Auckland Transport
A top 10 most requested agency
If you have not received an acknowledgement to a request to AT, please contact us. We will confirm that email was delivered, and assist however we can. Many requests until April 2024 appeared to be dropped within AT's email security system, but the issue now appears resolved.
751 requests
(page 7)
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
I want to find the earliest footage and clearest footage
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Sam on .
Long overdue.
I had my vehicle stolen on the 21st of June 2021 and I want the earliest footage of it around universal drive as I am chellanging the police’s deci...
Information of road corridor at 35 Kohimarama Rd - CAS-287454-C4M2F3
Response by Auckland Transport to Robert Aikman on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon Robert,
We are unable to provide you with the information you asked for
On 19 July 2021 you asked for information about the agre...
Cost of St Heliers road and related works
Response by Auckland Transport to Doug Armstrong on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Doug,
My name is Cameron and I’m a LGOIMA Business Partner at Auckland
Transport. I’m responsible for looking into the official informatio...
Can you please provide me a CCTV which occured on the 3rd of July (Saturday) at around 12 noon to 1pm regarding an accident at state hway 1 just befor...
Impact on traffic congestion & carbon emissions of proposed roading changes in Mission Bay
Response by Auckland Transport to R Jones on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora R Jones,
My name is Cameron and I’m a LGOIMA Business Partner at Auckland
Transport. I’m responsible for looking into the official informa...
CCTV footage from state highway 16
Response by Auckland Transport to Grace on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Grace,
Waka Kotahi (NZTA) Has confirmed that there is no footage of the incident. From my understanding, the older footage has been automatically o...
Dear William,
We are unable to provide you with the information you asked for.
On 6/05/2021 you asked for CCTV footage for an incident on...
Request for CCTV footage at signal
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Kimberley Coutinho on .
Long overdue.
I am writing to request for street camera footage on 17/05/2021 between 4:30 pm to 5 pm on Richardson road near the signal at the Stoddard road and...
Street camera footage requests
Request sent to Auckland Transport by Steph Y. on .
Reported for administrator attention.
I am writing to request for street camera footage dated 01/05/2021 between 10am to 12pm on Mahia Rd coming from Great South Rd headed towards the ro...
CCTV Footage request- Greenlane East-Great South Road Intersection Auckland on 11/03/21 between 0605-0625 AM
Response by Auckland Transport to Irene Fernandez on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Irene,
My name is Cameron and I’m a LGOIMA Business Partner at Auckland
Transport. I’m responsible for looking into the official informati...
I am wanting to know how long CCTV footage is kept for?
I was in a car accident on Monday January 4th 2021 at 11.27pm at the intersection of William...
COVID-19 'Be Kind' and 'Unite Against COVID-19' LED Trailer Road Signs
Response by Auckland Transport to A Croft on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora A Croft,
My name is Cameron and I’m a LGOIMA Business Partner at Auckland
Transport. I’m responsible for looking into the official informa...
CCTV Footage - Car Accident on Te Irirangi Drive near the 447 Te Irirangi Drive Motorway Exit
Response by Auckland Transport to Marina Vainerere on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Marina
We are unable to provide you with the information you asked for
On 28/01/2021 you asked for CCTV footage.
I'm sorry...
Kia ora Ryan
On 21/01/2021 you asked for CCTV footage.
I'm sorry to hear of the incident. The Auckland Transport Operations
Centre have...
Presentations related to RLTP 2021
Follow up sent to Auckland Transport by Nicholas Lee on .
Long overdue.
This request has not be fulfilled.
Specifically I made this request: " Can you make sure to provide meeting documents and notes from the w...
Agendas and Minutes St Heliers and Mission Bay Safety Improvement Working Groups (2020)
Response by Auckland Transport to Isaac M on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Isaac
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 2/09/2020 you asked for minutes and agendas for St Heliers and Missi...
CCTV Queen Street X Victoria St
Response by Auckland Transport to Danilo dos Santos Victor on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Danilo,
Your request for CCTV footage
On 26 October 2020 you asked for CCTV footage at the Queen Street/Victoria
Street inter...
Kia ora Maggie
We are unable to provide you with the information you asked for
On 22/09/2020 you asked for CCTV footage.
I'm sorry to...
Car crash at Bush road and Albany hwy intersection
Follow up sent to Auckland Transport by James on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Varsha,
Thanks for the second look. You been very helpful and a pleasure to deal with
Yours sincerely,
Kia ora Alex
I’ve attached the official information you asked for
On 13/07/2020 you asked for information about fare evasions.
Further Information about 'Parking Officer A'
Response by Auckland Transport to Mark Dunn on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Mark,
My name is Cameron and I’m a LGOIMA Business Partner at Auckland
Transport. I’m responsible for looking into the official informatio...
CCTV footage - Car Accident Red Stop/Go lights on Oteha Valley South Bound on ramp to the Auckland - Waiwera Motorway.
Response by Auckland Transport to Michael Skellern on .
Awaiting classification.
Good Morning Michael,
I have been advised by NZTA that they also have a request for this
footage. As two duplicate requests have been made, NZTA...
Please provide us with the following information.
1. Extra revenue generated due to the extension time of bus lanes on Broadway, Khyber Pass Road,...
Request for CCTV Footage regarding incident at traffic lights St Lukes rd/NW Motorway off-ramp 16/3/20
Response by Auckland Transport to Fiona MacBride on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Fiona,
Thank you for requesting CCTV footage on the 16/03/2020. I am sorry to
hear your car was damaged.
I have checked with our Camera Op...
CCTV Footage - Albany High Way & Schnapper Rock Conjunction
Response by Auckland Transport to Tina Zhang on .
Awaiting classification.
Good Afternoon Tina,
We are unable to provide you with the information you asked for.
On 18/02/2020 you asked for CCTV footage for the inte...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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