Library wage levels

R Leveson made this Official Information request to Whanganui District Council

The request was successful.

From: R Leveson

Dear Whanganui District Council,

Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service being paid less than $20.55 per hour.
- the number of people in your public library service employed for 40 hours per week.

Yours faithfully,

R Leveson

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From: R Leveson

Dear Whanganui District Council,

Please note that the below LGMOIA request is now nearly a month overdue. I will be complaining to the ombudsman if I don't receive a response by Monday.

Yours faithfully,

R Leveson

July 11, 2018
Dear Whanganui District Council,

Please supply:
- the number of people employed in your public library service.
- the number of people employed in your public library service being paid less than $20.55 per hour.
- the number of people in your public library service employed for 40 hours per week.

Yours faithfully,

R Leveson

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From: Eva Osborne
Whanganui District Council

Hello R Leveson,

Apologies for the late response regarding your below LGOIMA. I am working on having the request fast-tracked and answered by one of our officers ASAP.

Can you please let me know if this email reaches you as it's a peculiar email address and no phone number was been provided.

Kindest Regards,
Eva Osborne.

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From: R Leveson

Kia ora Eva Osborne,

Yes I have received the response.

Yours sincerely,

R Leveson

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Things to do with this request

Whanganui District Council only: