ANPR Cameras

Joshua Rogers made this Official Information request to Hamilton City Council

The request was successful.

From: Joshua Rogers

Dear Hamilton City Council,

I have recently seen a number of Axis ANPR cameras dotted around the city and would like to request the following.

1. What are the locations of the currently installed ANPR cameras + install dates if possible.

2. What are the locations of the future, planned installed ANPR cameras.

3. What system is being used to run the ANPR cameras (axis, milestone, Rekor or other ANPR softwares)

4. How long are license plate data stored for.

5. Was the office of the privacy commissioner consulted before installation

6. How does the ANPR system get its plate alert data (NZTA, carjam API, police, manual plate entry)

7. Does the ANPR system check for expired rego, wof, etc or is it only for stolen vehicles

8. What is the city’s plans for ANPR (covering all entrances to the city, hotspots for stolen vehicles etc)

9. Do police have a direct access to view plate data, or is it only accessible by City Cameras/city safe

10. How many alerts for stolen cars have the HCC had since installations

11. Can you provide a cost breakdown of the installation of cameras on a “per camera” basis.

12. Does the HCC plan to have the city fully covered by ANPR (all the way to te rapa, down the south hamilton)

Thank you,

Yours faithfully,

Joshua Rogers

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Hamilton City Council

[1]Hamilton City Council | Te kauniherao Kirikiriroa
Kia ora,

Your information request
We write to acknowledge receipt of your information request about ANPR
information. Your information request has been processed on 13/09/2023 and
passed on to the relevant team within Council for a response. The Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) requires
that we advise you on whether Council will provide the requested
information as soon as reasonably practicable, and no later than 20
working days after the day we receive your request.

We will respond to you no later than 10/10/2023 .

Urgent requests
If you have asked for your request to be processed urgently,the team will
try to meet the date you have specified. However it may not always be
possible to meet your timeframe due to staff resourcing, and the size and
complexity of your request.

Fees & Charges
There is typically no charge, however the decision to chargewill be made
at Hamilton City Council's discretion and in alignment with our [2]LGOIMA
Charging Policy.

If there is a charge to be applied, Hamilton City Council will notify you
prior to incurring the charge.

Our management policy regarding charging is supported by theMinistry of
Justice Charging Guidelines for OIA requests.

You are entitled to three hours free and 20 pages of photocopying free of
charge. After that, charges of $38 per 30 minutes, and 20 cents per page
of photocopying applies. We may also recover any other actual costs, such
as special consultancy fees or other materials. This is set out in our
Fees & Charges Schedule [3]here.

Pro-active release of information
One of the key purposes of LGOIMA is to make information more freely
available, which promotes good government and trust and confidence in
public services. Proactively releasing completed OIA requests that may be
of interest to the wider public can help reduce the need for individuals
to make requests for information and it can reduce the work for Council in
responding to requests. Before publishing information personal and other
identifying details are redacted. Generally, where a request relates to a
narrow topic, these requests won't be published. You can search previous
published OIA responses [4]here.

There may be delays to OIA responses due to COVID-19 and other seasonal
illness impacting staff capacity both in the OIA team and across our
business. While we will aim to meet out statutory timeframes, a response
to your request may take longer than expected, or the timeframe for
responding to your request may be extended under LGOIMA.

If you are unhappy with our response or our management of your information
request, you have the right to complain to the Office of the Ombudsman.
The Chief Ombudsman recommends contacting us in the first instance to see
if we can resolve the issue before a complaint is made. You can read more
about what help the Ombudsman can provide [5]here.

Contact us
If you have any concerns or further questions about your request, please
[6]email us.

Ngaa mihi,
The Official Information Team
© 2019 Hamilton City Council. All rights reserved.

Hamilton City Council
260 Anglesea Street
Hamilton 3204

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[7]Hamilton City Council | Te kauniherao Kirikiriroa
Kia ora,

Your information request
We write to acknowledge receipt of your information request about ANPR
information. Your information request has been processed on 13/09/2023 and
passed on to the relevant team within Council for a response. The Local
Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) requires
that we advise you on whether Council will provide the requested
information as soon as reasonably practicable, and no later than 20
working days after the day we receive your request.

We will respond to you no later than 10/10/2023 .

Urgent requests
If you have asked for your request to be processed urgently,the team will
try to meet the date you have specified. However it may not always be
possible to meet your timeframe due to staff resourcing, and the size and
complexity of your request.

Fees & Charges
There is typically no charge, however the decision to chargewill be made
at Hamilton City Council's discretion and in alignment with our [8]LGOIMA
Charging Policy.

If there is a charge to be applied, Hamilton City Council will notify you
prior to incurring the charge.

Our management policy regarding charging is supported by theMinistry of
Justice Charging Guidelines for OIA requests.

You are entitled to three hours free and 20 pages of photocopying free of
charge. After that, charges of $38 per 30 minutes, and 20 cents per page
of photocopying applies. We may also recover any other actual costs, such
as special consultancy fees or other materials. This is set out in our
Fees & Charges Schedule [9]here.

Pro-active release of information
One of the key purposes of LGOIMA is to make information more freely
available, which promotes good government and trust and confidence in
public services. Proactively releasing completed OIA requests that may be
of interest to the wider public can help reduce the need for individuals
to make requests for information and it can reduce the work for Council in
responding to requests. Before publishing information personal and other
identifying details are redacted. Generally, where a request relates to a
narrow topic, these requests won't be published. You can search previous
published OIA responses [10]here.

There may be delays to OIA responses due to COVID-19 and other seasonal
illness impacting staff capacity both in the OIA team and across our
business. While we will aim to meet out statutory timeframes, a response
to your request may take longer than expected, or the timeframe for
responding to your request may be extended under LGOIMA.

If you are unhappy with our response or our management of your information
request, you have the right to complain to the Office of the Ombudsman.
The Chief Ombudsman recommends contacting us in the first instance to see
if we can resolve the issue before a complaint is made. You can read more
about what help the Ombudsman can provide [11]here.

Contact us
If you have any concerns or further questions about your request, please
[12]email us.

Ngaa mihi,
The Official Information Team
© 2019 Hamilton City Council. All rights reserved.

Hamilton City Council
260 Anglesea Street
Hamilton 3204


Visible links
6. mailto:[Hamilton City Council request email]?subject=RE: Request 349383/2023
12. mailto:[Hamilton City Council request email]?subject=RE: Request 349383/2023

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From: Official Information
Hamilton City Council

Attachment image001.png
9K Download

Attachment image002.jpg
0K Download

Attachment image003.jpg
0K Download

Kia ora,


We refer to your information request below. Hamilton City Council provides
the following response.


Your request:


1. What are the locations of the currently installed ANPR cameras +
install dates if possible.

2. What are the locations of the future, planned installed ANPR cameras.

3. What system is being used to run the ANPR cameras (axis, milestone,
Rekor or other ANPR softwares).

4. How long are license plate data stored for.

5. Was the office of the privacy commissioner consulted before

6. How does the ANPR system get its plate alert data (NZTA, carjam API,
police, manual plate entry)

7. Does the ANPR system check for expired rego, wof, etc or is it only for
stolen vehicles.

8. What is the city’s plans for ANPR (covering all entrances to the city,
hotspots for stolen vehicles etc)

9. Do police have a direct access to view plate data or is it only
accessible by City Cameras/city safe.

10. How many alerts for stolen cars have the HCC had since installations.

11. Can you provide a cost breakdown of the installation of cameras on a
“per camera” basis.

12. Does the HCC plan to have the city fully covered by ANPR (all the way
to te rapa, down the south hamilton).


Our response:


 1. What are the locations of the currently installed ANPR cameras +
install dates if possible?

Please see the spreadsheet attached that provides the current Licence
Plate Recognition Camera’s


 2. What are the locations of the future, planned installed ANPR cameras?

As the above there are future locations but installation dates have not
been confirmed.


 3. What system is being used to run the ANPR cameras (axis, milestone,
Rekor or other ANPR softwares).

Axis ANPR software and Milestone


 4. How long are license plate data stored for.

Our footage is only held for 30 days.


 5. Was the office of the privacy commissioner consulted before

The Privacy commissioner was not consulted before installing ANPR as
licence plates are not considered private information, please see here the
[1]Privacy Commissioner website.


 6. How does the ANPR system get its plate alert data (NZTA, carjam API,
police, manual plate entry)

Police – updated every 15 minutes.


 7. Does the ANPR system check for expired rego, wof, etc or is it only
for stolen vehicles.

The fixed ANPR check for stolen vehicles and number plates. HCC
Transportation ANPR vehicles will be used to improve the safe working
environment of Parking Wardens. This will be done to deliver existing
compliance routines and to improve the safety of road users around the
city in support of Access Hamilton and City Transportation initiatives.


 8. What is the city’s plans for ANPR (covering all entrances to the city,
hotspots for stolen vehicles etc)

The Spreadsheet attached provided covers the intended installations.


 9. Do police have a direct access to view plate data or is it only
accessible by City Cameras/city safe.

Police have direct access to the data via the secure vGRID SaferCity


10. How many alerts for stolen cars have the HCC had since installations.

We do not keep records beyond 30 days and the recent data we have does not
separate number plate alerts and stolen vehicles. Only the stolen vehicle
data is responded to.


11. Can you provide a cost breakdown of the installation of cameras on a
“per camera” basis.

No, this information is sensitive to the successful tender.


12. . Does the HCC plan to have the city fully covered by ANPR (all the
way to Te Rapa, down the south Hamilton).

The Spreadsheet provides the intended installations.



You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[2] or freephone 0800 802 602.


Ngaa mihi

Keeley Faulkner

Official Information Coordinator

Governance & Assurance Team | Business Services

Email: [3][Hamilton City Council request email]

Hamilton City Council | Private Bag 3010 | Hamilton 3240 |
[5] us on Facebook
[7] us on Twitter
This email and any attachments are strictly confidential and may contain
privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete the message and notify the sender. You should not read, copy, use,
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or its attachments without written authorisation from the originating
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connection with this email and any attachments including in connection
with computer viruses, data corruption, delay, interruption, unauthorised
access or unauthorised amendment. Unless expressly stated to the contrary
the content of this email, or any attachment, shall not be considered as
creating any binding legal obligation upon Hamilton City Council. Any
views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and may
not necessarily reflect the views of Hamilton City Council.


I support flexibility at work. While it suits me to send this email now, I
don’t expect a response outside of your own working hours. 




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From: Joshua Rogers

Dear Hamilton City Council,

Hi there, I see you have mentioned a spreadsheet for ANPR cameras in your response, however I cannot see a spreadsheet attached.

Could you please provide this spreadsheet.

Yours faithfully,

Joshua Rogers

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From: Official Information
Hamilton City Council

Attachment image001.png
9K Download

Attachment image002.jpg
0K Download

Attachment image003.jpg
0K Download

Attachment LGOIMA 349383 ANPR Cameras Information ANPR Location and Installed Date 2023 09 13 004.pdf
101K Download View as HTML

Kia ora,


We refer to your information request below. Hamilton City Council provides
the following response.


Apologies please see attached.


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1] or freephone 0800 802 602.


Ngaa mihi

Keeley Faulkner

Official Information Coordinator

Governance & Assurance Team | Business Services

Email: [2][Hamilton City Council request email]

Hamilton City Council | Private Bag 3010 | Hamilton 3240 |
[4] us on Facebook
[6] us on Twitter
This email and any attachments are strictly confidential and may contain
privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete the message and notify the sender. You should not read, copy, use,
change, alter, disclose or deal in any manner whatsoever with this email
or its attachments without written authorisation from the originating
sender. Hamilton City Council does not accept any liability whatsoever in
connection with this email and any attachments including in connection
with computer viruses, data corruption, delay, interruption, unauthorised
access or unauthorised amendment. Unless expressly stated to the contrary
the content of this email, or any attachment, shall not be considered as
creating any binding legal obligation upon Hamilton City Council. Any
views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and may
not necessarily reflect the views of Hamilton City Council.


I support flexibility at work. While it suits me to send this email now, I
don’t expect a response outside of your own working hours. 





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M B left an annotation ()

This is a huge safety concern. If ANPR data held by a public body is not personal information within the Privacy Act, it is merely official information. Thus, everyone has a right to access the location data of other people via the LGOIMA.

Is there Privacy Act argument justified though? HCC stated that "licence plates are not considered private information", citing this link as their reference

That link refers to license plates in their independent capacity and does not reflect ANPR systems. ANPR data is not just a license plate number, it is the location data of a motorist associated with the license plate and sometimes photographs.

Where HCC can link a license plate back to an identifiable person either directly or indirectly, they are also linking the associated ANPR data back to that person. If the location data can be affiliated with an identifiable individual (even if not by name), it is irrelevant how many steps or how direct of a route HCC take.

So far as I understand, HCC have full access to Motochek which generates a name for any license plate number. So why would it not follow that the location data collected by HCC against an individual license plate is information about an identifiable person (being the registered owner).

Alternatively, could HCC not simply use their CCTV network in conjunction with the ANPR data to extract a photograph of a driver? A photograph being the means to indirectly identify a person. The location data retained would be information about that person.

I don't see the basis for this argument. It is effectively suggesting that a license plate is a shield of anonymity, and the argument has no regard for broader identification processes available, or even identification of a person via the data itself. I question whether anonymity is even possible for specific location data such as this when it is held against its original identifier. If the name of the game with the recent roll out of ANPR cameras is traffic analytics rather than mass surveillance, the data should be stored without the identifier / license plate number. Only then would the ANPR data / location data actually be anonymised.

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Joshua Rogers left an annotation ()

M B. This is correct.

I have actually now requested this data so it would be interesting to know if they would be willing to provide this data and if not, why.

Will keep you updated.

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Things to do with this request

Hamilton City Council only: