Harris Leigh
Joined FYI in 2022
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This person's 35 Official Information requests
Emails, texts messages, encrypted messages between Chief Executive and Mr Doug Craig
Response by Statistics New Zealand to Harris Leigh on .
Tçnâ koe Harris
A response to your OIA request is now attached.
Ngâ mihi
Matt Phimmavanh (pronouns: [1]he/him)
Principal Advisor – E...
Number of engagements of Doug Craig or RDC Consulting by Statistics NZ since 2019
Response by Statistics New Zealand to Harris Leigh on .
Awaiting classification.
Tçnâ koe Harris
A response to your OIA request is now attached.
Ngâ mihi
Matt Phimmavanh (pronouns: [1]he/him)
Principal Advisor – E...
Decision to exclude information held from previous OIA request in responding to subsequent OIA request
Response by Christopher Luxon to Harris Leigh on .
Awaiting classification.
24 June 2024
Harris Leigh
[FOI #27153 email]
Ref: PMO OIA 275-2023-24
Number of engagements of and amount spent on Doug Craig by DIA
Response by Department of Internal Affairs to Harris Leigh on .
Kia ora Harris,
Please find the attached Response letter to your Official Information Act
Ngâ mihi | Regards
Shailesh Patel...
Information held by the Prime Minister on house building rates
Response by Christopher Luxon to Harris Leigh on .
Partially successful.
Information held by the Prime Minister comparing house building rate between 2017-2023 with 2008 - 2017
Response by Christopher Luxon to Harris Leigh on .
29 April 2024 Harris Leigh [FOI #26527 email] Ref: PMO OIA 234-2023-...
House building rate 2017-2023 compared to 2008 - 2017
Response by Christopher Luxon to Harris Leigh on .
Partially successful.
Reply attached
24 April 2024 Harris Leigh [FOI #26295 email]> Ref:...
Impact on Wellington economy of signficant cuts to the public service
Response by Wellington City Council to Harris Leigh on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Harris,
Please find attached our response to your recent request for information,
along with accompanying documentation.
Kia pai te rā -...
House building rate 2017-2023 compared to 2008 - 2017
Response by Megan Woods to Harris Leigh on .
Dear Harris,
My sincere apologies, there is one updated paragraph at the top of page 5
which should have been included in our response. I have upda...
Chris Bishop MP saying "Hope so" in response to questions about sacking public servants
Response by Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities to Harris Leigh on .
Dear Mr Leigh
On behalf of Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities, please find attached its
OIA decision/response to your request of 12 October 2023...
Letter from Hon Grant Robertson, Minister of Finance, attached.
Private Secretary | Office of Hon Grant Robertson
Minister of Finance | Minister for S...
Correspondence between PSC and RBNZ Chair Neil Quigley
Response by Public Service Commission to Harris Leigh on .
Kia ora Harris
Please see attached a copy of our response to your request below.
Nga mihi
Enquiries Team
īmēra: [1][email address]...
Information relating to Chris Bishop MP saying "Hope so" in response to questions about redundancies at Kainga Ora
Response by Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities to Harris Leigh on .
Dear Mr Leigh
Please find attached a response to your OIA request from Rachel Kelly,
Manager Government Relations.
Kind regards
Chris Bishop MP saying "Hope so" in response to questions about sacking public servants
Response by Public Service Commission to Harris Leigh on .
Kia ora Harris,
Please find attached our response to your below OIA request.
Kind regards
Enquiries Team
īmēra: [1][email address]...
Part of me is not surprised they don't have OIA procedures.
Data on RNZ's performance in responding to OIA's within the statutory deadline
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to Harris Leigh on .
Kia ora Harris
There were two requests outstanding at June 15, one of which was your earlier request. They have now both been responded to.
Kind rega...
Documents relating to my request for evidence of compliance with section 36(1) of Crown Entities Act requirement to advise entity directly of exercise of power
Response by David Parker to Harris Leigh on .
Partially successful.
Dear Harris Leigh
Please see the attached correspondence from Hon David Parker.
Kind regards
Office of Hon David Parker MP
Advice provided by Attorney-General to Ministers on importance of complying with statutory obligations
Response by David Parker to Harris Leigh on .
Dear Harris Leigh
Please see the attached correspondence from the Attorney-General.
Kind regards
Office of Hon David Parker MP
Correspondence between Pharmac and Draper Cormack re 2022-23-125; A1665003
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Harris Leigh on .
Tēnā koe Harris
Please find a response to your request for information attached with this
Ngā mihi, nā
Melody Willis ([1]...
Internal policy towards responding to OIA requests
Response by Radio New Zealand Limited to Harris Leigh on .
Kia ora Harris
RNZ does not hold any information that falls within the scope of your
As we are required to do, this message is to...
Kia ora Harris
1. The number of times David Cormack has appeared on RNZ shows since 1
January 2021 is publicly available information by searchin...
Importance of local contractors in emergency response
Response by Kieran McAnulty to Harris Leigh on .
Kia ora koe,
Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.
Ngā mihi,
Ministerial Coordinator...
Importance of contractors in delivering road maintenance
Response by Michael Wood to Harris Leigh on .
Tēnā koe Harris,
Please find attached correspondence from Hon Michael Wood.
Ngā mihi,
Office of Hon Michael Wood
Minister for Workpla...
Thank you for contacting the office of Hon David Parker, Attorney General,
Minister for the Environment, Minister of Revenue, and Associate Minister...
Compliance with section 36(1) of Crown Entities Act requirement to advise entity directly of exercise of power
Response by David Parker to Harris Leigh on .
Partially successful.
Dear Harris Leigh
Please find attached a response to your email dated 2 March 2023.
Kind regards
Office of Hon David Parker
This person's annotations
None made.