
S Rasool made this Official Information request to Department of Internal Affairs

The request was partially successful.

From: S Rasool

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

Under OIA 1982, please confirm the following details for review and actions of Ombudsman against the ineffective operation by DIA;

1) Number of case officers working on Citizenship application for each month for the years 2019, 2020 & 2021

2) Number of case officers off being paid for processing no applications of Citizenship for each week of Level 4, Level 3 and Level 2 lockdowns due to Covid-19.

3) Queue of applications same as data provided by Immigration New Zealand ( I highly doubt the response provided by DIA last week i.e. DIA doesn't have tracked data or maintains any statistics for the processing of Citizenship application date wise or hold a record about which week's/month's applications are being processed right now. It would be joke if such data is not available and not getting tracked by DIA.

4) Please provide numbers of Citizenship applications received by DIA for each month during 2019, 2020 & 2021 and the number of application processed within each month as well.

5) Please release all communications issued to Case Officers by Minister for DIA & the superiors of Case Officers between March 2020 till date, relating to Citizenship applications, as well as backlog concerns raised by Case Officers to Minister & their Superiors.

S Rasool

Yours faithfully,

S Rasool

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From: OIA
Department of Internal Affairs

Tçnâ koe S,

Thank you for your OIA request to the Department of Internal Affairs (included with this email)

The Department will provide its response to your request as soon as practicable and within twenty working days.  The 20th working day is 18 May 2021

Please note that in cases where the Department’s response provides information that is identified to be of general public interest, the response may also be published on the Department of Internal Affairs website.  If the Department publishes its response to your OIA request, all personal information, including your name and contact details, will be removed.

Nâku, nâ

Michelle Reed  (she/her)  
Lead Advisor – Official Correspondence
Te Tira Mâtakitaki Governance, Risk & Assurance 
Te Urungi Organisational Strategy and Performance | Facebook

-----Original Message-----
From: S Rasool <[FOI #15205 email]>
Sent: Sunday, 18 April 2021 9:54 PM
To: OIA <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Citizenship

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

Under OIA 1982, please confirm the following details for review and actions of Ombudsman against the ineffective operation by DIA;

1) Number of case officers working on Citizenship application for each month for the years 2019, 2020 & 2021

2) Number of case officers off being paid for processing no applications of Citizenship for each week of Level 4, Level 3 and Level 2 lockdowns due to Covid-19.

3) Queue of applications same as data provided by Immigration New Zealand ( I highly doubt the response provided by DIA last week i.e. DIA doesn't have tracked data or maintains any statistics for the processing of Citizenship application date wise or hold a record about which week's/month's applications are being processed right now. It would be joke if such data is not available and not getting tracked by DIA.

4) Please provide numbers of Citizenship applications received by DIA for each month during 2019, 2020 & 2021 and the number of application processed within each month as well.

5) Please release all communications issued to Case Officers by Minister for DIA & the superiors of Case Officers between March 2020 till date, relating to Citizenship applications, as well as backlog concerns raised by Case Officers to Minister & their Superiors.

S Rasool

Yours faithfully,

S Rasool


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From: SDO Official Correspondence
Department of Internal Affairs

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Attachment OIA 2021 0590 S Rasool response.pdf
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Attachment OIA 2021 0590 Appendix A.pdf
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Tēnā koe S Rasool,


Please see attached for the response to your Official Information Act 1982


Ngā mihi,


Louise Walton [1](she/her)

Advisor Official Correspondence | Operations | Te Waka Aukaha

Service Delivery and Operations|Kāwai ki te Iwi
The Department of Internal Affairs | Te Tari Taiwhenua 





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