for your request for information regarding Section 56 (2)(c) of the State Sector Act in relation to the appointment of the Gene...
Advisory Panel
Response by Auckland Council to john luke on .
Kia ora John,   Thanks for your interest in the council’s advisory panels. I am not sure which advisory panel you are specifically interested in as...
Resource consent for 70 Sale Street
Response by Auckland Council to Stephen Davis on .
Partially successful.
  Hi Stephen,   Please find attached the decision reports.   Please contact us back if you need further assistance with this query.   Tha...
Livestock held by Auckland Council
Response by Auckland Council to Harrison on .
Dear Harrison, Thank you for your follow up email relating to the above request and my apology for the delayed response. I have consulted with the co...
Auckland Citizenship Ceremony Dates 2020
Response by Auckland Council to kevin on .
Partially successful.
  Dear Kevin,   Please find attached the Departments response to your request made under the Official Information Act reference 1920-0587.  ...
Central Interceptor Cost
Response by Auckland Council to Iain S on .
  Dear Iain S   With reference to your email of 6 March 2019 to Auckland Council which was passed on to Watercare for response.   The contra...
ECE nappies.
Response by Auckland Council to james lochead-macmillan on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora James Our response to your request for information about nappies in early childhood centres is attached.  If you have any further question...
Number of people using Kite Kite Falls track
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Kia ora Tom Our response to your request about Kite Kite Falls track is attached. If you have questions, please contact me at [email address]. N...
223 Processing time frames
Response by Auckland Council to Toni Hill on .
Kia Ora Toni   Please see attached excel spreadsheet that will break down the processing timeframes into the separate districts within Auckland...
Parks department track upgrade budget for 2018/19 financial year
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Partially successful.
Dear T Austen, Thank you for your request for information about track upgrade budget. I have attached an information sheet on our processes and req...
OIA Act request
Response by Auckland Council to john luke on .
Kia ora John,   We refer to your information request regarding the District Licensing Committees and Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel.   Auckland...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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