Imports of grapes for 2 years
Craig mackinlay made this Official Information request to Ministry for Primary Industries
The request was successful.
From: Craig mackinlay
Dear Ministry for Primary Industries,
As part of my Data Analytics business I have a client that would like some information on how many imports of grapes there are volumes as in cargo of interest volumes would be fine from the U.S. Only please. Can I if possible get mail and cargo volumes please. This should be able to provided as it is aggregated information. this data will be used to build a picture for a local vineyard.
Yours faithfully,
Data analytics
From: Brett Wilson
Ministry for Primary Industries
Hi Craig
On behalf of Steve Gilbert, Director - Border Clearance, Ministry for
Primary Industries, please find attached a letter from MPI officially
transferring your OIA request of 14 July 2015, regarding mail and cargo
volumes for grape imports from the United States over the last two years,
to Customs Services New Zealand for reply.
show quoted sections
From: IPC Procedures and Support
Mr MacKinlay,
I refer to your email requesting information on the importation of grapes.
Can you please advise if you wish the information for fresh grapes only,
or whether you also require the information for dried grapes e.g.
currants, raisins and sultanas?
Procedures and Support
New Zealand Customs Service
The information contained in this email message is intended only for the
addressee and is not necessarily the official view or communication of the
New Zealand Customs Service.
This email may contain information that is confidential or legally
privileged. If you have received it by mistake, please:
(a) reply promptly to that effect, and remove this email and the reply
from your system; and
(b) do not act on this email in any other way.
From: Craig mackinlay
Dear IPC Procedures and Support,
All that please. Where possible please use the relevant tariff codes that refer to all Grape imports. If possible can you please liase with ITOC Ops and also do a key word search for Grapes in the nexus reporting system
Yours sincerely,
Craig mackinlay
From: IPC Procedures and Support
Mr MacKinlay,
Please find attached the data you have requested.
This information has been released to you under the Official Information Act.
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence