Department of Internal Affairs
A top 10 most requested agency and A ministry, also called DIA
752 requests
(page 13)
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- unresolved requests
Status of Citizenship Applications Submitted Online June-Nov 2022
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Najeeb Z on .
Kia Ora Najeeb,
Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information
Act 1982.
Ngā mihi
Alastair Blaikie| Offic...
Complaint to Ombudsman
Tena koe,
I wish to make a complaint against the Department of Internal Affairs.
They have re...
Her Majesty Queen Whiria II
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Tangata Whenua on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Tangata Whenua
Thank you for contacting us regarding a birth registration. To continue
processing the registration we need the child’s M...
Legal Clause on the New Zealand Birth Certificate
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Tangata Whenua on .
Kia ora Tangata
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
Ngā mihi
Huey Lim| Advisor Official Corr...
Tēnā koe John Luke,
Please see attached for the response to your Official Information Act
Ngā mihi,
Louise Walton [1](she/h...
Confirmations of Birth in New Zealand
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Sean Marshall on .
Kia Ora Sean,
Please find the attached the department’s response to your Official
Information Act request.
If you have any questions don’t...
The Film and Literature Board of Review.
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Justin on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Justin,
Please see attached for the public statement as requested.
In regards to the submissions, it our final decision that nothing related...
Communications between DIA Digital Safety Team and DART
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to P Taylor on .
Kia ora P Taylor,
As noted in our email to you dated 23 December 2022, please find attached
a letter and document set titled ‘Appendix A’ in res...
Status for may 2022 online applications
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Love Bhullar on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Love
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
Ngā mihi
Huey Lim| Advisor Official Corresp...
Is the intended usage of the word “state” a verb or noun
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to darren-edward on .
Kia ora darren-edward
Thank you for your email.
In that context it is a verb.
If you need help to improve your English language skills, you can find...
Revocation of Appointment to the Film and Video Labelling Body
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to john luke on .
Kia ora,
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act 1982
request OIA2223-0437.
Ngā mihi
Kay Houlahan | Ministe...
STV Calculator Software
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Chris McCashin on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Chris,
Following up from our response on 2 December 2022, please find attached the software agreement.
Kind regards,
20 December...
Tçnâ koe John
Please find attached the Department’s response to your request for
Ngâ mihi
Ministerial Services | Three...
Kia ora Tina
Births in New Zealand are required to be registered under the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995 (the Ac...
a notice was sent to the ombudsman 1st December; case number: 597900; all evidence of these threads were attached;
The DIA did not provide a copy...
Three Waters. Payments to strategy and management consultancy firms
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to J Bruning on .
Tçnâ koe,
Please find attached the Department’s response to your Official
Information Act request.
Ngâ mihi
Chris Fletcher (he/h...
Are the source document & RG-27 form the same document?
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to TK Lewis on .
Kia Ora TK Lewis,
Thank you for your response.
The RG29 is a document for internal office use only and his does not correspond to anything we issue....
Are the RG9 & RG29 forms the same document?
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to TK Lewis on .
Kia Ora TK Lewis,
Thank you for your response.
The RG29 is a document for internal office use only and his does not correspond to anything we issue....
Government money directed to London Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to P Taylor on .
Kia ora P Taylor,
Please find attached a letter to your OIA request from the Department of
Internal Affairs.
Ngā mihi
Royden Raka |...
Tēnā koe Mr Hirsch,
Please see attached for the response to your Official Information Act 1982
Nāku noa, nā
Citizenship processing timeline
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Mr ED Hirsche on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koe Mr Hirsche,
Thank you for your follow up email regarding this request.
We can confirm that we still intend to provide you with the informat...
Citizenship Office End of the Year Holidays Closure
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to John on .
Kia ora John
The SDO Official Correspondence Team have passed this email on the Service
Advice and Support Team to answer as this is a Business requ...
Timeframes of upgrades on Citizenship Online System
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to John on .
Tēnā koe John,
Please see attached for the response for the response to your Official
Information Act 1982 request.
Ngā mihi,
paper based applications Sep 2021 to December 2021
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Jamie on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Jamie
Attached is the response to your Official Information Act request.
Ngā mihi
Alysha Stevenson | Advisor Official Cor...
Training Material for Citizenship Officers
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to John on .
Kia ora John
Please find attached the remainder of the documents to your Official
Information Act Request.
Ngā mihi
Huey Lim| Adviso...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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