Database schemas & Documentation

Miss W. Forest made this Official Information request to Ministry of Social Development

The request was refused by Ministry of Social Development.

From: Miss W. Forest

Dear Ministry of Social Development,

1. Please provide all the relational database schemas that are in currently use at across MSD.

This is across all MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Teradata etc. relational databases MSD uses.

These schemas outline in formal standardized manner all the database fields names, field types, columns and so on and is business as usual technical artifact you have and is official information.

2. Please provide the current technical design and documentation associated with the database schemas.

Yours faithfully,

Miss W. Forest

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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Tēnā koe Miss W. Forest,

Thank you for your email received 20 November 2024, under the Official Information Act 1982. Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate officials at National Office to respond.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Official Information Team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development

Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to help themselves to be safe, strong and independent
Ko ta mātou he whakamana tangata kia tū haumaru, kia tū kaha, kia tū motuhake

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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Attachment OIA Response FOREST.pdf
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Tçnâ koe

Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act request.

Nâ mâtou noa, nâ

Official Information Team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development

Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau

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