Request for the detailed Transport Rate Calculations outlined in the GWRC 2020/21 Annual Plan

Tony Randle made this Official Information request to Wellington Regional Council

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

From: Tony Randle

Dear Wellington Regional Council,

I am interested in the proposed GWRC 2020/21 Annual Plan and, in particular, how the 2020/21 Annual Plan Transport Rates have been calculated. This information is requested to support a possible submission on the Annual Plan public consultation.

A) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed calculations that were used to provide the Transport Rates information in the draft 2020/21 Annual Plan ?

B) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the calculations of the 2020/21 Transport Rate allocation to ratepayers ?

C) Can the GWRC please provide a complete copy of the detailed costs and revenue for the costs and revenue amounts used in the calculation of the 2020/21 Transport Rates ?

I assume that the Transport Rates information is held in electronic spreadsheet form and I would prefer it was provided to me in its complete, original electronic format as I wish to understand how the calculations were made including the formula used. Please advice if this assumption is not correct and advice what format this information is held. If this information is not to be provided in its complete, original electronic format, please provide the grounds for the GWRC refusal to provide this information in the requested format.

D) Can the GWRC please provide a copy of any reports or presentations to GWRC councillors at Annual Plan 2020/21 workshops ?

E) Can the GWRC please provide a copy of the changes (contributions and withdrawals) from the Transport Reserve over the past three years including the source for the contributions and the target for the withdrawals ?

Please contact me if this will assist you in clarifying my request and/or providing the requested information.

Finally, can you please acknowledge your receipt of this information request ?

Yours faithfully,

Tony Randle

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From: Darrell Young
Wellington Regional Council

Dear Tony,


Acknowledgement of Request for Information under the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987


Thank you for your email dated 17 February 2020, requesting information
regarding Transport Rate Calculations outlined in the GWRC 2020/21 Annual


Your request is being followed-up and a reply will be sent to you within
20 working days of the request being received.


Yours sincerely,


Darrell Young




Luke Troy



Greater Wellington Regional Council



ATTENTION: This correspondence is confidential and intended for the named
recipient(s) only. If you are not the named recipient and receive this
correspondence in error, you must not copy, distribute or take any action
in reliance on it and you should delete it from your system and notify the
sender immediately. Unless otherwise stated, any views or opinions
expressed are solely those of the author, and do not represent those of
the organisation.

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From: Tony Randle

Dear Darrell Young,

As it appears the GWRC Annual Plan is not going to be consulted on in the near future, I would like to withdraw this request for the detailed Transport Rate Calculations outlined in the GWRC 2020/21 Annual Plan.

Can you please confirm you have received this ?

Yours sincerely,

Tony Randle

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From: Darrell Young
Wellington Regional Council

Hi Tony,

I have received your email and will forward onto the department handling your request.



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From: Roland Daysh
Wellington Regional Council


Thank you for your email withdrawing this request (our reference 2020-020).

Can you please confirm that this withdrawal covers all five questions in the original request; or does it only cover questions A to D inclusive.


Roland Daysh | Senior Democratic Services Advisor
Te Pane Matua Taiao
Shed 39, 2 Fryatt Quay, Pipitea, Wellington 6011 | PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142
T: 04 830 4192 I [email address]

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From: Tony Randle

Dear Roland Daysh,

I can confirm that this withdrawal covers all five questions in the original request.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Randle

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Things to do with this request

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