Requests similar to 'Rental housing warrant of fitness - article in NZDoctor'

Misconduct complaints against the Dean of Law, Mark Henaghan
Response by University of Otago to K Gillies on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ms Gillies, On 6 March 2018, I indicated that I would reply in due course to the further requests you made by your second email of 5 March. F...
Status of Rental Warrant of Fitness
Response by Dunedin City Council to A O'Sullivan on .
A O'Sullivan [1][mailto:[FYI request #3910 email]]   Dear Mr/Ms O'Sullivan, Official information request for information about a possible renta...
New Zealand Rural Origins sub-category
Response by University of Otago to B. McIlroy on .
Dear Mr/Ms McIlroy, Please find attached the University's response to your Official Information request as outlined below. Sincerely, Jan A Flood Re...
Dear Mr Brooke, Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information request. Sincerely, Jan Flood Registrar UNIVERS...
Dear Ms Barker, Further to my earlier email, I have just been advised that the staff member's absence is likely to be prolonged. It would be helpful...
It has been publicly announced that Wellington City Council is to introduce a Rental Warrant of Fitness. Please provide a copy of minutes in whic...
Students and Depression Ration of Counselling 1998-2018
Response by University of Otago to K Gillies on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ms Gillies We invited you to clarify your request of 24 April 2018 but have not received a response. As far as we can ascertain the information...
Request for suicide prevention and postvention policy.
Response by University of Otago to Corinda Taylor on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ms Taylor   I refer to your request for "any policy material in connection with suicide prevention and postvention for students and staff to en...
Applications to AEC
Response by University of Otago to Tara Jackson on .
A response to an identical request received by the University on 20 September 2017 has been provided directly to Ms Jackson at NZAVS. Sincerely, Jan...
A response has been provided directly to Ms Mitchell. Sincerely, Jan Flood Registrar
Dear Ms Allison Please see attached the University of Otago's response to your Official Information request. Sincerely Jan Flood Registrar Internat...
Removal of Critic Magazine
Response by University of Otago to Nigel Jones on .
Dear Mr Jones,   I respond to your official information request of 22 May 2018 as follows:   The University did not receive any complaints about Is...
This is one of three requests relating to University of Otago Student Fees received from Lillian Ward. A response to all three has been sent directly t...
This is one of three requests relating to University of Otago Student Fees received from Lillian Ward. A response to all three has been sent directly t...
Misconduct complaints against Law Faculty Staff
Response by University of Otago to K Gillies on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ms Gillies, There have been no complaints of this nature about any Law Faculty staff. There is no correspondence to any Law Faculty staff urging...
Dear Ms A O’Sullivan On 17 December 2018, your request "For the most recent annual figures, could you please advise the average income related rent...
A response has been provided directly to Mr Higham at the Critic Office, OUSA.   Sincerely,   Jan Flood Registrar   --------------------...
A response has been provided directly to Ms Mitchell. Sincerely, Jan Flood Registrar
Vice Chancellor's Salary
Response by University of Otago to J James on .
Dear J James, In the 2015-2016 year, the Vice-Chancellor's salary was in the $590,000 to $599,999 band. In that year the Vice-Chancellor received two...
New Zealand Rural Origins sub-category
Response by University of Otago to Samantha on .
Dear Samantha Please find attached the University's response to your Official Information request as outlined below. Sincerely, Jan A Flood Registra...
Thompson & Clark
Response by University of Otago to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex In response to your email of 19 June 2018, I advise that the University of Otago has not identified any information relating to, or provided...
Dear Mr Ingram, My apologies for not responding to you by yesterday's due date. The University's decision on this request is that it will provide the...
Dear Ms Enright, The University of Otago has stated that CCTV footage will not be used for addressing non-criminal student behaviour under the Univers...
Dear Mr James, The University has not obtained any legal advice relating to this matter. Sincerely, Jan Flood Registrar
Dear Mr Higham, In response to your Official Information request of 7 April 2016, I advise as follows: The University has the following investments....