Why do you lie and mislead the most vulnerable New Zealanders with respect to their Child support payments?

TLO made this Official Information request to Inland Revenue Department

This request has been reported as needing administrator attention (perhaps because it is vexatious, or a request for personal information)

From: TLO

Dear Inland Revenue Department,

Why does the Inland Revenue department deliberately lie, mislead kiwis by informing and notifying sole parents that their child support payments have been paid direct to Work & Income?

1. Is it acceptable that kiwis believe their child support entitlements is has was paid direct to MSD when in fact it actually hasn’t and instead it has been retained by the crown in full. (Do you accept this deliberately misleads NZers?)

2. Do you intend to update the MYIR system to reflect updated accurate info all the time so kiwis are not misled?

3. Does the IRD know or have any knowledge of how many customers, IRD staff engaged with since April 1 2022 re child support and their entitlements having been paid direct to MSD.

4. Can you please provide me with a copy of all data and any supporting documents, notes, meta data related to child support payments in general.

Best regards,

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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department



Dear TLO


Thank you for your request under the Official Information Act.   

We will respond within the 20-day statutory timeframe.  You can expect to
receive a response no later than 10 July 2023.

Your reference number is 23OIA2395


Kind regards  
Governance and Ministerial Services | Inland Revenue - Te Tari Taake  


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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department


Dear TLO

Thank you for your Official Information Act request of 12 June 2023,
about child support (23OIA2395).


Your last question asked: “Can you please provide me with a copy of all
data and any supporting documents, notes, meta data related to child
support payments in general”.


“Child support payments” is a very broad topic. For us to be able to
answer your request, please narrow your question to a specific aspect of
child support payments, and to a specific time period.

Under section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982, requests should be
made with “due particularity”.


Thank you in advance for clarifying your question.


Kind regards


OIA team

Governance and Ministerial Services | Inland Revenue – Te Tari Taake


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From: TLO

Dear oia,

You said my OIA must be requested with ‘due particularity’z I understand you said my request is to broad.

Unfortunately idgaf that is my request!

It is very specific and very particular and I am officially requesting for ALL-official information related to child support.

Please provide all data related to:

Collection of child support payments from one parent to IRD. (total amount paid by one parent and collected by the crown to support kids.. all info for the last 5-6 financial years since labour have been in government).

The total distribution/payout of those funds collected being paid direct to the child via their primary parent/caregiver/guardian. So basically how much of child support funds actually went to support the development or early childhood for which the payment was collected and paid for in the first place?

Policy & decision making records, dates and file notes including internal communications, minutes, emails to or from executive management, commissioner, minister/government related to child support.

Records of complaints received, investigated, resolved in the last 5-6 years related to child support.

I want to know how many New Zealand citizens reached out and enquired about their child support and who were deliberately misled and told to contact MSD because it was paid to MSD. I want to know if IRD accept that they wasted kiwis time and cause significant distress and frustration by referring individuals to MSD. Provide all information related to this. If you cannot I suggest you do the hard mahi and investigate then get back to me with an answer. How many people called to discuss child support every day, week, month and year? Please answer each. Then tell me how frequently IRD refer these individuals to MSD — keeping in mind IRD have notified the customer that their child support payment was paid directly to MSD.

How much child support money is transfer moved between MSD & IRD accounts on the daily, weekly, monthly and per annum?

Noe provide me with everything I have requested. It’s very particular and specific and I quoted everything related to “child support” it’s been years people asking same question no clear answer from IRD or MSD. I am fed up!

I will challenge you until I get the answer I want or admission of guilt!

Also be sure to include all decision making process data/information notes especially related to child support payment collections and disbursements I want to see all the notes and advice given from senior executives including ministers or the government so I can determine or understand whether or not the laws were applied correctly. I want everything related to child support. I’m auditing the IRD and MSD including all previous public statements. You’re on notice!

Yours sincerely,


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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department


Dear TLO

Thank you for clarifying your Official Information Act request about child
support (23OIA2395).


Under section 15 (1AA) of the Official Information Act 1982, a new
deadline applies to your amended request. We will respond to you by 20
July 2023.


Kind regards


OIA team

Governance and Ministerial Services | Inland Revenue – Te Tari Taake


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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department


Dear TLO

Thank you for amending your Official Information Act request on 21 June
2023. (23OIA2395)


Please confirm your eligibility to request official information. The
Ombudsman’s website states:


To ask for information under the OIA, you must be either:

·         a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident

o actually present in New Zealand, or

·         a body corporate (like a company) that is incorporated or that
has a place of business in New Zealand.


Agencies are allowed to ask you to give them information so they can check
you meet the eligibility requirements of the OIA.


You can find more information on the Ombudsman’s website at: [1]Your
ability to request official information | Ombudsman New Zealand


Thank you in advance for confirming your eligibility.


OIA team

Governance and Ministerial Services | Inland Revenue – Te Tari Taake




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Visible links
1. https://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/what...

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From: oia
Inland Revenue Department

Attachment 23OIA2395 response for TLO.pdf
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Dear TLO

Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request
of 12 June 2023, amended on 21 June 2023 (23OIA2395).


Kind regards


OIA team

Governance and Ministerial Services | Inland Revenue – Te Tari Taake



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Things to do with this request

Inland Revenue Department only: