Requests similar to 'Capacity assumptions by mode in the Auckland Rapid Transit Plan'
Revised Mode Capacities used in the finalised Auckland Rapid Transit Plan
Response by Auckland Transport to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Tony,
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 1/04/2024 you asked for information about the Auckland Transport Rapid...
Request for AT Calculations of PT Subsidy per Passenger Kilometre by Mode
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
I note that Auckland Transport (AT) publishes a monthly "Transport Indicators Report" (URL for March 2015 Report:
Request for the Criteria and Supporting Information used to decide Rapid Transit lines
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Mr Randle
Please find attached Greater Wellington Regional Councils first part
response to your recent OIA request.
Request for AT Mass Rapid Transit Criteria
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Tony Randle on .
I note in the Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan 2021-2031 (RLTP) that all rail lines are Mass Rapid Transit except for the Onehunga Line. With...
One Network Framework classification of all Metro Rail lines as rapid transit
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tony Randle on .
Long overdue.
Dear Tony
Please find attached a letter advising of an extension to your request for
information under the Official Information Act 1982 4 June...
Fare revenue, cost and patronage for Auckland PT Bus and Rail Services
Response by Auckland Transport to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Good afternoon Tony,
On 12 November 2020 you made a request for information about fare revenue,
cost and patronage for Auckland PT across our bus...
Request for Information supporting the definition of Rapid Transit Service in the UPS
Response by Ministry for the Environment to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Morena Tony
Please find attached a response to your request of 26 November 2021 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Request for copies of Public transport service key performance measures for Auckland and Wellington
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Dear Tony
Please find attached the response to your request of 10 August 2018 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
WCC Final Spatial Plan - Information on Rapid Transit Services and Rapid Transit Stops
Response by Wellington City Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Link: [1]File-List
Hello Mr Randle,
Thank you for your email, confirming that you would appreciate the
documents we provided to you in MS Outl...
Information associated with WKs review and decisions on information request OIA 9096
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Tony
Please find attached the response to your request of 2^nd June 2022 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Request for source spreadsheet used in AT Calculations of PT Subsidy per Passenger Kilometre by Mode
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Tony Randle on .
On the 21st of May I received the Auckland Transport substantive response to my "Request for AT Calculations of PT Subsidy per Passenger Kilometre b...
Request for Busway Alternative Costs to Light Rail
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
A recent article on Stuff titled "Auckland to find out later this year whether it gets a light rail system" (
Request to The Road Efficiency Group on the ONF Classification of PT Services
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tony Randle on .
Long overdue.
Dear Tony,
Please find attached the response to your request of 22^nd November 2021
for information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Auckland Rapid Transit Plan
Response by Auckland Transport to Arthur Johnston on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Kia ora Arthur
On 1/02/2022 you asked about the Auckland Rapid Transit Plan (ARTP) and
its investigation of rapid transit alignments in the cit...
Further Request for communications on the Spatial Plan Rapid Transit lines
Response by Wellington City Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Hi Tony
Please see attached response and supporting documents.
Kind Regards
Asha Harry
Assurance Advisor | Complaints & Information Assurance | We...
Request for communications on the Spatial Plan Rapid Transit lines
Request sent to Wellington City Council by Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
The WCC is currently consulting on a proposed Spacial Plan for the city. The council has stated it:
"... has statutory obligations under the new N...
Request for LGWM Mass Transit predicted travel times
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tony Randle on .
Dear Tony
Please find attached the response to your request of 14 July 2019 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
Request for Contractor Engagement information for "Advanced Bus Solution" report
Response by New Zealand Transport Agency to Tony Randle on .
Handled by post.
Dear Tony,
This email acknowledges your below request made under the Official
Information Act 1982 for information.
Your request has been...
Request for the Bus Reference Case Appendix "Capacity Calculations" Calculations
Response by Auckland Transport to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora Tony
Thank you for your email.
I’ve attached the email that we sent to you on 29 April 2019 responding to
your request.
Request for the Stage Timing Model used to guide Auckland Light Rail development
Response by Auckland Transport to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Randle
We refer to your request for official information dated 10 December 2018.
Please find attached a response for information re...
Request for the detailed Rate Calculations and other information on the GWRC 2021/22 Long Term Plan
Response by Wellington Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr Randle,
Attached is Greater Wellington’s further response to your request for
information and corresponding attachments.
Kind rega...
Dear Harriet
Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport on 2 February 2017 requesting
the North Shore RTN Strategic Case.
Please find att...
Dear Ms Gale
I've attached our response again and have removed the brackets from the
document title in case that was the cause of it not loading...
Request for the Benefit and Cost Calculations used to support the Hamilton to Auckland Start‐Up Passenger Rail Service Single Stage Business Case
Response by Waikato Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Long overdue.
Sarah McLeay Statutory Processes Advisor | Democracy, Community and
[1]WAIKATO REGIONAL COUNCIL | Te Kaunihera ā Rohe o Waikato
Fare revenue, cost and patronage for Otago PT Bus and Rail Services
Response by Otago Regional Council to Tony Randle on .
Partially successful.
Dear Mr Randle,
We refer to your information request below.
Please find response attached.
Kind regards,