Requests similar to 'Library wage levels'
Dear R Leveson
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request – Library
Employment Information – Response
1. Further t...
Hi R Leveson
Please see below the answers to your questions. It is difficult to answer
your questions specifically as we have many customer del...
Kia ora R Leveson
Please find attached a response to your query
MARTY SEBIRE | Corporate Services Manager| CARTERTON D...
Good morning
Please find answers to your information request as follows:
- the number of people employed in your public library service....
Dear R Leveson
Thank you for your request made under the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA), dated 27 June 201...
Hello R Leveson,
The answers to your questions are provided below:
· The number of people employed in your public library? 15
· ...
Please find attached a response to your request for Official Information
from David Clapperton, Chief Executive.
Ngâ mihi
Dear R Leveson
We attach our response to your request related to library wage levels.
Kind regards
Sarah Nichols | Governance Manager...
Dear Mr Leveson
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act request – Library
Wage levels – Response
1. Further to your...
R Leveson
By email only to: [FOI #8186 email]
Dear R Leveson
Official Information Request 3897647
Thank you for your enquir...
Dear R Leveson,
Thank you for your email, received on June 29th 2018. You requested the
following information, under the Local Government Offici...
Dear R Leveson,
Further to your information request of 29 June 2018 in respect of the
below, I am now able to provide Hamilton City Council’s re...
The response for the attached LGMOIA request is now overdue. By law I should have received a response before July 31 2018.
Yours faithfully,
R L...
Please note that the below LGMOIA request is now nearly a month overdue. I will be complaining to the ombudsman if I don't receive a response by Mon...
The attached LGMOIA request is now overdue. By law I should have received a response by August 1 2018.
Yours faithfully,
R Leveson
July 04, 20...
Please note that the below request is now nearly a week overdue.
Yours faithfully,
R Leveson
July 05, 2018
Dear Otorohanga District Council,...
Dear R Leveson
I refer to your official information request of 11 July 2018 [reference
COP002362] seeking information on library wage levels. ...
Please note that the below LGMOIA request is now over a month overdue. I will be complaining to the ombudsman if I don't receive a response by Monda...
This is a reminder that a response to the below request is due on Friday. I am yet to receive an acknowledgment that you have received it.
Yours f...
Please note that the below OIA request is now nearly a week overdue. By law I should have received a response by August 03, 2018.
Yours faithfully...
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find attached the official information request details, as requested in your e-mail dated 8 July 2018 regarding Library Staff Wa...
Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service be...
Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service be...
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service being paid less tha...
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service being paid less tha...