(page 14)
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Information on R/VCC/2014/4116/2 195 Kyber Pass Road
Response by Auckland Council to Diane Sinclair on .
Dear Diane,
Thank you for your request for information regarding the Resource Consent, R/VCC/2014/4116/2, 195 Khyber Pass Road, Grafton.
Please find...
Ratebility and consents of 132 St Georges Rd Avondale
Response by Auckland Council to dukeofurl on .
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your request for information regarding 132 St Georges Rd
Please find attached a list of applicatio...
Resource Consent for 69-105 Customs Street
Response by Auckland Council to Aidan Cheyne on .
Grace Heinemann | Privacy & LGOIMA Business Partner
Democracy Services
Phone 021 877 657
Auckland Council
Level 25, 135 Al...
Auckland Zoo Master plan and Realisation for the South East Asia Precinct
Response by Auckland Council to Harrison on .
Dear Harrison
You are welcome. However, it has come to my attention that one of the
documents provided on OneDrive was an earlier draft version....
Council incurred costs for Hearings for the proposed Notice of Requirement PA76 and PA 49 Redoubt Road and Mill Road Project
Response by Auckland Council to Redoubt Ridge Environmental Action Group on .
Dear Madam/Sir
The response letter incorrectly referred to the hearing being in September
2016. To clarify, it was September 2015. An updated re...
Information regarding grandstand at Waikaraka Park
Follow up sent to Auckland Council by Harrison on .
Thank you very much for the documents, much appreciated!
Yours sincerely,
Attendance of Councillors to Committees, the Governing Body and Workshops
Response by Auckland Council to Ben Ross on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Ross
Please refer to the attached in response to your official information request.
Kind Regards
Leigh Collecutt
Democracy Services
[Have yo...
Use of video or audio surveillance for dog control purposes
Response by Auckland Council to Alex Harris on .
Good morning Alex,
Further to your email to us on 16 March, your LGOIMA request has been cancelled as the information you are seeking does not exist f...
AC2301 Producer Statement Policy Clause 3.7
Response by Auckland Council to Simon Johnson on .
Good morning Simon,
In answer to your query, please see the responses in red below. If you
have any further questions regarding producer statement...
Dear Mr Mills
Please find attached our response to your request for information about
the Auckland Energy Consumer Trust dividend received by Au...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject: Central Auckland – Signage Enquiry
Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport regarding the...
Costs of Running a Committee of the Whole Meeting at Auckland Council
Response by Auckland Council to Ben Ross on .
Dear Mr Ross,
Re: Your Official Information request: 9000138223 - Costs running
committees of the whole
Thank you for your request for inf...
Non-Citizens and residents working for Auckland Council
Response by Auckland Council to wang li on .
Dear Wang Li,
Please find attached our response to your official information request.
Kind regards,
Will Hynes
Information Advisor
Public Informatio...
How many 'Cleansing orders' for methamphetamine decontamination were issued 2012-2015
Response by Auckland Council to Daniel Thomas on .
Good afternoon Mr Thomas,
Please refer to the attachment.
Kind regards,
James Stephens | Information Advisor
Democracy Services
DDI 09 890 8127 |
Auckland Zoo's Operation Manual, Development Plan and 10-Year Plan
Response by Auckland Council to Harrison on .
Partially successful.
Dear Harrison,
Please find attached the response to your recent request for information.
Nāku noa, nā
Stephanie Gard’ner │ Democracy...
Access to my Property Records
Response by Auckland Council to Peter Bickle on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Bickle,
Apologies for the delay, please find attached the response to your request
for information.
Kind regards,
Release of the Manukau City Centre Domain Manual
Response by Auckland Council to Ben Ross on .
Hi Ben,
Thank you for your request for information regarding the Manukau City
Centre Domain Manual.
Please find the Manukau City Centre -...
Herbicides used by Council
Partially successful.
Council sent info for May only (after some delay) which was sort of helpful, but not all that I wanted. I wanted a spraying schedule for the year ahea...
Good morning Harrison
Please find the response to your request for information attached.
Kind regards
Rosie Judd │ Democracy...
Dear Ms Haden,
Please find attached our response and supporting documentation regarding your recent request for information.
Kind regards,
Isis van...
Price payed per annum for electricity for street lighting
Response by Auckland Council to Peter Hayden on .
Dear Peter
Thank you for your request for information regarding street lighting.
Please find attached a response for information requested...
Names of insecticides used and schedule for spraying
Response by Auckland Council to Mr Collard on .
Good afternoon Mr Collard,
Please refer to the attached response and supporting documents. I'd also like to sincerely apologise for the delay in getti...
Good afternoon Ms Haden,
Response to your request for information is attached.
Kind regards,
James Stephens
Public Information
Democracy Services
Clarification and Information Request around Lot 59 Manukau
Response by Auckland Council to Ben Ross on .
Good afternoon Mr Ross,
Response to your request for information is attached. I have also attached Auckland Transport's previous response which is ref...
Where did the proceeds of the WAITAKERE ENTERPRISE TRUST BOARD Go
Response by Auckland Council to Grace Haden on .
Good afternoon Ms Haden,
Response to your request for information is attached.
Kind regards,
James Stephens
Public Information
Democracy Services
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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