Ministry of Education

A ministry

536 requests

(page 11)

Safety In Schools
Response by Ministry of Education to Nicole Jensen on .
Partially successful.
Dear Nicole     Please see attached your OIA 1120925 response   We apologise for the wrong letter that was sent to you in error (can you ple...
The disposal of books by the National Library of New Zealand
Response by Ministry of Education to Mary E Davenport on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Mary   Thank you for your email of 12 September 2020 to the Ministry of Education requesting the following information:    1. All inf...
Dear Thomas     Please see attached your OIA response 1218388       Thanks   Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW 33...
Dear Isabella   Please see attached your OIA response     Thanks   Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW 33 Bowen St, Wel...
Dear Tony   Please see attached your OIA response     Thanks   Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW 33 Bowen St, Welling...
School property survey from early 1990s
Request to Ministry of Education by Tony Meyer. Annotated by Tony Meyer on .
Somehow, the Ministry managed to find this document as part of a later OIA request. The section relevant to Ahuroa School can be found here: https://...
Tēnā koe Tony Please find attached our response to your request for official information. Should you have any questions please contact your property...
Exam results for students with special educational needs
Response by Ministry of Education to Imogen McCall on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Imogen   Official Information Act request   Thank you for your request of 28 July 2020 to the Ministry of Education for the following...
Fundamental Education - FREE FOR ALL NEW ZEALANDERS
Response by Ministry of Education to Lindsay on .
Partially successful.
Tçnâ koe Lindsay   Thank you for your email of 26 June requesting information under the Official Information Act about the authority for charging...
Kia ora John   Please find attached a letter from Steve Tanner, Director Review and Information Services (Northern) in response to your request un...
Employment equity for Maori women in public sector
Response by Ministry of Education to Tania Te Whenua on .
Partially successful.
Dear Tania   Please see attached a response to your OIA 1226609     Thanks   Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW 33 Bow...
Kia ora Chris   Please find attached the response to your OIA request.   Thanks   Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education ^MC 33 B...
  Tēnā koe Mike   Please find attached our response to your request for official information.   Ngā mihi   Lorraine Monahan | Manager Of...
Dear Lily   Thank you for your email of 6 December 2019 requesting the following information:   o details on the funding the MoE provides to e...
Tçnâ koe Seann   We appreciate your patience during the process of finalising our responses to your requests, and we thank you for engaging with u...
Dear Kieran     Please see attached your OIA response     Thanks   Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW 33 Bowen St, W...
Dear Dave     Please see attached your OIA Response     Thanks   Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW 33 Bowen St, Wel...
OIA request-Ministerial Advisory Groups
Response by Ministry of Education to john luke on .
Dear John   Please see attached your OIA Response 1226057     Thanks   Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW 33 Bowen St,...
Vaccinations in primary schools during level 2
Response by Ministry of Education to Faalavaau Tauamiti on .
Awaiting classification.
Talofa Lava KUI   Thank you for contacting the Ministry of Education. I have been asked to respond to your OIA request of 14 May regarding vaccina...
Tçnâ koe Seann   We appreciate your patience during the process of finalising our responses to your requests, and we thank you for engaging with u...
Teach NZ Scholarship 2020
Response by Ministry of Education to S. Paurini on .
Partially successful.
Tçnâ koe Seann   We appreciate your patience during the process of finalising our responses to your requests, and we thank you for engaging with u...
School size, location and catchment area
Response by Ministry of Education to Tom Dickie on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Tom   Please see attached your OIA response     Thanks   Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW 33 Bowen St, Wellingt...
School Development : Location and Scale Planning
Response by Ministry of Education to Tom Dickie on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Tom   Please find the response to your OIA request attached.   Kind regards     Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | IB...
Teach NZ - Information Request
Response by Ministry of Education to S. Paurini on .
Partially successful.
Dear Seann     Please see attached your OIA Response 1223695       Thanks   Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW 33...
Dear Josh     Please see attached your OIA response for OIA’s 1216240/1216479   Email 3 of 4 (Sorry for any confusion – the 2^nd email bounce...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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