(page 12)
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Learning Support Practitioners able to instruct others in safe restraint
Response by Ministry of Education to S McDougall on .
Dear S McDougall
Please see attached your OIA response 1147945
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | T...
Data on performance at ncea level 2
Follow up sent to Ministry of Education by Mr ED Hirsche on .
Thank you very much. I appreciate the ahead of time response.
Yours sincerely,
Mr ED Hirsche
reasons for the removal retaining to Mt. Wellington Residential School history or details
Response by Ministry of Education to Ross Stewart on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ross
Thank you for your email of 29 March 2021 to the Ministry of Education and
your subsequent clarification for the following informa...
Data Science Vendors - MOE
Response by Ministry of Education to Andrew Chen on .
Awaiting classification.
| Code | Product | Price |
Status of Manutahi School, Ruatoria.
Response by Ministry of Education to Tim Russell on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Tim
Thank you for your email of 29 March 2021 to the Ministry of Education
requesting the following information about the now closed Ma...
Western Heights Primary School in Auckland
Response by Ministry of Education to Ross Stewart on .
Dear Ross,
Thank you for sharing your concern regarding Western Heights Primary
school and the treatment of a retiring volunteer. We take all co...
Assistance for social work after trauma
Response by Ministry of Education to k on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora
I am writing regarding your Official Information Act request of 4 March
2021. We sought to clarify your request on 11 and 18 March 2021...
Enabling a new dispute resolution panel to hear complaints about State school board decisions- OIA Act
Response by Ministry of Education to john luke on .
Dear John
Please see attached your OIA Response
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 Bowen St, Welling...
Te Tiriti of Waitangi
Response by Ministry of Education to James Watson on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear James
Please see attached your OIA Response
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 Bowen St, Wellin...
National statistics on secondary school suspensions and exclusions
Response by Ministry of Education to Dr Robert Shaw on .
Kia ora Robert,
Thank you for your request. Please find attached data on the number of
suspensions and exclusions at secondary schools, along wi...
Kia ora Robert
please find attached the Tertiary Education Commission's response to your
Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi
Documents relating to Travel
Response by Ministry of Education to Steven Caunce on .
Reported for administrator attention.
Tēnā koe Steven
Thank you for your email of 1 December 2020 to the Ministry of Education
requesting the following information:
o Can y...
Dear Ross
Please see attached your OIA response 1207936
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 B...
Evidence basis for three regulations in ECE
Response by Ministry of Education to Susan Bates on .
Dear Susan
Please find the response to your OIA request attached.
Kind Regards
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education |...
Copy of Data Sharing MOU’s
Response by Ministry of Education to Shane Gibson on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Shane
This is email 10 of 11 regarding your request for information, our
reference #1234647
Ngā mihi
Lorraine Monahan |...
Information on single sex and co-educational secondary schools
Partially successful.
They're visible at the bottom if you click "show quoted sections":
1. https://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/directories/list-of-nz-schools
2. https:/...
Public submissions made on NCEA level 1 changes to Commerce subjects
Response by Ministry of Education to J Bruce on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora,
Thank you for your Official Information Act request of Monday 14 December
2020 requesting:
o I would like to request a copy of al...
Teach NZ Expert Panel Process for selecting scholarship winners
Response by Ministry of Education to S. Paurini on .
Dear Seann Paurini
Thank you for your request for information below. The Ministry will
consider and respond to your request in accordance with the O...
Education Travel Guidelines
Response by Ministry of Education to Steven Caunce on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Steven
Thank you for your email of 12 October 2020 to the Ministry of Education
requesting the following information:
“Can yo...
Kia ora
Please find attached the response to your OIA request.
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education ^MC
33 Bowen S...
Kia ora John
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
Enquiries National Team | Ministry o...
The Education and Training Act 2020: Information for the disability sector- OIA act
Response by Ministry of Education to john luke on .
Dear John
Please see attached your OIA response
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 Bowen St, Welling...
Dear John
Please see attached your OIA Response
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 Bowen St, Welling...
Dear Nicole
Please see attached your OIA 1120925 response
We apologise for the wrong letter that was sent to you in error (can you
Summary of pass/fail rates for Bachelor of Nursing programme providers
Response by Ministry of Education to Thomas Wheeler on .
Dear Thomas
Please see attached your OIA response 1218388
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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