SH2 + SH58 stormwater drainage
Rawiri Blundell made this Official Information request to New Zealand Transport Agency
The request was successful.
From: Rawiri Blundell
Dear New Zealand Transport Agency,
Please provide technical/engineering material related to the management of stormwater as designed for:
1) The new SH2/SH58 Haywards interchange, and
2) The current SH58 safety improvement works
Specifically, I am interested in the placement and sizing of drains, pipes and where they discharge, and/or where they may connect into local stormwater infrastructure.
Yours faithfully,
Rawiri Blundell
From: Official Correspondence
New Zealand Transport Agency
Dear Rawiri
This email acknowledges your below request for information made under the
Official Information Act 1982.
Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate section of the
Transport Agency for response. They will contact you if they require
clarification of your request, more time to respond, or if your request
has been transferred to another organisation to respond to. Unless more
time is required, the Transport Agency will send a response to you within
20 working days of receiving your request – in this instance on or before
29 January 2020.
If you would like to discuss your request with the Transport Agency,
please contact us by email at [1][email address].
_________ __________________________________________
Ministerial Services
Government | Engagement & Partnerships
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
National Office / 50 Victoria Street
Private Bag 6995, Wellington 6141, New Zealand
_________ _____________________________________
[2]cid:image002.jpg@01D56496.5A7CD4A0 [3]cid:image003.jpg@01D56496.5A7CD4A0 [4]cid:image004.jpg@01D56496.5A7CD4A0
From: Rawiri Blundell <[FOI #11851 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2019 7:12 PM
To: Official Correspondence <[NZTA request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - SH2 + SH58 stormwater drainage
Dear New Zealand Transport Agency,
Please provide technical/engineering material related to the management of
stormwater as designed for:
1) The new SH2/SH58 Haywards interchange, and
2) The current SH58 safety improvement works
Specifically, I am interested in the placement and sizing of drains, pipes
and where they discharge, and/or where they may connect into local
stormwater infrastructure.
Yours faithfully,
Rawiri Blundell
This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.
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[5][FOI #11851 email]
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From: Official Correspondence
New Zealand Transport Agency
Dear Rawiri
Please find attached the response to your request of 11 December 2019 for
information under the Official Information Act 1982.
_________ __________________________________________
Ministerial Services
Government | Engagement & Partnerships
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
National Office / 50 Victoria Street
Private Bag 6995, Wellington 6141, New Zealand
_________ _____________________________________
[1]cid:image002.jpg@01D56496.5A7CD4A0 [2]cid:image003.jpg@01D56496.5A7CD4A0 [3]cid:image004.jpg@01D56496.5A7CD4A0
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