Wilson Parking lease on Khyber Reservoir

D L Sanson made this Official Information request to Watercare Services Limited

Currently waiting for a response from Watercare Services Limited, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: D L Sanson

Dear Watercare Services Limited,

Could you please provide the following information about the parking on the roof of Khyber No. 4 Reservoir, which is currently used as a Wilson parking lot:

- The annual lease paid to Watercare (or Auckland Council) by Wilson Parking for use of this space?
- The length of lease between Wilson Parking and Watercare (or Auckland Council)? Including when the lease began and if it had been renewed.
- Any analysis for how this lease supports Watercare’s organisational objectives and asset management strategy?

Yours faithfully,

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Things to do with this request

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