Project iRex turnaround time modelling

James Robinson made this Official Information request to KiwiRail

Currently waiting for a response from KiwiRail, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: James Robinson

Dear KiwiRail,

The publicly available Kiwirail Board Deep Dive (from May 2023) notes that rail enabled ferries are expected to have longer loading/turnaround times than RoPax ferries.

I would like to request the following information relating to the irex project under the OIA:

a). Any report/document with modelling outcomes for the 2 scenarios that was used to draw that conclusion in the board deep dive.

b). Any other reports with modelled loading times for rail enabled or RoPax ferries, received by kiwirail after 1 Dec 2022.

I understand from media reports that Kiwirail was targeting either a 60, 80, or 120 minute turnaround time (depending on seasonal demand). Should the modelling suggest these turnaround times could not be met with either option, I would like to request additional information relating to how Kiwirail responded to that.

As such, if it exists, I would also like to request:

c). Confirmation of whether or not the terminal design was changed after modelling was received, to enable a 60/80/120 minute turnaround window, and if so any estimates held by Kiwirail of the cost implications of the change in design.

D). Confirmation of whether or not the ability to meet the planned turnaround time (and hence stick to the planned sailing schedule) was accounted for in subsequent NPV calculations used for the project.

Yours faithfully,

James Robinson

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