Cultural Team Policies and Procedures

Jo Tawhai made this Official Information request to Health and Disability Commissioner

The request was partially successful.

From: Jo Tawhai

Tēnā koe Health and Disability Commissioner,

Since 2022 HDC has offered a cultural team for healthcare complaint resolution.

Please provide a copy of all current policies and procedures related to the cultural team.

(1) Policies and procedures for all staff on when a case should be referred to the HDC cultural team.
(2) Travel costs directly attributable to the HDC cultural team in the 2023-24 financial year.

(2) Hui-ā-whānau (face-to-face hui, including zui, with complainants and their whānau)
- Policies and procedures related to the use of Hui-ā-whānau.
- General training and qualifications of the cultural team in how to conduct Hui-ā-whānau.
- How the cultural team captures the discussion and outcomes of Hui-ā-whānau and whether they are supplied to the provider (subject of the complaint).
- How many Hui-ā-whānau were conducted in 2023-24 financial year.
- Overall cost of all Hui-ā-whānau conducted in 2023-24 financial year.
- Travel costs associated with Hui-ā-whānau in 2023-24 financial year.
- Outcomes of 2023-24 Hui-ā-whānau (whether complaint resolved, or still open).
- How many Hui-ā-whānau reports were supplied to providers in 2023-24.
- Feedback in relation to 2023-24 Hui-ā-whānau (feedback policies, feedback process, and actual themes of feedback).
- How the cultural team manages conflicts of interest and risk when conducting Hui-ā-whānau.

(3) Matariki and internal cultural events
- How many additional contractors or employees engaged (or paid koha) for HDC cultural events in 2023-24 financial year that are over and above the existing cultural team.
- The overall cost in the 2023-24 financial year for internal cultural events, including additional contractors, food, and travel.
- The overall individual cost for 2023-24 internal cultural events in Wellington, and Auckland.

(4) Te reo Māori
- How many staff were provided te reo Māori lessons in 2023-24 financial year at HDC full cost.
- How many te reo Māori lessons were delivered internally by the cultural team (2023-24).

Please respond in writing to this FYI request.

Ngā mihi nui,

J Tawhai

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From: HDC Legal
Health and Disability Commissioner

Attachment image001.png
13K Download

Attachment signed 17 March 2025 re Tawhai.pdf
1.3M Download View as HTML

Attachment HDC Treaty of Waitangi Policy.pdf
261K Download View as HTML

Attachment PD Senior advisor M ori Pasifika Aged Care.pdf
196K Download View as HTML

Attachment PD Kaitohu M ori Director M ori.pdf
154K Download View as HTML

Attachment SOP M tauranga M ori Advice and Processes.pdf
248K Download View as HTML

Attachment Conflicts of Interest Policy 2023.pdf
78K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Jo          


Please find attached our response to your request for information.



Ngā mihi,

Liv Brown ([1]she/her)

Legal Advisor | Kaitohutohu Ture

Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner | Te Toihau Hauora,
PO Box 245, Wellington 6140
Freephone 0800 11 22 33
Website   [2]

[3]A close up of a sign Description automatically generated

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