Accident Compensation Corporation
A top 10 most requested agency, also called ACC
861 requests
(page 19)
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Dual Role Assessors providing advice for Initial Entitlements and On-going Entitlements
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Jordan
On behalf of ACC, please find attached the response under the Official
Information Act, to your request of 25 November 2013.
Dear Mr Lohr,
Please find attached ACC's response to your request for information.
Daniel James, Advisor, ACC
PO Bo...
Format of Assessor Reports
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Dear Mr Jordan
My sincerest apologies for not replying to you sooner.
In answer to your question, your case owner would be the best person to approach...
Accredited/Contracted Accident Compensation Corp. Vendors/Providers
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Jordan
Please find attached ACC's final response to your information request for
contracted providers and Branch Medical Advisor details....
Good afternoon Mr Lochead
Please find attached ACC's response to your request of 30 September 2013.
Anna Mildenhall
Travel Expenses Dr John Lewis Collier Specialist Psychiatrist
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Good afternoon Mr Jordan
Please find attached ACC's further response to your request of 9 April
Anna Mildenhall
Case load of sensitive claims psychiatrists
Partially successful.
Fears for safety are subjective until such time those people feeling fearful for their safety or that of their family can produce evidence to prove a r...
When a psychiatrist writes an 'unclear' report
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Gladys Webster on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ms Webster, I have attached a copy of ACC's response to your Official
Information Act request.
Hugh McIlraith, Ad...
Claims of abuse in foster care
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Leah Trass on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to L Bailllie's request of 17 June 2013.
Terence Routledge, Senior Advisor...
Process to determine secure funding for 24 hour rape phone line in Auckland
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Julie Fairey on .
Partially successful.
Dear Julie Fairey
Please find attached the Ministry's response to your Official Information Act Request of 3 April 2013.
Official and Parlia...
Money spent on alternative therapies
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Mark Honeychurch on .
Dear Mr Honeychurch
Please find attached, ACC's response to your Official Information Act
request of 19 June 2013 as per your email below.
Yours s...
List of all alternative medicine treatments funded by ACC and how effectiveness is measured.
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to James Sullivan on .
Dear Mr Sullivan,
Please find attached our response to your request of 21 May 2013.
Kind regards,
Adam Houppermans, Advi...
How many assessor complaints have been lodged?
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Gladys Webster on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ms Webster
Please find attached ACC's response to your OIA reqest dated 5 May 2013,
regarding complaints received about assessors who provide...
Number of accepted sensitive claims accepted
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Gladys Webster on .
Good afternoon Ms Webster,
Please find attached ACC's response to your Official Information Act
S Daniel James,...
ACC Releasing Personal Information to Private Agencies
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Burgess on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Burgess
Please find ACC's response to your request of 9 April 2013 attached.
Loren Bennett
Loren Bennett, Advisor -...
Complaints about information requests
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Mike Gendall on .
Dear Mr Gendall
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, with apologies for the lateness of the reply.
Payroll error statistics
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Maria-Jane Brodie on .
Good afternoon Ms Brodie
Please find ACC's response to your request of 28 January 2013.
Terence Routledge, Senior Advisor...
Re: Assessor Safety Submissions and 9(2)(c) OIact
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Mr Jordan
Please find attached ACC's response to your request of 8 April 2013
Anna Mildenhall
Anna Mildenha...
Privacy Information
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to David Burgess on .
Partially successful.
Gaylia Powell, Senior Advisor Ministerial Briefing
Tel 04 816 5850 (internal 45850) / ACC / Government Services/
Vogel Cent...
Payments made to assessors
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Acclaim Otago on .
Thank you for your email of 16 December 2012 asking for an internal review
of ACC's handling of your OIA request of 26 September 2012.
You request...
Monies paid to DRSL
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Bruce Van Essen on .
Dear Mr Van Essen,
Please see attached letter regarding your OIA of 21 September 2012.
Kind regards,
Lisa White, Advisor, ACC
Claim statistics for accidents on public transport, specifically buses
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Stacey Willers on .
Dear Ms Willers,
Please find attached ACC's response to your request for statistics
regarding claims for accidents on public transport.
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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