Data feed for parking sensor trial

Greg Bodnar made this Official Information request to Wellington City Council

The request was successful.

From: Greg Bodnar

Dear Wellington City Council,

Having just read an article published on Stuff regarding the use of real-time sensing of parking, I noticed an image showing spaces that are either occupied or vacant which started me thinking of how I would use the data if I had access to it. (

As such, I have a couple questions around use of the real-time parking information:

1) Is this information available to the public?
2) If so, is it available in a machine readable form?
3) If so, are there limitations place on the data that would prevent me from representing it to the public?

Yours faithfully,

Greg Bodnar

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Wellington City Council

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From: Deborah Howse
Wellington City Council

Dear Mr Bodnar


Thank you for your information request to Wellington City Council.


You have asked 3 specific questions regarding the Council’s trial of
real-time parking sensors. I have spoken with the Parking Services who has
provided the following information:


1) “Is this information available to the public?”


No. At present the information is not available to the public as the
Council is trialling and testing the software and checking the technology
and information reliability at this time.


2) “If so, is it available in a machine readable form?”


If the Council proceeds beyond the trial then it would look to make
real-time information available in a similar format to the image you have
seen in the Stuff website article. However, the Parking Team have not done
any detailed analysis as they await the outcome of the trial. In general
terms regarding an 'open data' approach such as making the information
available in a machine readable form, that is something that will form
part of the Council’s consideration of the technology solution.


3) “If so, are there limitations place on the data that would prevent me
from representing it to the public?”


If data was made available to the public, it would restrict and not make
available the information that may have a privacy consideration around
information that could identify the specific vehicle and owner details and
the specific payment transactions.


I trust this answers your questions.


Kind regards

Deborah Howse


Deborah Howse
Manager, IRO | Governance Directorate | Wellington City Council
P 04 803 8341 | M 021 227 8341 | F 04 801 4394
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