Auckland Transport

A top 10 most requested agency

If you have not received an acknowledgement to a request to AT, please contact us. We will confirm that email was delivered, and assist however we can. Many requests until April 2024 appeared to be dropped within AT's email security system, but the issue now appears resolved.

752 requests

(page 9)

Royal Oak Roundabout Traffic Safety
Follow up sent to Auckland Transport by Patrick Dunford on .
Long overdue.
Kindly respond as this matter is now well overdue. Yours faithfully, Patrick Dunford
Parking enforcement of abandoned vehicles
Response by Auckland Transport to Jonathan Mee on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora Jonathan,   I’ve attached the official information you asked for I refer to your official information request sent on 29 March 2023 regardi...
Requesting Camera Footage for Maioro Street onramp
Response by Auckland Transport to Gurjeet Singh on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Gurjeet    We are unable to provide you with the information you asked for On 1/04/2023 you asked for CCTV footage for 29 March at about...
Correspondence on Bayswater Avenue Cycleway Deferral
Follow up sent to Auckland Transport by Chris Werry on .
Long overdue.
In addition to the correspondence I would also like copies of any minutes from meetings where the decision was made to defer the project. Thank yo...
Chip seal surface on Mozeley Avenue 0624
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Iron_in_the_soul on .
Long overdue.
Under the Official Information Act of 1982 I require answers to the following in regard to the new chip seal surface laid on Mozeley Avenue in March...
Eastern Busway
Response by Auckland Transport to Steve Hall on .
Kia ora Steve    I’ve attached the official information you asked for On 20/02/23  you asked for information about the cost to purchase houses o...
Auckland transport has provided a response to this request on another request of mine. Please find here:
My car was broken into on 27 February on Princess Street, Auckland opposite the Science Building of Auckland University. Near the intersection of We...
Historical bus location and time information
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Anita Wu on .
Long overdue.
I'd like to request the following: - A dataset with attributes the same as the "combined feed" in AT developer portal, including parameters like d...
Can I please have any CCTV Footage from a collision between a black Nissan Lafesta with registration MQT909 and a black Great Wall X200 station wago...
Good morning Christine, Unfortunately this is the only camera in the immediate vicinity and it is in a fixed position. I am sorry we are unable to a...
Request CCTV Footage - Auckland CBD - 6:45 pm - 6:55 pm, 7/4/2019
Response by Auckland Transport to Tyra Duong on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Kia Ora Tyra   The Auckland Transport Operations Centre have downloaded the camera footage taken at the junction of Wellesley Street East and Kitc...
I am please to request for a copy of CCTV footage. Today on 1st of March 2023, around 8:55 am onwards on Constellation Drive Road in front of Tow...
Cctv footage of a motorcycle hitting side mirror of my car
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Imran Azlan on .
Long overdue.
Today on 28/02/2023, a motorcycle hit my side mirror around 5:30 pm just passed Auckland bridge before exit 419. I was unable to stop on state highw...
I am requesting a CCTV footage of a black Subaru forrester speeding from the point england reserve towards the round about and turning left on Erina...
CCTV footage crime in the middle of around 170 Te irirange Drive
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Yue Ma on .
Long overdue.
Could you help me to check CCTV footage at nearby 170 Te irirangi Drive towards manukau on 17/02/2023 6:20-6:30am A guy was probably on alcoholic...
Ticketing change before National Ticketing Solution
Response by Auckland Transport to Felix Lee on .
Kia ora Felix,   I’ve attached the official information you asked for I refer to your official information request dated 23 January 2023 regarding...
An assault
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Ken on .
Long overdue.
i would like to request an assault that happened on Friday 13th January between 8-9 PM on the motor way side of the station It was a two boys with...
AT Auckland Cycle Model Review and Validation
Response by Auckland Transport to Darren Conway on .
Partially successful.
Dear Darren   Thank you for the email below regarding the redactions under section 9(2)(j) of the Official Information Act 1982 that have been app...
Kia ora Anatole    I’ve attached the official information you asked for On 15/11/2021 you asked for information regarding how the Regional Land...
Waiheke ferry service database
Response by Auckland Transport to J Diprose on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe J Diprose Thank you for your request for information. Please see attached our response. Please note you have the right to request a revie...
Kia ora Mason   I’ve attached the official information you asked for On 11/11/2022 you asked for information relating to ANPR data.   I’ve at...
Car Park Statistics in the City centre
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Adam Parkinson on .
Can you please provide the latest available stats (I already have stats from 2019), for the number of car parks in the city centre. I appreciate...
Cancelled bus services
Request sent to Auckland Transport by N Humphries on .
Long overdue.
It was widely reported in the media this week that AT plans to cut a large number of bus services to reduce cancellations. Please can you provide a...
CCTV footage request
Response by Auckland Transport to Manoj Pandey on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Manoj   Please find attached the response to your request of 12^th October 2022 for information under the Official Information Act 1982....

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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