Has TVNZ received any funding to provide coverage of the COP21 Climate Conference.

Jason Payn made this Official Information request to Television New Zealand Limited

The request was successful.

From: Jason Payn

Dear Television New Zealand Limited,

Has TVNZ/One News received any funding to provide coverage of the COP26 Climate Summit.

If so, to what value, and from what organisation/body please.

Yours faithfully,

Jason Payn.

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From: Brent McAnulty
Television New Zealand Limited

Kia ora Jason

I can confirm that TVNZ has not received any funding for our coverage of COP21.


Brent McAnulty
General Counsel & Corporate Affairs Director

m. 027 226 4913

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Thank you for your prompt reply.

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From: Brent McAnulty
Television New Zealand Limited

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Dear Jason


Your email of 21 October requesting information related to any funding to
TVNZ for coverage of the COP26 Climate Summit has been received.


We will respond to your request in 20 working days.




Brent McAnulty
General Counsel and Corporate Affairs Director

m. +64 27 226 4913


[1]tvnz-horizontal.jpg      [2]1-news.jpg




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