John Creser
Joined FYI in 2012
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This person's 36 Official Information requests
Why has the Twitter Account @CourtsofNZ blocked @fakepersoninja
Response by Aupito William Sio to John Creser on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Mr Creser
Thank you for your further email, as the information you are requesting is Court record we cannot transfer your request to the Minis...
Which of the two decisions in Court of Appeal CA 193/03 do you consider correct ?
Response by Kris Faafoi to John Creser on .
Awaiting classification.
Note that the First Investment Chartered Bank South Africa, ABSA Bank of South Africa and the City of Shelton Washington have received the...
New Zealand police threshold for prosecuting assaults on children
Response by Poto Williams to John Creser on .
Waiting clarification.
Kia ora John
Please find attached response to your OIA request from the Hon Poto
Williams, Associate Minister for Children.
Ngā mihi,...
Which of the two decisions in Court of Appeal CA 193/03 do you consider correct ?
Response by David Parker to John Creser on .
Long overdue.
Dear John Creser
Please find attached a letter from Hon David Parker.
Kind regards
Office of Hon David Parker
The reasons as per s3.2 of Justice Committee minutes dated 12 August 2021 for not taking further action on petition 87688
Follow up sent to Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives by John Creser on .
Waiting clarification.
Thank you for your request for clarification and I accept you were discussing the minutes referring to the provision of the reasons rather than the...
Archivist's policy to combat fraud and corruption
Request to Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga by John Creser. Annotated by John Creser on .
The Chief Archivist's letter of 6 October 2021 here and
Confirmation of a lack of policy to combat fraudulent record kee...
Which of the two decisions in Court of Appeal CA 193/03 do you consider correct ?
Response by Aupito William Sio to John Creser on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Aupito William Sio, Minister
for Pacific Peoples, Minister for Courts, Associate Minister of Justice,
New Zeala Police threshold for acting on a complaint of assaulting a child
Response by Stuart Nash to John Creser on .
Dear John
OIA REQUEST: New Zeala Police threshold for acting on a complaint of assaulting a child.
We refer to your official information request of 2...
Referral of request to Standing Orders Committee
Request to Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives by John Creser. Annotated by John Creser on .
Partially successful.
RE: Official Information request - Request for the report of petition 87688 dated 1 April 2021 and 12August 2021
The following response from David Wi...
Request for the report of petition 87688 dated 1 April 2021 and 14 August 2021
Follow up sent to Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives by John Creser on .
Partially successful.
Please change date on request from 14 to 12 August 1021.
Yours faithfully,
John Creser
Information redacted from Petitions Subcommittee Minutes dated 1 April 2021
Request to Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives by John Creser. Annotated by John Creser on .
Thank you for your advice on the standing orders, I'd believed the process to be a little more transparent. The following is what really concerns me ab...
How does a petitioner obtain help to collect evidence or assist in any way as is promoted by your parliamentary website.
Request sent to Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives by John Creser on .
Long overdue.
How does a petitioner obtain help to collect evidence or assist in any way as is promoted by your parliamentary website.
I remain concerned that t...
All the information collected and disseminated by the Justice Select Committee in petition 87688
Follow up sent to Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives by John Creser on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for the minutes for petition 87699. I note from the minutes dated 1 April 2021 that the committee at part 15.1 instructed the secretariat...
Picture taken by Virginia Ruby Andersen of John Creser and message sent to Justice Commitee Secretariat confirming request to present oral submission in Petition 87688
Follow up sent to Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives by John Creser on .
Partially successful.
Thank you for your reply concerning my request for the text message the chairperson of the Justice Committee advised me she was sending a text to th...
Does a court registrar or lawyer act fraudulently when materially altering court records ?
Clarification sent to Serious Fraud Office by John Creser on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for responding to my request and the suggestion I make a formal complaint concerning the alteration and concealment of the Court of Appeal...
Archivist's policy to assess compliance with record keeping requirements under the Public Records Act 2005
Response by Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga to John Creser on .
Long overdue.
Tçnâ koe John,
Thank you for your OIA request to the Department of Internal Affairs (included below.
The Department will provide its response to you...
Which of the two decisions in Court of Appeal CA 193/03 do you consider correct ?
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to John Creser on .
Long overdue.
Tēnā koe
Thank you for emailing the Department of the Prime Minister and
Cabinet (DPMC), including the National Emergency Management
Agency (N...
Which of the two decisions in Court of Appeal CA 193/03 do you consider correct ?
Response by Willie Jackson to John Creser on .
Long overdue.
Tçnâ koe
Thank you for contacting the office of Hon Willie Jackson, Minister for
Mâori Development, Associate Minister for ACC and Associate Ministe...
Who was the registrar responsible for signing the final judgement of the Court of Appeal CA 193/03 dated 14 October 2003
Response by Ministry of Justice to John Creser on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for contacting the Official Information Act request mailbox for
the Ministry of Justice. We will endeavour to respond to your email within...
Why was the final Judgement in CA193/03 [2003] concealed until 2015 ?
Response by Ministry of Justice to John Creser on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for contacting the Official Information Act request mailbox for
the Ministry of Justice. We will endeavour to respond to your email within...
What is the Privacy Commissioners policy on fraud and corruption ?
Follow up sent to Privacy Commissioner by John Creser on .
Partially successful.
Tara Reynolds, Acting Manager
Investigations & Dispute Resolution Team
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Hello Tara,...
Can solicitors appear for both sides before the courts?
Follow up sent to Ministry of Justice by John Creser on .
Long overdue.
Here is the email sent to day which explains the reasons for this request.
The documents attached to this email are now subject to a petition- htt...
Records of correspondence in bankruptcy 808723
Response by David Parker to John Creser on .
Partially successful.
Dear John Creser
Please find attached a letter regarding your OIA request received on 19
May 2019.
Kind regards
Office of Hon David...
Ministry of Justice guidelines for recording court judgments
Response by Andrew Little to John Creser on .
Waiting clarification.
Hi John,
Please find attached your OIA 75440 response.
Kind regards, Jerram
[1]Description: Description: Description: Jerram Watt...
Qualifications of General Manager Ross van der Schyff
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to John Creser on .
Dear Mr Creser
Please find attached a letter in regards to your Official Information Act
request dated 3 July 2017.
Kind regards,
This person's 20 annotations
Archivist's policy to combat fraud and corruption
Request to Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga by John Creser. Annotated by John Creser on .
The Chief Archivist's letter of 6 October 2021 here and
Confirmation of a lack of policy to combat fraudulent record kee...
Which of the two decisions in Court of Appeal CA 193/03 do you consider correct ?
Awaiting classification.
To: John Creser
Kris Faafoi
Referral of request to Standing Orders Committee
Request to Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives by John Creser. Annotated by John Creser on .
Partially successful.
RE: Official Information request - Request for the report of petition 87688 dated 1 April 2021 and 12August 2021
The following response from David Wi...
Request for the report of petition 87688 dated 1 April 2021 and 14 August 2021
Request to Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives by John Creser. Annotated by John Creser on .
Partially successful.
NB; Please change date on request from 14 to 12 August 1021.
Information redacted from Petitions Subcommittee Minutes dated 1 April 2021
Request to Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives by John Creser. Annotated by John Creser on .
Thank you for your advice on the standing orders, I'd believed the process to be a little more transparent. The following is what really concerns me ab...
2011 Referals to Police
Reported for administrator attention.
Hi Joshua,
I'm still distributing material in election booths , on election day. Last years offering was on law society letterhead but as you probabl...
Which of the two decisions in Court of Appeal CA 193/03 do you consider correct ?
Awaiting classification.
Leanne Cubitt <>
Mon, Sep 6, 10:14 AM (7 days ago)
Hi John
I am responding on Greg’s behalf. Unfortunately once a p...
Which of the two decisions in Court of Appeal CA 193/03 do you consider correct ?
Awaiting classification.
John Creser
Attachments5:40 PM (6 minutes ago)
to greg.o'connor, Leanne
Hello Leanne,
Thanks for your email and your advice from Greg O'Connor,...
RE: PR01865 - Petition 87688 / Fraud on the Court
Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan
On behalf of Minister Radhakrishnan, thank you for your email....
Which of the two decisions in Court of Appeal CA 193/03 do you consider correct ?
Awaiting classification.
TO: Barbara Edmonds
MP for Mana
Dear Barbara,
I've received a notification from your office that you've referred my request to Mr Faafoi.
Archivist's policy to combat fraud and corruption
Request to Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga by John Creser. Annotated by John Creser on .
Archives New Zealand has confirmed its incapable or unwilling of ensuring accurate records are maintained by the Justice Department because they are co...
Complaints or other Allegations Made Against Justice Rhys Harrison
Information not held.
If you need help assistance creating false financial records or altering Court documents- Rhys Harrison’s expertise in this area has been finely honed...
What are the specific provisions of the Insolvency Act 2006 that override the Set-Off Act 1729-35
Long overdue.
Ministry of Economic Development lawyer Grant Slevin, today rejected requests for further information about the policies adopted by the Official Assign...
The refusal to answer this request has been referred to the Office of the Ombudsman.
The question in my view cannot be considered frivolous. It concer...
The legal position concerning the trustee’s limited power to act before probate is clearly expressed in the ninth edition of Nevil's Law of Trusts "ISB...
Operation in New Zealand of Insolvent Debtors Relief Act 1729
Information not held.
The right to Statutory set-off is contained in the Insolvent Debtors Relief Act 1729 and the Debts Relief Amendment Act 1735, known together as the Sta...
Are debts owed by a legatee to the executor of an estate provable in bankruptcy
Partially successful.
The right to Statutory set-off is contained in the Insolvent Debtors Relief Act 1729 and the Debts Relief Amendment Act 1735, known together as the Sta...
The OA has responded by text message from no:642199320261255 that this request cannot be answered, please advise which parties are bankrupt,whether or...
Are debts owed by a legatee to the executor of an estate provable in bankruptcy
Partially successful.
The Minister for Commerce Craig Foss has answered a written question and advised that the Official Assignee has no right to over-ride the Set-Off Act 1...
2011 Referals to Police
Reported for administrator attention.
Hi there, I'm most disapointed too, I've not heard squat from the Electoral Commission either, what does it take to get arrested in this town these day...