Inclusion of land information in the Dog Control Bylaw
Karen Anderson made this Official Information request to Dunedin City Council
Response to this request is long overdue. By law Dunedin City Council should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.
From: Karen Anderson
Dear Dunedin City Council,
My preference is to receive the requested information by email.
We note the Dog Control Bylaw has been amended and some maps include information about land such as parcels, strata and other similar details.
Accordingly I have been requested by members of the Dunedin Dog Bylaw Group to ask for the legislative provisions or case-law the DCC relies on as authority for dealing with land issues as part of the Dog Control Bylaw. I have also been requested to ask for similar references that establish the consequences, such as infringement fines or other penalties, for dog owners who do not know this information. I have also been asked to request references to all places land information appears in all documents, discussions and decisions relating to the consultation, deliberations and decision-making during the 2016 dog control review.
We note the Dog Control Act 1996 provides that Bylaws give effect to the Policy. Accordingly I have also been asked to request the reference to the clause or clauses in the Dog Control Policy that establish land information is a matter that will be further explicated in the Bylaws.
The Dog Control Act 1996 also provides that the Bylaws that give effect to the Policy must be made and in force in later than the 60th day after the date the Policy was adopted. We note this information was not included in the Bylaw until well after that period. Accordingly I have been asked to request the legislative provisions or case-law the DCC relies on as authority for delaying giving effect to the Policy for longer than the statutorily specified period.
I have also been asked to request the date this information will be included in the static maps, when it will be included in the text of the Bylaw, when the land information will be included in the dog control parts of the website, when affected signage will be changed, and when registered dog owners will be informed of the land information and the requirement to know it.
I have also been asked to request a list of all the land information so dog owners may commence learning it as soon as possible. As it would be unreasonable to expect every dog owner to be familiar with the meanings of land information details I have also been requested to ask when it is intended to conduct the necessary education programme to enable registered dog owners to learn what the information means and how to apply it when walking with their dogs so they can be confident they are complying with their obligations under the Bylaw.
Yours faithfully,
Karen Anderson
From: Karen Anderson
Dear Dunedin City Council,
As a consequence of the failure to provide the information that was requested a complaint has been lodged with the Ombudsman.
We note our concern this is required despite the Ombudsman already having to intervene after you failed to provide any response at all.
Yours faithfully,
Karen Anderson
On behalf of the Dunedin Dog Bylaws Group
From: Sharon Bodeker
Dunedin City Council
Dear Ms Anderson
I refer to the five emails you sent yesterday about our failure to provide
information as requested. I advise that your request for information
about dog parks is due today. With respect to the other four emails sent,
the information for the four requests referred to was sent to you on 10
May 2019. I have reattached for your information the response that was
sent to you at that time.
Sharon Bodeker
P 03 477 4000 | DD 03 474 3231 | M 021 178 5337 | E
[1][email address]
Dunedin City Council, 50 The Octagon, Dunedin
PO Box 5045, Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
[3]DCC Main Page
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From: Karen Anderson <[FOI #9465 email]>
Sent: Sunday, 21 July 2019 3:09 p.m.
To: Official Information <[email address]>
Subject: Re: Official Information request - Inclusion of land information
in the Dog Control Bylaw
Dear Dunedin City Council,
As a consequence of the failure to provide the information that was
requested a complaint has been lodged with the Ombudsman.
We note our concern this is required despite the Ombudsman already having
to intervene after you failed to provide any response at all.
Yours faithfully,
Karen Anderson
On behalf of the Dunedin Dog Bylaws Group
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[4][FOI #9465 email]
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Karen Anderson left an annotation ()
The DCC has contacted me outside of and already been informed the issue raised with the Ombudsman was not a failure to respond, but a failure to provide the information that was requested.
Note that follows failing to respond until a complaint to the Ombudsman in the first place.
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Karen Anderson left an annotation ()
After a complaint to the Ombudsman the DCC provided a response on 10 May 2019.
Link to this