Television New Zealand Limited

A public authority, also called TVNZ

100 requests
Meeting details
Follow up sent to Television New Zealand Limited by James on .
Awaiting classification.
Thank you for your response. Can please clarify response 3: “This meeting was a dinner function with a group of New Zealand producers and direct...
Editorial processes follow-up
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Eli Templeton on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Eli Templeton   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act R...
Kia ora Ms Whittome   Please see the attached response to your request for Official Information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Req...
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to James on .
Kia ora James   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests...
Online campaign against the Taihape police
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Mike Davis on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Kia ora Mike   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests...
Subtitles on TVNZ+
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to J M Small on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests e. [...
Travel costs
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to James on .
Kia ora   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests e. [...
Editorial processes
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Eli Templeton on .
Kia ora Eli Templeton   Please see the attached response to your Official Information Act request.   Kind regards TVNZ OIA Team   From: E...
Kia ora   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests e. [...
Jack tame Q+A
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Jo currie on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests e. [...
Kia ora Aravinda   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Reques...
Kia ora   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests e. [...
Kia ora Hannah   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests...
Pride Pledge / Rainbow Tick
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Bob McCoskrie on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Bob   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests...
50 Formal Complaints against Maiki Sherman.
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Sarah McLeoud on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Sarah   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests...
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Luke Chandler on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Luke   Please see the attached response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi,   Official Information Act Requests...
Name of song
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Noah Fitzgerald on .
Partially successful.
Dear Noah Fitzgerald   Your email requesting the name/source of the Border Patrol song has been received.   Border Patrol is an external produ...
Nikki Hart milk industry lobbyist
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Adam Irish on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Mr Irish   Please see the attached response to your Official Information Act request.   Ngā mihi OIA Response Team     From: Ad...
Social media posts of journalists
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to R S Grant on .
Dear R S Grant   Please see the attached response.   TVNZ Official Information Act Team     From: R S Grant <[FOI #26024 email]> Sent: T...
Dear Mr Palmer   Resending the below as it appears it may not have sent at our end.   Kind regards   OIA Response Team   From: OIA Sen...
Dear Luke   Please see the attached response.   TVNZ Official Information Act Team   From: Luke <[FOI #25902 email]> Sent: Tuesday, Februa...
Request News Preferences Policy
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Tim Leahy on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Leahy   Please see the attached letter in response to your email below.   Kind regards OIA Response Team   From: Tim Leahy <[FOI...
RE: Pedophile coverup
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Mohammed Khan on .
Dear Mr Khan   Please see the attached response to your request.   Kind regards OIA Response Team     From: Mohammed Khan <[FOI #24574...
OIA Request for Information on RBNZ
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Marcus Walsh on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Marcus   Please see the attached response to your query.   Ngā mihi, OIA Response Team     From: Marcus Walsh <[FOI #24992 emai...
Missing Election Night coverage
Response by Television New Zealand Limited to Ms Weir on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ms Weir   Please see the attached response to your request.   Kind regards OIA Response Team   From: Ms Weir <[FOI #24647 email]> S...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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