Cctv footage of a black subaru speeding off and near miss

Willie John Manigo made this Official Information request to Auckland Transport

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Auckland Transport should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Willie John Manigo

Dear Auckland Transport,

I am requesting a CCTV footage of a black Subaru forrester speeding from the point england reserve towards the round about and turning left on Erina ave around 1:30 Fri 24th of Feb 2023 as I have almost been hit and run by this vehicle fleeing off the scene, please check number plate as it appears dodgy and doesn’t match the description of the vehicle,in conjunction to this also requesting footage at stoplight along Symonds st corner Whitaker Place of the same vehicle around 1:50 to 1:54 AM of the same date as above. Thank you for your expertise

Yours faithfully,

Willie John Manigo

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