MoJ Christmas Party Budget for End Year Function, 2024
Erika Whittome made this Official Information request to Ministry of Justice
The request was partially successful.
From: Erika Whittome
Dear Ministry of Justice,
Recently RNZ covered events that took place for an end of year function for district court judges at the Northern Club in Auckland. Would you kindly provide the following information: For the district court judges end of year event at the Northern Club, what was
1. the end of year budget for this end of year event
2. the actual cost from the budget
3. does this include alcohol and the bar tab from the Northern Club?
4. disbursements such as travel and overnight accommodation for Auckland city
Yours faithfully,
Erika Whittome
Ministry of Justice
Tēnā koe,
Thank you for contacting the [1][Ministry of Justice request email] mailbox at the
Ministry of Justice.
This automatic message is to confirm we have received your email - we hope
to acknowledge you and advise next steps within two working days. Please
note that the Ministry's National Office will be closed from 23 December
to 6 January and any acknowledgement will be delayed.
Please note that this mailbox is not monitored on weekends, public
holidays or between 17:00 and 08:00 hours on working days.
Official Information Act requests can take up to 20 working days to
receive a response. If the Ministry needs more time, we will inform you.
Please note that for any request received over the summer holiday period
of 25 December to 16 January these are not considered working days under
the Act and your response may be later than you expect.
Ngā mihi,
Communications and Ministerial Services | Corporate Services
Ministry of Justice
Justice Centre I Aitken Street
DX Box SX 10088 I Wellington
Visible links
1. mailto:[Ministry of Justice request email]
Ministry of Justice
Tçnâ koe Erika,
Thank you for your email of 21 December 2024 to the Ministry of Justice
(the Ministry).
We acknowledge receipt of your request under the Official Information Act
This has been forwarded onto the relevant business unit to respond to.
The Ministry may publish the response to your request on our website, you
can expect that if your OIA is to be published that this will take place
at least 10 working days after it has been sent you. Your name and any
other personal information will be withheld under Section 9(2)(a) (protect
the privacy of natural persons).
You can expect a response by 11/02/2025. This response date takes into
account the OIA summer holidays which are between 25 December 2024 – 15
January 2025.
Ngâ mihi
Communications and Ministerial Services |Corporate Services
Ministry of Justice | Tâhû o te Ture
DX Box SX 10088 | Wellington
show quoted sections
Ministry of Justice
Kia ora Erika,
Please find attached a letter regarding your Official Information Act
request of 21 December 2024.
Many thanks,
Communications and Ministerial Services | Corporate Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture
Justice Centre | 19 Aitken Street, Wellington (6011)
[1][Ministry of Justice request email]
show quoted sections
From: Easton, Paul
Ministry of Justice
Dear Erika,
Please find your OIA response attached.
Ngā mihi,
Paul Easton
Principal Media Advisor |
Communications Services
Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te
027 276 9810
[1][email address] |
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence