HDC Review 2024

Sarah made this Official Information request to Health and Disability Commissioner

Currently waiting for a response from Health and Disability Commissioner, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Sarah

Dear Health and Disability Commissioner,

Following the information provided by the HDC Review's Team in regards to Health and Disability Commission's Act and Code Review, I am requesting for the following under the Official Information Act 1982

Topic 1: Supporting better and equitable complaint resolution the HDC has noted the following
''What we’re doing already''
''Recently we’ve introduced:
1) Hui ā-whānau and hohou te rongo to help resolve complaints;
2) Clinical navigators to guide people in the complaints process;
3) Surveys to see how people making complaints and service providers feel about our process; and Improvements to how we look at complaints right from the start.

To ensure the integrity of this review process I would like to request for the following information: in regards to changes made and recently introduced by the Health and Disability Commissioner's Office to support Māori, people and service provides within the complaint management process

The Health and Disability Commissioner has noted on page 10 of the Public Consultation document, Review of the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 and the
Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights | Ko te arotakenga o Te Ture Toihau Hauora, Hauātanga 1994 me te Tikanga o ngā Mōtika Kiritaki mō ngā Ratonga Hauora, Hauātanga the following two new Māori approaches

1) Hohou te rongo
Kia hohou te rongo. Hohou te rongo describes methods of resolving disputes using principles and values from te ao Māori (Māori worldviews).
Hohou te rongo is a newly implemented approach within HDC’s complaint management process facilitated by Māori. Hohou te rongo provides an opportunity for the nawe (wrong doings of a person(s)) experienced by whānau to be acknowledged by the providers and for whānau to seek peace in the experience within a culturally safe and appropriate environment. Hohou te rongo is conducted ā-kanohi (in person), either in the medium of te reo Māori, English, or both. Tikanga for the process is led by whānau.
Hui ā-whānau

2) Hui ā-whānau is a whānau gathering (inclusive of the consumer) facilitated using te reo Māori me ngā tikanga Māori (Māori methods of engagement and protocols).
Hui ā-whānau is a new approach within HDC’s complaints management process facilitated by Māori. Hui ā-whānau allows whānau voice to be heard and understood in a culturally safe and appropriate environment. Hui ā-whānau takes place in te reo Māori, English, or both. It is a process led by tikanga where whānau are the experts of their experience and are supported to decide what resolution looks like for them.

My Official Information Request
- I would like any official information about the two new approaches to support Māori throughout the complaint process including Hui ā-whānau and hohou te rongo

- I would also like to seek clarity in regards to these two new approaches being ''facilitated by Māori'' and what does the HDC mean by this, as the consultation documentation hasn't provided specific information about any new role, or third party service included in the roll out of Hui ā-whānau and hohou te rongo as part of the HDC's complaint management process.

The HDC has included a new role Clinical Navigator role in supporting people in the complaints process, however I am specifically interested if the HDC has recruited a third party service, to provide cultural appropriate support in the complaint management process alongside the HDC and complainants of Māori decent? Is the HDC using existing staff of Māori decent to facilitate this process? ''facilitated by Māori is very generalised, and I am after more detail.

- what date has the HDC commenced these two new approaches, Hui ā-whānau and hohou te rongo to help resolve complaints

- will these two new Māori approaches within the HDC's complaint management process be permanent changes, and if not how long of a period of time will these changes be available to Māori and their whānau.

Clinical Navigators
1) I would like any official information about the Clinical Navigator role the HDC has
I'm specifically interested in the Clinical Navigator job description, key performance indicators and the core specifics in how CN's will guide people within the complaints process
2) What qualifications or experience does a Clinical Navigator require, and why has the HDC chosen to use the words ''Clinical ''Navigator'' because it gives the perception this role has a medical element to it.
3) What date has the implementation of Clinical navigators to guide people in the complaints process commenced
4) Is there any specific qualifying factors for a complainant to access a Clinical Navigator
5) Is this a permanent change by the HDC in supporting complainants, and if not how long of a period of time will these changes be available to Māori and their whānau.

3) Surveys referring ''recently introduced'' as per your comments made
I am not requesting for any feedback from people or service providers to whom have participated and responded to the HDC surveys)

- I would like a copy of each survey including the questions that has been asked in regards to how people feel about the HDC process to respond too, and improvements to how we look at complaints right from the start.
- I would like to know what date each survey went live, and what mechanisms were used to communicate the survey
- If the survey requested for identifiable information including the complaint number or reference number from the person or service provider

- I would like a copy of each survey including the questions that has been asked in regards to how service providers feel about the HDC process to respond too, and improvements to how we look at complaints right from the start.
- I would like to know what date each survey went live, and what mechanisms were used to communicate the survey
- If the survey requested for identifiable information including the complaint number or reference number from the person or service provider

Yours faithfully,

Sarah Brodrick

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Things to do with this request

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