CCTV and ANPR Cameras

Emilia Sharp made this Official Information request to Hamilton City Council

The request was successful.

From: Emilia Sharp

Dear Hamilton City Council,

I am writing to request the following information (for a total of 4 requests):

1. A list of all public facing CCTV cameras owned or operated by Hamilton City Council (HCC), Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs), and/or CitySafe.

2. A list of all Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras owned or operated by HCC, CCOs, and/or CitySafe.

For each camera identified by requests 1 and 2, please include in a spreadsheet the GPS coordinates, a description of the location, and the brand and type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360). Please ensure this information is accurate, I may be incorrect but I believe some coordinates given in response to a previous request were not nearby the named intersection. I hope this helps to ensure the returned information is correct without needing further clarification later on.

3. A list of all planned public facing CCTV cameras to be installed by or on behalf of HCC, CCOs, and/or CitySafe.

4. A list of all planned ANPR cameras to be installed by or on behalf of HCC, CCOs, and/or CitySafe.

For each camera identified by requests 3 and 4, please include in a spreadsheet the GPS coordinates of and/or a description of the planned location, the brand and type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360) to be installed, and the planned installation date or timeframe if known.

Yours faithfully,
Emilia Sharp

Link to this

From: Julie Hampson

Attachment image001.jpg
2K Download

Attachment image002.png
0K Download

Attachment image003.png
0K Download

Attachment image004.png
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Attachment image005.png
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Attachment image006.png
94K Download

Kia ora Emilia


We are responding to your Official Information request on behalf of
Hamilton City Council as the request relates to Co-Lab as one of HCC’s


Co-Lab can confirm that we do not use any form of CCTV or ANPR cameras.


Ngâ Mihi



Julie Hampson (she/her)

Ringa Âwhina Tâhûhû to Tumu Whakarae

Executive Assistant to Chief Executive | Kelvin French

Hçkeretari | Secretariat, Waikato Mayoral Forum & Joint Waikato Iwi Chairs
& Mayors Forum



[1]Marker with solid fill 6/34D Lake Street, Cambridge 3434
[2]Smart Phone with solid fill +64 210 866 3575
[3]Envelope with solid fill [4][email address]
[5]World with solid fill [6] [7]LinkedIn




Waikato Local Authority Shared Services Limited trading as Co-Lab. The
information contained in this communication, including any attachments, is
confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please
notify the sender immediately and then delete this email and any copies of
it. This content was updated 1 November 2021. Thank you for your


The information contained in this communication, including any
attachments, is confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended
recipient, please notify the sender immediately and then delete this email
and any copies of it. Thank you for your assistance.


Visible links
4. mailto:[email address][email address]

Link to this

From: Emilia Sharp

Dear Hamilton City Council,

Just wanted to remind you that the deadline for this request is the 10th of December. I'm looking for responses from/regarding Hamilton City Council, CCOs, and CitySafe. If any of these cannot be fulfilled, please note that.

Yours faithfully,
Emilia Sharp

Link to this

From: Official Information
Hamilton City Council

Kia ora,


Thank you for your request.


Over the holiday period, there is a three-week period where the days are
not counted as ‘working days. This is provided for under [1]section 2 of
LGOIMA which sets out the definition of a working day. For LGOIMA requests
the period is 20 December 2024 to 10 January 2025, inclusive so any LGOIMA
request from now on will be due in January 2025.


Generally, we try and provide information by 24 December or during the
week of 6 January (Hamilton City Council offices has a shutdown period
from 24 December to 6 January 2025. However, this is also dependent on the
availability of staff who may be on Annual Leave), so we cannot guarantee
that it will be done earlier.


The LGOIMA calculator on the Ombudsman website can show you the latest
date for a response. [2]Go to the LGOIMA calculator


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[3] or freephone 0800 802 602.


Ngaa mihi

Keeley Faulkner

Official Information Advisor & Legal Support Officer

Governance & Assurance Team | Partnerships, communication & Maaori

Email: [4][Hamilton City Council request email]


Hamilton City Council | Private Bag 3010 | Hamilton 3240 |
This email and any attachments are strictly confidential and may contain
privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete the message and notify the sender. You should not read, copy, use,
change, alter, disclose or deal in any manner whatsoever with this email
or its attachments without written authorisation from the originating
sender. Hamilton City Council does not accept any liability whatsoever in
connection with this email and any attachments including in connection
with computer viruses, data corruption, delay, interruption, unauthorised
access or unauthorised amendment. Unless expressly stated to the contrary
the content of this email, or any attachment, shall not be considered as
creating any binding legal obligation upon Hamilton City Council. Any
views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and may
not necessarily reflect the views of Hamilton City Council.



Visible links
4. mailto:[Hamilton City Council request email]

Link to this

From: Official Information
Hamilton City Council

Attachment image001.png
9K Download

Attachment image002.jpg
0K Download

Attachment image003.jpg
0K Download

Attachment LGOIMA 439976 CCTV list of locations ANPR CCO owned CCTV ANPR 2024 11 19.xlsx
68K Download View as HTML

Kia ora,


We refer to your information request below. Hamilton City Council provides
the following response.


Your request:


1. A list of all public facing CCTV cameras owned or operated by Hamilton
City Council (HCC), Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs), and/or
2. A list of all Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras owned
or operated by HCC, CCOs, and/or CitySafe.
For each camera identified by requests 1 and 2, please include in a
spreadsheet the GPS coordinates, a description of the location, and the
brand and type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360). Please ensure this
information is accurate, I may be incorrect but I believe some coordinates
given in response to a previous request were not nearby the named
intersection. I hope this helps to ensure the returned information is
correct without needing further clarification later on.
3. A list of all planned public facing CCTV cameras to be installed by or
on behalf of HCC, CCOs, and/or CitySafe.
4. A list of all planned ANPR cameras to be installed by or on behalf of
HCC, CCOs, and/or CitySafe.


Our response:


Please see the attached spreadsheet that we have of all our public facing
CCTV and ANPR cameras for Hamilton city Council.


For our CCO’s we have transfers this to the Waikato Regional Airport and
CoLab to provide a response for this request. You should hear from the
directly if you havent already.


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1] or freephone 0800 802 602.


Ngaa mihi

Keeley Faulkner

Official Information Advisor & Legal Support Officer

Legal services

Governance & Assurance Team | Partnerships, communication & Maaori

Email: [2][Hamilton City Council request email]

Hamilton City Council | Private Bag 3010 | Hamilton 3240 |
[4] us on Facebook
[6] us on Twitter
This email and any attachments are strictly confidential and may contain
privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete the message and notify the sender. You should not read, copy, use,
change, alter, disclose or deal in any manner whatsoever with this email
or its attachments without written authorisation from the originating
sender. Hamilton City Council does not accept any liability whatsoever in
connection with this email and any attachments including in connection
with computer viruses, data corruption, delay, interruption, unauthorised
access or unauthorised amendment. Unless expressly stated to the contrary
the content of this email, or any attachment, shall not be considered as
creating any binding legal obligation upon Hamilton City Council. Any
views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and may
not necessarily reflect the views of Hamilton City Council.


I support flexibility at work. While it suits me to send this email now, I
don’t expect a response outside of your own working hours. 


From: Emilia Sharp <[8][FOI #29148 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2024 12:20 AM
To: Official Information <[9][Hamilton City Council request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - CCTV and ANPR Cameras


Dear Hamilton City Council,

I am writing to request the following information (for a total of 4

1. A list of all public facing CCTV cameras owned or operated by Hamilton
City Council (HCC), Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs), and/or

2. A list of all Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras owned
or operated by HCC, CCOs, and/or CitySafe.

For each camera identified by requests 1 and 2, please include in a
spreadsheet the GPS coordinates, a description of the location, and the
brand and type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360). Please ensure this
information is accurate, I may be incorrect but I believe some coordinates
given in response to a previous request were not nearby the named
intersection. I hope this helps to ensure the returned information is
correct without needing further clarification later on.

3. A list of all planned public facing CCTV cameras to be installed by or
on behalf of HCC, CCOs, and/or CitySafe.

4. A list of all planned ANPR cameras to be installed by or on behalf of
HCC, CCOs, and/or CitySafe.

For each camera identified by requests 3 and 4, please include in a
spreadsheet the GPS coordinates of and/or a description of the planned
location, the brand and type of camera (e.g. Axis PTZ 360) to be
installed, and the planned installation date or timeframe if known.

Yours faithfully,
Emilia Sharp


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[10][FOI #29148 email]

Is [11][Hamilton City Council request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to Hamilton City Council? If so, please contact us
using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA



Visible links
2. mailto:[Hamilton City Council request email]
8. mailto:[FOI #29148 email]
9. mailto:[Hamilton City Council request email]
10. mailto:[FOI #29148 email]
11. mailto:[Hamilton City Council request email]

Link to this

Things to do with this request

Hamilton City Council only: