Athina Andonatou
Joined FYI in 2021
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This person's 41 Official Information requests (page 2)
COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 years old
Response by Ministry of Health to Athina Andonatou on .
Long overdue.
Dear Athina,
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act request
transferred from the Ministry of Health to ESR on 27 Jan...
Evidence used in determining whether to vaccinate children 5-11
Response by Ministry of Health to Athina Andonatou on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Athina
Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services
Government Services
Office of the Di...
Covid deaths: vaccinated vs unvaccinated
Long overdue.
The ministry of health are almost 50 days behind in their reporting on people dying WITH covid. Check out the "Deaths in cases with pre-existing condit...
Genomic sequencing
Long overdue.
This is a completely separate request to H202117907 and is to be treated as such
Covid-19 Vaccine Independent Safety Monitoring Board
Partially successful.
Medsafe GM Chris James
1. Shielding behind 'privacy' is his standard response which is unacceptable.
- Can you re-word Q1 specifically stating no p...
[Ministry of Justice request email] would like to recall the message, "Official Information request - Legal status of Common Law".
Legal Status in New Zealand Common Law
Partially successful.
It looks like the Ministry have interpreted your question particularly narrowly. It would have been reasonable for them to answer with any information...
What advisory services does the Minister of Finance or the Government receive from Rothschild & Co?
Response by Grant Robertson to Athina Andonatou on .
Information not held.
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Katy Greco-Ainslie | Private Secretary | Office of Hon Grant Robertson
Deputy Prime Mi...
Members of the Covid-19 Vaccine Independent Safety Monitoring Board
Follow up sent to Ministry of Health by Athina Andonatou on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
As I've been provided with the necessary information from a fellow citizen I would like to withdraw my request
Yours faithfully,
Athina Andonatou...
Wanting to extend the time between covid jab
Response by Ministry of Health to Athina Andonatou on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Athina
Please find attached a letter regarding your request for official
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
How many of those who have died in rest homes in New Zealand between 21 February 2021 - 29 July 2021 received the Pfizer vaccination?
Response by Ministry of Health to Athina Andonatou on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Athina,
Please find attached a response regarding your request for information.
Ngā mihi
OIA S...
Age of infants who died of Sudden unexpected death in infancy in 2017
Response by Ministry of Health to Athina Andonatou on .
Kia ora Athina,
Please find attached the response for your request for official
Ngā mihi
OIA Services
Government Serv...
Kia ora Athina
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 28 July 2021. If you have any questions about the respon...
What is the legal status of NZ Bill of Rights in regards to Covid - 19 Public Health Response Act 2020
Long overdue.
A magnificent reply to an incredibly silly request.
How many of the 14 deaths reported to CARM had the cause of death diagnosed by a coroner?
Response by Ministry of Health to Athina Andonatou on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Athina
Thank you for your request for official information.
A total of 20 fatal reports were received by Medsafe. In six of these reports, a...
Kia ora Athina,
Thank you for your email. The Ministry of Health (the Ministry) does not
hold personal medical records, nor would we be able to...
This person's 69 annotations (page 2)
Changes to mask/face covering requirements, lack of support for those impacted
Partially successful.
I just want to acknowledge your tenacity. And this also serves as another example of why we do not want the new International Health Regulations the WH...
Like many other NZers, I am interested in seeing the answer to this, another example of 'good for me, but not for thee'.
Membership and Functioning of the Interagency Committee on the Health Effects of Non-Ionising Fields
Following with interest. It seems what they're doing in this area, they are doing in many others - climate, fluoride, pharmaceuticals, media etc
Iatrogenic fatality reports 2021 2022
Partially successful.
Interesting that data for death by 'misadventure' is only available up to 2018. We're told to trust the science, yet they are not collating the informa...
As a concerned NZ citizen, I'm following this response as any response that is taking this long to address creates numerous concerns. Thank you Grace f...
Per batch records of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
Partially successful.
Following with interest as anything that seems to be taking a while to answer is definitely worth pursuing. Thank you
Covid Science Update 46
Like many other NZers, I am following with interest
Altered composition of Comirnaty BNT162b2
Partially successful.
Very interested in this response once a direct answer to your initial questions are answered.
Covid Vaccine Adverse Event Following Immunisation Reporting
Partially successful.
Also interested in the reply. Thank you Catherine for your tenacity
Influenza Vaccine Efficacy
Partially successful.
My favourite part is that it is assumes that it creates herd immunity! lol
Level of Atrazine in drinking water
Request to Taumata Arowai–the Water Services Regulator by Athina Andonatou. Annotated by Athina Andonatou on .
Another "we have no idea what we're doing". Thank you for confirming for me the importance of making sure I have a quality water supply separate from t...
Request for info on recent MMR texts and emails
Thank you for taking the time to request this information. From the Mother of a child injured by the MMR injection she received in 1991.
Hospitalisations due to illness caused by drinking water
Long overdue.
Another instance of 'follow the science that doesn't exist'. And that it took so long to reply???? The no answers gives the answer.
WHO Pandemic Treaty/Zero draft comtract
Co-Chair of the IHR Working Group is Dr Ashley Bloomfield. More information can be found at
Management of Public Perceptions re COVID-19 "vaccine"
Partially successful.
You may find this of interest - COVID-19 Vaccine Messaging, Part 1
Adverse Effects as per Pfizer's Post Marketing Report
Partially successful.
Wow, so they've been aware of the adverse effects since the beginning and have chosen to ignore them and continue on with the 'safe and effective' prop...
Long COVID numbers
Awaiting classification.
Given that it is an experimental gene therapy and the biggest injectathon of our time you would think they'd be gathering as much data as possible, esp...
The link supplied comes up with this message "Sorry - you don’t...
Risk benefit analysis of puberty blockers.
Information not held.
That they are working on evidence and that they have no information held on a risk benefit analysis says it all, they are flying blind, crossing their...
Great, intelligent questions.
Sadly, this is another example of corporate interests over people and money over morals
Long COVID numbers
Awaiting classification.
May be interesting to ask for links to the sources of the international advice and guidance regarding long COVID they're basing this on
Long COVID numbers
Awaiting classification.
Wow....considering this is supposedly the biggest pandemic of our time and they're using experimental technology, one would expect their record keeping...
Source of background rate used in CARM reports
Thank you.
So much smoke and mirrors. This is so criminal I have no words.
Source of background rate used in CARM reports
Wow. Those numbers are higher than the background rates they're comparing the AESI's too on the CARM report.
I'm trying to make sense of the data fro...
Source of background rate used in CARM reports
Funnily enough I went to