Hohou te rongo - Risk Assessment, Policies and Procedures

Jo Tawhai made this Official Information request to Health and Disability Commissioner

Currently waiting for a response from Health and Disability Commissioner, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Jo Tawhai

Dear Health and Disability Commissioner,

Since 2022, your cultural team has provided ‘hohou te rongo’ (Māori worldview restorative practice) services.

For 2023-24 year, please provide:

1. The number of hohou te rongo which have been conducted.

2. The qualifications and training the cultural team have completed in hohou te rongo.

3. All relevant policies and procedures in place for hohou te rongo.

4. The risk assessment and conflict of interest process for hohou te rongo.

5. The satisfaction surveys/feedback process and results for hohou te rongo.

6. The total cost for all hohou te rongo.

7. The assessment/analysis of whether HDC-led hohou te rongo leads to quicker and more effective resolution compared to similar complaints, including complaints referred back to the provider for their own culturally appropriate hohou te rongo process.

7. All HDC policies and procedures for HDC-led restorative practice processes/conferences (equivalent to hohou te rongo) available for non-Māori (assuming hohou te rongo is only being offered to Māori complainants).

8. The number of HDC-led restorative practice conferences conducted (this does not include the advocacy service processes) for non-Māori.

Yours faithfully,

J Tawhai

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Things to do with this request

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