Request for Investigation into Police, courts and Landlord Misconduct: Civil Lawsuit for Eviction and Related Issues

Patrick Thomas made this Official Information request to Ministry of Justice

Response to this request is delayed. By law, Ministry of Justice should normally have responded promptly and by (details and exceptions)

From: Patrick Thomas

Dear Ministry of justice

i will also be starting a civil lawsuit against the nz police for not investigating my complaints properly, 105 reports and half the time didnt even address the complaint i sent through. i have proof of the taihape police lying, constable juila hall of the wellington police lying, prosecutor sgt hickey from taumaranui police prosecution services and wellington central police staff lying. ill see you in court if you require the images to this complaint email me and ill send them to you along with the affidavits, characters statements, all communication between myself and my legal advocate see you in court. i have proof of everything including the tresspass notice used to evict me which the ipca says does not exist and stated police records have been amended to state so. so i even have the ipca lying in official documents i will be filing the paperwork in the high court monday next week what you allowed to happen is criminal

To the ipca I am starting legal proceedings against the nz police via a civil lawsuit for what they have put me through in the past 19 months since my eviction
In November 2022 I did a 14 day notice to remedy to my landlord after 4 x doing 14 day notices to remedy and within 30 seconds Sharon playford replied stated it was not possible to repair the property within 14 days and would be terminating the tenancy and would be putting a written 90 day notice in the mailbox the next day to which they did. This is why I did the 14 day notice to remedy
In 2 years I had done 3 notices to remedy to Darren and Sharon playford and below is the 3 copies of them that I have

Below is a just a small part of the repairs I was asking Darren to do including making sure the rental was up to the healthy homes standard. It had wiring that would arc in the kitchen, meter box buzzing, no smoke alarms fitted, no working oven, no thermostat, previous tenants rubbish everywhere.

During the 90 day period Darren playford turned up at the rental multiple times without giving notice. Went inside the rental when I wasn’t home. And I recorded him saying you can go back into the rental until you are trespassed which is illegal under the RTA.
From left to right Darren my landlord sitting up the road watching me this was constant. The picture on the right was taken from my security camera footage when I was not home and he was inside the rental without giving notice

On the 06th march 2023 a nz police officer illegally issued me with a trespass notice which was used by my landlord to illegally evict me from 7 wren street taihape 4720. I am requesting the name of the police officer that issued it. Darren and Sharon playford from 33 broadway avenue, mangaweka came to the rental about 9am and smahed open the back door and entered my bedroom while I was still in bed I noticed they were video recording me without my consent and threw the trespass notice at me and started becoming verbally abusive. I told them to leave and they hesitated and Sharon said lets go and Darren turned and said you can stay until tomorrow they then left. As they were leaving and walking down the path I seen Darren was carrying a large sledgehammer and a large pry bar. I didn’t know whether or not it was issued by the taihape police or Darren himself so after they were off the property I drove in my Subaru down to the taihape police station but nobody was there so I went to see the bro scott kahu who gave me a coffee and a cigarette to calm down. I asked the bro to borrow the trailer he had but it was not there. Because of the hostility I asked scotty to come back to the rental with me.

When we got to the top of wren street I could see the playfords car on the front lawn with Sharon playford and there son there by it as I got closer I noticed Darren had the front door wide open and the front door was wide open and he was changing the locks. The house was locked when I left so is home invasion. Darren seen me and came out and started verbally abusing us and pulling the middle finger and was threatening to call the police. I didn’t know much about tenancy laws at the time so I left.
I finally went to the taihape police station and go a hold of them and spoke with constable liam robinson and asked could I go get my property and possessions and was told because I was trespassed I was not to go near the property and not to attempt to get my property from the property. Liam robinson said he would contact Darren but nothing ever came of this. At the time I had over $27k worth of panel beating equipment, spray painting equipment, high end gaming pc, web servers, my business laptop and all my household furniture, clothing and possessions. The hardest thing I lost was my mothers urn which still had ashes in it and has been thrown out which has caused me emotional and mental distress.

On the 7th march 2023 after losing everything I owned I was unable to get into emergency housing so had to live in a abandoned train tunnel and it was brutal I only had a small campstretcher, and 2 duvets that were constantly damp. I was unable to secure accomamdation so lived in this tunnel from the 07th march 2023 until the 08th august 2023. I had no cooking facilitys, had to walk half a kilometer to use the public toilets etc

On the 14th april 2023 I was at the bro scotty kahus and was there having a warm coffee and smoke as I was living at the train tunnel at the time and it gave me shelter from the cold we stepped outside to have a smoke on the patio and Darren came flying down the road and hit the brakes outside his house quite violently and started yelling ill come punch your lights out and making verbal threats. I went to go down to his car and he took off
On the 8th august 2023 I got work at the safari motels in taihape painting the units and stayed there until the 30th October 2023 where I was not squared up my wages and was trespassed. At this time I had to go back to the abandoned tunnel and was a total blow to me after living indoors again.

On the same day the 30th October 2023 I was visiting my friend scotty and said I was going to go see my friend Fiona evans who lives at 19 wren street taihape 4720. I was walked down thrush street and darrens daughter who lives on the corner of thrush street and kaka road at 39 kaka road taihape 4720 seen me and got on the phone which I ignored and kept walking as I got to the top of wren street and started down the hill and Darren came running out of 7 wren street phone in hand and flew up the road in his blue Nissan bluebird car and hit the brakes ran over and pushed me, stood on my ankle and then grabbed my wrist and punched me in the head which left me with numerous injuries including a black and heavily swollen eye, a heavily bruised and swollen ankle I required crutches to walk, a wrist was had black bruising and grab marks on it. On the 30th October 2023 I rung 105 just after 8pm and made a formal complaint and included photos of the injuries. The taihape police did nothing and I know this as fact as my brother Dylan who is married to kristy Darren playfords daughter asked Darren playford and the police not only failed to investigate this they didn’t even go and speak with him which is Failure to follow established procedures, Negligence or failure to act, Unprofessional conduct and Misuse of discretion.

It was after a week when he had not been charged or even spoken to I noticed a pattern forming and knew the taihape police staff were once again going to do nothing. I didn’t feel safe in taihape so I left taihape and went to wellington and around this time the taihape court house put a bail condition on my bail not to enter taihape unless for court and because I was on bail conditions I was not eligible for emergency housing so I had to take the last $45 I had and went to the warehouse and brought a $39 tent and set it up here

I started living here from the 07th November 2023 and has only the basic items and was brutal due to having no blankets or anything. And during this time I lost my benefit as I had no service address and had to shoplift food and do things I hate to do as a result. During this time I received 5 threatening text messages from Darren playford and it was not safe for me to return to taihape. Every week I did busking and saved up every dollar I could scrap together and by the 05th march 2024 with the help from the bro who lent me $1000 I was able to buy a 1999 subaru Lancaster legacy stationwagon from a person on trademe from castlecliff Wanganui. I was still unable to return to taihape due to the bail condition it was around this time I got Gerry dobyn my lawyer to do a bail variation form which sgt hickey from taumaranui police prosecution services denied knowing full well I was homeless so was forced by nz police to live homeless when a simple change to my bail conditions which I didn’t breach would have seen me housed and given a fair chance to defend this charge which means I have not been given a fiar trail as I didnt have power to research my case.

I lived the entire winter 2024 along old hutt road in a inlet off the side of the road. And there is where it was located and the entire winter I was cold to the bone despite living in a car below is a few of the images of me sleeping and living in my car

In early june 2024 while driving up the ngarunga gorge I could hear the motor flying to pieces and I pulled over and put some more oil in it and managed to drive back to the inlet. After lifting the bonnet I seen that the crankshaft rod had gone straight through the top of the ej25 engine block and was no longer usable and because of this I had no heating and it got brutally cold and damp in the vehicle to the point even though I was airing it out daily it became fall of black mold and because I couldn’t get rid of it I got really sick and my health started declining and because I have permanent respitory disorder I got a lot of lung infections. Below are images of the black mold and me looking really ill because I was ill.

below is images showing the damage to the motor showing the damage caused by not having a home to take the motor out to do small repair jobs that were urgently needed. Because of this I lost a really good car that should still be going and was in immaculate condition and mechanically sound.

After the car blew up I had to move out of the car and brought a $140 tent by this time I had been homeless just over 18 months and I was mentally spent and the brain was running on empty and due to having bipolar disorder my mental health sharply declined and I started having a mental breakdown. I documented my entire homeless journey on tiktok and built a following of over 31,000 people within new Zealand which is pretty large and I broke down crying on a livestream and one of my followers kieasha from dannevirke offered me a room and before she even finished asking I said yes please. On the 19th September 2024 at 7:30am I got on a intercity bus to dannavirke after 18 months on the streets which caused Psychological Exhaustion, Severe Emotional Distress, Mental Health Deterioration, Trauma Due to Neglect, Loss of Personal Dignity and Self-Worth, Loss of Property and Personal Items this was a big one in july 2024 after not being able to charge the car battery with the alternator I couldn’t lock my doors due to no power to the central locking system and my car was broken into and they stole most of what I own and this really hit me hard and I attempted to take my own life by swollowing 45 codiene pills and nearly worked out but I vomited if that had not happened I would not be here now.

I arrived in dannevirke and stayed with the lady on her farm property and you have no idea how amazing it felt to sleep in a warm bed and take a hot shower I cant put that feeling into word and I stayed with kiaesha for 2 months and during this time it dawned on me how badly my mental health and physical health had become. It was the perfect place to rest and mentally recover from what I had been put through and im grateful to her for doing it for me as I had started to lose faith in humanity as was at the lowest point I have ever been at in my life. On the 12th November I boarded a bus back to wellington as it was not a permanent arrangement and was once again homeless living in a tent behind the carpark on centennial highway by the ngarunga gorge junction and this is where my tent was.

I stayed here from the 12th November having to go back to washing in the ocean, having no cooking facilities and nobody to talk with and that was the hardest part the loneliness at least when I was in dannevirke I had somebody to talk to and just get stuff off my chest and my mental health declined again and went into a very depressive state and was having thoughts of taking my own life again and a lady from Blenheim that had followed me from the start of my journey of my tiktok homeless journey offered me a room and I was at wits end and decided to leave wellington for good and on the 04th January 2025 I left wellington on the 2am Bluebridge ferry and got to Blenheim safely. I have now been in Blenheim 20 days and im doing a lot better. i am slowly working towards starting my own custom pc building company and for the first time since the 06th march 2023 I see hope for a future and im looking forward to getting fully back on my feet. Darren and Sharon playford have no idea the chain of events they set in place that day and think what they did was ok. I also would like to add just after I was evicted from 7 wren street the playford’s both Darren and his daughter started a savage online smear campaign against me and were lying and telling people lies to try and discredit what I was saying. Below is a screenshot of kristy playford lying saying I had flooded the sinks and below is a picture of the water leaking through roof and the water dripping down from the top of the door frame and that is what caused the damage and I did 3 previous notices to remedy so she has lied twice in the same comment. She then went on to say I wont let him in the house to do the repairs and have attached facebook messages between myself and Darren which tell a completely different story.

I was then told by a friend that follows Darren playford’s housetruck building facebook page that he was lying making up lies saying “its been a bit of a slow process the past 3 month’s over other things like a lying troublesome tenant to have to deal with. I kept the property clean during the 90 day period and was no problem to him at all he made these things up because he I had told people in my hometown exactly what he was doing and what he had don’t to my kuia’s homestead. This is Defamation of character and a direct violation of Harassment and Unlawful Behavior (RTA Section 38) and Retaliatory Action (RTA Section 54).

Yours faithfully,

Patrick Thomas

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Tēnā koe Patrick,


Thank you for your email of 24 January 2025 to the Ministry of Justice
(the Ministry) seeking information under the Official Information Act 1982
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The Ministry does not hold the requested information.  The Ministry
considered transferring your request under section 14 of the Act to the
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Ngā mihi,




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-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Thomas <[2][FOI #29865 email]>
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2025 7:10 PM
To: [3][Ministry of Justice request email]
Subject: Official Information request - Request for Investigation into
Police, courts and Landlord Misconduct: Civil Lawsuit for Eviction and
Related Issues


Dear Ministry of justice


i will also be starting a civil lawsuit against the nz police for not
investigating my complaints properly, 105 reports and half the time didnt
even address the complaint i sent through. i have proof of the taihape
police lying, constable juila hall of the wellington police lying,
prosecutor sgt hickey from taumaranui police prosecution services and
wellington central police staff lying. ill see you in court if you require
the images to this complaint email me and ill send them to you along with
the affidavits, characters statements, all communication between myself
and my legal advocate see you in court. i have proof of everything
including the tresspass notice used to evict me which the ipca says does
not exist and stated police records have been amended to state so. so i
even have the ipca lying in official documents i will be filing the
paperwork in the high court monday next week what you allowed to happen is


To the ipca I am starting legal proceedings against the nz police via a
civil lawsuit for what they have put me through in the past 19 months
since my eviction In November 2022 I did a 14 day notice to remedy to my
landlord after 4 x doing 14 day notices to remedy and within 30 seconds
Sharon playford replied stated it was not possible to repair the property
within 14 days and would be terminating the tenancy and would be putting a
written 90 day notice in the mailbox the next day to which they did. This
is why I did the 14 day notice to remedy In 2 years I had done 3 notices
to remedy to Darren and Sharon playford and below is the 3 copies of them
that I have


Below is a just a small part of the repairs I was asking Darren to do
including making sure the rental was up to the healthy homes standard. It
had wiring that would arc in the kitchen, meter box buzzing, no smoke
alarms fitted, no working oven, no thermostat, previous tenants rubbish


During the 90 day period Darren playford turned up at the rental multiple
times without giving notice. Went inside the rental when I wasn’t home.
And I recorded him saying you can go back into the rental until you are
trespassed which is illegal under the RTA.

From left to right Darren my landlord sitting up the road watching me this
was constant. The picture on the right was taken from my security camera
footage when I was not home and he was inside the rental without giving


On the 06th march 2023 a nz police officer illegally issued me with a
trespass notice which was used by my landlord to illegally evict me from 7
wren street taihape 4720. I am requesting the name of the police officer
that issued it. Darren and Sharon playford from 33 broadway avenue,
mangaweka came to the rental about 9am and smahed open the back door and
entered my bedroom while I was still in bed I noticed they were video
recording me without my consent and threw the trespass notice at me and
started becoming verbally abusive. I told them to leave and they hesitated
and Sharon said lets go and Darren turned and said you can stay until
tomorrow they then left. As they were leaving and walking down the path I
seen Darren was carrying a large sledgehammer and a large pry bar. I
didn’t know whether or not it was issued by the taihape police or Darren
himself so after they were off the property I drove in my Subaru down to
the taihape police station but nobody was there so I went to see the bro
scott kahu who gave me a coffee and a cigarette to calm down. I asked the
bro to borrow the trailer he had but it was not there. Because of the
hostility I asked scotty to come back to the rental with me.


When we got to the top of wren street I could see the playfords car on the
front lawn with Sharon playford and there son there by it as I got closer
I noticed Darren had the front door wide open and the front door was wide
open and he was changing the locks. The house was locked when I left so is
home invasion. Darren seen me and came out and started verbally abusing us
and pulling the middle finger and was threatening to call the police. I
didn’t know much about tenancy laws at the time so I left.

I finally went to the taihape police station and go a hold of them and
spoke with constable liam robinson and asked could I go get my property
and possessions and was told because I was trespassed I was not to go near
the property and not to attempt to get my property from the property. Liam
robinson said he would contact Darren but nothing ever came of this. At
the time I had over $27k worth of panel beating equipment, spray painting
equipment, high end gaming pc, web servers, my business laptop and all my
household furniture, clothing and possessions. The hardest thing I lost
was my mothers urn which still had ashes in it and has been thrown out
which has caused me emotional and mental distress.


On the 7th march 2023 after losing everything I owned I was unable to get
into emergency housing so had to live in a abandoned train tunnel and it
was brutal I only had a small campstretcher, and 2 duvets that were
constantly damp. I was unable to secure accomamdation so lived in this
tunnel from the 07th march 2023 until the 08th august 2023. I had no
cooking facilitys, had to walk half a kilometer to use the public toilets


On the 14th april 2023 I was at the bro scotty kahus and was there having
a warm coffee and smoke as I was living at the train tunnel at the time
and it gave me shelter from the cold we stepped outside to have a smoke on
the patio and Darren came flying down the road and hit the brakes outside
his house quite violently and started yelling ill come punch your lights
out and making verbal threats. I went to go down to his car and he took
off On the 8th august 2023 I got work at the safari motels in taihape
painting the units and stayed there until the 30th October 2023 where I
was not squared up my wages and was trespassed. At this time I had to go
back to the abandoned tunnel and was a total blow to me after living
indoors again.


On the same day the 30th October 2023 I was visiting my friend scotty and
said I was going to go see my friend Fiona evans who lives at 19 wren
street taihape 4720. I was walked down thrush street and darrens daughter
who lives on the corner of thrush street and kaka road at 39 kaka road
taihape 4720 seen me and got on the phone which I ignored and kept walking
as I got to the top of wren street and started down the hill and Darren
came running out of 7 wren street phone in hand and flew up the road in
his blue Nissan bluebird car and hit the brakes ran over and pushed me,
stood on my ankle and then grabbed my wrist and punched me in the head
which left me with numerous injuries including a black and heavily swollen
eye, a heavily bruised and swollen ankle I required crutches to walk, a
wrist was had black bruising and grab marks on it. On the 30th October
2023 I rung 105 just after 8pm and made a formal complaint and included
photos of the injuries. The taihape police did nothing and I know this as
fact as my brother Dylan who is married to kristy Darren playfords
daughter asked Darren playford and the police not only failed to
investigate this they didn’t even go and speak with him which is Failure
to follow established procedures, Negligence or failure to act,
Unprofessional conduct and Misuse of discretion.


It was after a week when he had not been charged or even spoken to I
noticed a pattern forming and knew the taihape police staff were once
again going to do nothing. I didn’t feel safe in taihape so I left taihape
and went to wellington and around this time the taihape court house put a
bail condition on my bail not to enter taihape unless for court and
because I was on bail conditions I was not eligible for emergency housing
so I had to take the last $45 I had and went to the warehouse and brought
a $39 tent and set it up here


I started living here from the 07th November 2023 and has only the basic
items and was brutal due to having no blankets or anything. And during
this time I lost my benefit as I had no service address and had to
shoplift food and do things I hate to do as a result. During this time I
received 5 threatening text messages from Darren playford and it was not
safe for me to return to taihape. Every week I did busking and saved up
every dollar I could scrap together and by the 05th march 2024 with the
help from the bro who lent me $1000 I was able to buy a 1999 subaru
Lancaster legacy stationwagon from a person on trademe from castlecliff
Wanganui. I was still unable to return to taihape due to the bail
condition it was around this time I got Gerry dobyn my lawyer to do a bail
variation form which sgt hickey from taumaranui police prosecution
services denied knowing full well I was homeless so was forced by nz
police to live homeless when a simple change to my bail conditions which I
didn’t breach would have seen me housed and given a fair chance to defend
this charge which means I have not been given a fiar trail as I didnt have
power to research my case.


I lived the entire winter 2024 along old hutt road in a inlet off the side
of the road. And there is where it was located and the entire winter I was
cold to the bone despite living in a car below is a few of the images of
me sleeping and living in my car


In early june 2024 while driving up the ngarunga gorge I could hear the
motor flying to pieces and I pulled over and put some more oil in it and
managed to drive back to the inlet. After lifting the bonnet I seen that
the crankshaft rod had gone straight through the top of the ej25 engine
block and was no longer usable and because of this I had no heating and it
got brutally cold and damp in the vehicle to the point even though I was
airing it out daily it became fall of black mold and because I couldn’t
get rid of it I got really sick and my health started declining and
because I have permanent respitory disorder I got a lot of lung
infections. Below are images of the black mold and me looking really ill
because I was ill.


below is images showing the damage to the motor showing the damage caused
by not having a home to take the motor out to do small repair jobs that
were urgently needed. Because of this I lost a really good car that should
still be going and was in immaculate condition and mechanically sound.


After the car blew up I had to move out of the car and brought a $140 tent
by this time I had been homeless just over 18 months and I was mentally
spent and the brain was running on empty and due to having bipolar
disorder my mental health sharply declined and I started having a mental
breakdown. I documented my entire homeless journey on tiktok and built a
following of over 31,000 people within new Zealand which is pretty large
and I broke down crying on a livestream and one of my followers kieasha
from dannevirke offered me a room and before she even finished asking I
said yes please. On the 19th September 2024 at 7:30am I got on a intercity
bus to dannavirke after 18 months on the streets which caused
Psychological Exhaustion, Severe Emotional Distress, Mental Health
Deterioration, Trauma Due to Neglect, Loss of Personal Dignity and
Self-Worth, Loss of Property and Personal Items this was a big one in july
2024 after not being able to charge the car battery with the alternator I
couldn’t lock my doors due to no power to the central locking system and
my car was broken into and they stole most of what I own and this really
hit me hard and I attempted to take my own life by swollowing 45 codiene
pills and nearly worked out but I vomited if that had not happened I would
not be here now.


I arrived in dannevirke and stayed with the lady on her farm property and
you have no idea how amazing it felt to sleep in a warm bed and take a hot
shower I cant put that feeling into word and I stayed with kiaesha for 2
months and during this time it dawned on me how badly my mental health and
physical health had become. It was the perfect place to rest and mentally
recover from what I had been put through and im grateful to her for doing
it for me as I had started to lose faith in humanity as was at the lowest
point I have ever been at in my life. On the 12th November I boarded a bus
back to wellington as it was not a permanent arrangement and was once
again homeless living in a tent behind the carpark on centennial highway
by the ngarunga gorge junction and this is where my tent was.


I stayed here from the 12th November having to go back to washing in the
ocean, having no cooking facilities and nobody to talk with and that was
the hardest part the loneliness at least when I was in dannevirke I had
somebody to talk to and just get stuff off my chest and my mental health
declined again and went into a very depressive state and was having
thoughts of taking my own life again and a lady from Blenheim that had
followed me from the start of my journey of my tiktok homeless journey
offered me a room and I was at wits end and decided to leave wellington
for good and on the 04th January 2025 I left wellington on the 2am
Bluebridge ferry and got to Blenheim safely. I have now been in Blenheim
20 days and im doing a lot better. i am slowly working towards starting my
own custom pc building company and for the first time since the 06th march
2023 I see hope for a future and im looking forward to getting fully back
on my feet. Darren and Sharon playford have no idea the chain of events
they set in place that day and think what they did was ok. I also would
like to add just after I was evicted from 7 wren street the playford’s
both Darren and his daughter started a savage online smear campaign
against me and were lying and telling people lies to try and discredit
what I was saying. Below is a screenshot of kristy playford lying saying I
had flooded the sinks and below is a picture of the water leaking through
roof and the water dripping down from the top of the door frame and that
is what caused the damage and I did 3 previous notices to remedy so she
has lied twice in the same comment. She then went on to say I wont let him
in the house to do the repairs and have attached facebook messages between
myself and Darren which tell a completely different story.


I was then told by a friend that follows Darren playford’s housetruck
building facebook page that he was lying making up lies saying “its been a
bit of a slow process the past 3 month’s over other things like a lying
troublesome tenant to have to deal with. I kept the property clean during
the 90 day period and was no problem to him at all he made these things up
because he I had told people in my hometown exactly what he was doing and
what he had don’t to my kuia’s homestead. This is Defamation of character
and a direct violation of Harassment and Unlawful Behavior (RTA Section
38) and Retaliatory Action (RTA Section 54).


Yours faithfully,


Patrick Thomas




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