We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Zoie Virtudazo please sign in and let everyone know.

Documents in the Family Harm and Policy Manual

Zoie Virtudazo made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Zoie Virtudazo to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Zoie Virtudazo

Dear New Zealand Police,

Under the Official Information Act (OIA), please supply the following documents linked in the Family Harm Policy Police Instruction manual (that “Family harm policy and procedures” has been made available on the FYI site following an OIA request made in 2021- the information request number being IR: 01 21 12593. This manual can also be found here: https://www.police.govt.nz/about-us/publ...):

Page 7:
- Charging Decisions
Information Sharing Guidelines- Family Harm
Page 26:
- The dynamic risk questions police use regarding a family harm callout with the person at risk, about the person posing risk.
Page 43:
- Response to the Frontline Safety Plan
Page 46:
- Police Family Violence Death Review

- In addition to the above, please supply any other documents that police hold in relation to the use of algorithms or risk assessment tools in domestic and family violence. For example, formal evaluations of the tools, police training materials, and associated governance documents.

Please provide these as email attachments in a searchable format (i.e. original PDFs, rather than scanned prints).

If you need any more information or clarification from me please let me know as soon as possible.

Please communicate only via email to this email address.

Yours faithfully,
Zoie Virtudazo

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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Police

Tçnâ koe Zoie

Police acknowledges receipt of your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request below, dated 29 August 2024.

Your reference number is IR-01-24-30781.

You can expect a response to your request on or before 26 September 2024 unless an extension is needed.

Ngâ mihi
Ministerial Services
Police National Headquarters

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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Police

Kia ora Zoie Virtudazo,

Thank you for your below request received by Police on 29 August 2024.

I am writing to obtain further clarification on what exactly you are wanting in your question: "In addition to the above, please supply any other documents that police hold in relation to the use of algorithms or risk assessment tools in domestic and family violence. For example, formal evaluations of the tools, police training materials, and associated governance documents."

Your question as it is currently phrased is broad and would likely to be refused under section 18(f) of the Official Information Act 1982 due to the substantial collation required, if not refined. Can you please be more specific with the further information you are after?

Ngâ mihi, Brittany
Ministerial Services, New Zealand Police

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From: Zoie Virtudazo

Dear Ministerial Services,

Firstly, thank you for responding within the timeframe and for the opportunity to clarify my requests.

As per my initial request, the documents I specifically seek are:

Page 7:
(1) Charging Decisions
(2) Information Sharing Guidelines- Family Harm
Page 26:
(3) The dynamic risk questions police use regarding a family harm callout with the person at risk, about the person posing risk
Page 43:
(4) Response to the Frontline Safety Plan
Page 46:
(5) Police Family Violence Death Review

As the location of such documents has been specified “Family harm policy and procedures” has been made available on the FYI site following an OIA request made in 2021- the information request number being IR: 01 21 12593. This manual can also be found here: https://www.police.govt.nz/about-us/publ...

These documents do not require substantial collation.

As per your clarification response, I prioritise the documents requested above as these clearly exist and are findable, and any other supplementary documents are not necessary to this OIA and will be requested through another OIA request.

Yours sincerely,

Zoie Virtudazo

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From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Police

Kia ora Zoie,

I refer to your request of 29 August 2024 as per the below email.

I have been asked to advise you that Police requires an extension of time in which to respond to your request, pursuant to section 15A(1) of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). Specifically, section 15A(1)(b), consultations necessary to make a decision on the request are such that a proper response to the request cannot reasonably be made within the original time limit.

Police requires until 25 October 2024 to provide a substantive response to your request, however we are endeavouring to provide this to you as soon as possible.

You have the right, under section 28(3) of the OIA, to make a complaint to an Ombudsman about this extension. If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request with us, including this decision, please feel free to contact [email address]

Kind regards, Courtenay
Senior Advisor - Ministerial Services Police National Headquarters

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Mark Hanna left an annotation ()

You may wish to ask NZ Police to ask what consultations they have identified, why they are necessary, and why they couldn't have been carried out in time for them to meet the original deadline.

It may be that this extension would not be considered justified, if you were to complain about it to the Ombudsman.

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Zoie Virtudazo please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

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