There is more than one person who uses this site and has this name. One of them is shown below, you may mean a different one: Liam Liam Liam Liam Liam Liam
This person's 62 Official Information requests (page 2)
Please note the attached response to your Official Information Act request.
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education ^MC
45-47 Pipi...
Dear Mr Stoneley
Your Official Information Act request – legal advice to schools
You requested a copy of the legal advice referred to in th...
Response sent to requester via personal email. Not asked for this way, nor asked to be communicated via personal cell.
Policy documents: not ticket Maori unlicensed drivers
Response by New Zealand Police to Liam on .
Dear Liam
The information was published on the Police website on 22 July 2015. The attached link should take you to the release:
Student Levy and Student enrolment numbers
Response by University of Canterbury to Liam on .
Dear Liam,
Please find attached the response to your OIA request of 27th July 2015.
Kind Regards
Queen Charlotte Track video costs and just
Response by New Zealand Tourism Board to Liam on .
Partially successful.
Faith Dennis
Communications Advisor
Tourism New Zealand | Manaakitanga
D +64 4 462 8078
M +64 21 393 135
T +64 4 462 8000...
Diversion and Pre-charge warnings Statistics
Response by New Zealand Police to Liam on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Stoneley
I am writing in response to your request, dated 25 May 2015 , for
information relating to diversion and pre-charge warning stat...
Taser Policy Manual/Guidelines/chapter
I received a call today from the Office of the Ombudsman, stating that Police had sent this twice and that it had bounced (during the period the site w...
Secondments from major Law firms and Chambers
Response by Ministry of Justice to Liam on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Stoneley
Please see attached for the response to your OIA request regarding legal
[1]Description: Desc...
Dear Mr Stoneley
Please see attached for the response to your OIA request on Judges'
[1]Description: Description: D...
Details of all requests received from 1 January 2014
Response by University of Canterbury to Liam on .
Dear Liam,
Please find attached the response to your OIA request.
Kind regards,
Dear Liam,
Please find attached response from UC.
Kind Regards
Anita Kerr | Seni...
Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Corrections.
Kind Regards,
Ministerial Services Team
National Office
Complaint to Ombudsman:
I wish to make a complaint against the University of Canterbury in regards to a request I sent to them and the response I rec...
Complaint to Ombudsman:
I wish to complain regarding a OIA response I received from the New Zealand Police on the 6th March 2015.
I make most reque...
Attendance at NZ Sporting events
Response by Minister for Sport and Recreation to Liam on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Stoneley,
Please see the attached OIA response for your information.
Kind regards
Oliver Thurston | Private Secretary for Sport and...
Holiday period speeding tickets
Sorry for the late posting. Reply from Ombudsman:
Studylink Governmental Debt
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Liam on .
Partially successful.
Please find attached.
Best wishes
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education |KC
45-47 Pipitea St, Wellington, New Zealand Email
Nga nama he Maori, he reo hoki ta ratou ki roto i te tari o te Minita.
Response by Minister for Māori Development to Liam on .
Just resending as earlier message didn’t seem to go.
From: Anne O'Shaughnessy
Sent: Wednesday, 18 March 2015 8:28 a.m.
To: '[email address]'
Dear Mr Stoneley
We refer to your request to the Attorney-General for information under the
Official Information Act 1982 dated 7 February 2015....
Did Police seek advice from Crown Law on Electoral offences 2008-2014
Response by New Zealand Police to Liam on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Stoneley
The attached reply was sent to you yesterday. I am sending it again in
case there was an error in the email address. Thank you for...
Complaints to Academic Appeals Committee and further
Response by University of Canterbury to Liam on .
Dear Liam,
Please find attached response to your query.
Kind Regards
Anita Kerr...
Did Police brief their Minister regarding Mike Sabin allegations?
Response by New Zealand Police to Liam on .
The information contained in this email message is intended for the
Good morning Mr Stoneley
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Request
dated 1 February with a number of questions rela...
Follow-up: Teriitorial Force dismissals
Response by New Zealand Defence Force to Liam on .
Dear Mr Stoneley,
Please find attached a response to your OIA request of 3 February
regarding Territorial Forces personnel and equipment.
This person's 48 annotations (page 2)
Holiday period speeding tickets
Sorry for the late posting. Reply from Ombudsman:
Secondments from major Law firms and Chambers
Partially successful.
To correct the record, I did not classify this request as "refused". It was another user. I will, however, leave it as such until I hear back from my f...
This is the first refusal I've seen under 18(h) and it looks like it was well deserved.
Rate of paua poaching
An interesting reply. I wonder if the information is specific enough and whether this perceived "data dump" is considered a reasonable method of answer...
Precise location of fixed speed cameras in New Zealand
Long overdue.
Any news from the Ombudsman?
Surveillance of "courtsiders"
Partially successful.
You'll be lucky to get a peep out about this one. Probably get a s 6(c) response.
I also considered what authority Police had to undertake this opera...
Traffic offence listing
Exemplary responses by NZ Police on this request - timely, helpful and upfront. Very impressed. However, it further confuses me why we can not all get...
Tertiary Students - Studylink
And this request as well
Not in the right catergory or got a response??!!
Studylink fraud
This wasn't "successful"?? Can someone please update and/or chase up?
Follow up sent:
Holiday period speeding tickets
That may well be the case, but they refused the request based on 18(d), not 18(f). Maybe if they had refused under 18(f), and explained when it would b...
Holiday period speeding tickets
Complaint sent to Ombudsman today:
I wish to make a complaint against the New Zealand Police in regards to a request I sent to them and the response...
This request was not "successful". Please change to "refused".
Overview of complaints/inquiries relative to number of sworn officers
Partially successful.
Interesting reply. Notice how it's not on official Police letterhead?
I'm not suprised by the repose. It would take a lot of collating to get all the...
Release the draft text of the TPPA
Please refrain from sending replies that are abusive and opinion based from this site. Not only is it inappropriate to respond to a legitimate refusal...
Grade Breakdown by Course Subject Code
Partially successful.
Follow up request for more recent data
List of subjects of OIA requests complied with in under 20 working days from receipt
Partially successful.
I fully agree with Luke above. I would be complaining to the Ombudsman about this response on the same reasoning outlined by Luke.
Reports from Crown Law Office
Can you please provide the outcome and response Josh?
Leader of the House Reports
How did you get on with this? Did you end up appealing?
Follow-up request for further information;
Commercial Interference in Activists Employment
Information not held.
Like Alex Harris above, I would highly suggest a Privacy equest to relevant departments. This way, you can obtain information relating to you personall...
I would be complaining about the way this has been handled. The time that has taken to not get access to any of the material requested is unacceptable....
2011 Unenrolled voters prosecuted
Done so here. Thought I would try both and see what comes back.